Soul Of Negary

Chapter 310 - : Edge of tomorrow

Chapter 310: Vol4 Ch35: Edge of tomorrow

Translator: La0o9 

For the Ultra Space-Time Squad, the Tower of Babel event was something that must occur, but at the same time, they needed to assure that no one would be able to use the Tower of Babel to become a real God.


For that reason, both the undead and the Dino Sapiens must be weakened as much as possible. They were secretly manipulating both sides in the shadows, ensuring that the undead and the Dino Sapiens would clash and eventually kill one another off.


With a cigarette in her mouth, Constantine was swiftly fleeing, accompanying her were Major Tom Cage who piloted his exoskeleton, as well as the cold-faced T-800.


Behind them, several shadows could be seen on their pursuit, one of the main targets of their operation, the undead tribe.


While running, Major Cage suddenly grabbed Constantine by the hips, then leapt upwards. Right ahead of where they were, two undeads suddenly appeared from the ground, erupting with a burst of blood aura that the two barely managed to dodge.


T-800, on the other hand, didn’t get such treatment. Although Constantine was foul-mouthed and bisexual, she was still a woman, so she had that privilege. On the other hand, T-800 was just a robot whose job was physical labor and main transport for the anomalies they brought, so Major Cage wouldn’t take the time to take care of him.


After breaking through the ground and losing their targets, the two undead turned their attention towards this person who had no vitality. Without much hesitation, the two undeads chose to attack, their sharp nails plunging into T-800 and ripping his artificial skin, revealing the metallic material beneath.


Having Rip and The Doctor in their team with the ability to observe the world’s timeline from the outside, the Ultra Space-Time Squad knew very well what kind of abilities the undead would develop and what methods could be used to counteract them, so they naturally came prepared with very specific personnel for each mission.


T-800 raised his shotgun, firing two shots towards the two undeads. Having gone through special treatment, the bullets caused the two undeads to howl as their bodies slowly became petrified.


The robot’s expression was indifferent, quickly following orders to keep running after escaping from the two undeads. Their job was to lead the undead to a specified location, not fight against them.


“T-800, 8 o’clock, use the #3 rounds” Major Cage gave another order. The robot immediately loaded another bullet into his shotgun without hesitation, then turned his body and fired towards the 8 o’clock direction.


Right as an undead leapt forward and was about to spit something out, it was immediately struck by the special bullet. The outermost layer of the bullet was rubbed off by air friction, quickly bursting into flames as it exited the gun barrel. Not only did the undead get caught in the fire, but the thing in its mouth was also ignited and turned into a thick cloud of smoke.


“Died again?” landing on the ground, Constantine casually asked Major Cage.


“Hm” quite obviously, Major Cage didn’t have any intentions of talking about his most recent death: “Swallow your next words, that kind of crap is just going to mess with my judgement”


“How was the feeling of climaxing before death?” Constantine swallowed her next words, but she still smirked triumphantly. If Major Cage had to specifically tell her that, her words had obviously made him nauseated not just once, but probably many times.


If Rip and The Doctor were able to observe the general bigger picture of the timeline from the outside, then Major Tom Cage with Mystic Blood flowing through his veins was able to observe the short-term future.


However, this observation method wasn’t particularly pleasant. As long as the Mystic Blood still resided within Cage’s body, he would return to the morning of the day he died. Since revival had no limits, Cage was able to take advantage of himself dying over and over again to understand every single last detail of each day.


Silently glaring at Constantine, Cage skillfully piloted his exoskeleton to turn a corner. The undead’s strength was quite a bit above their expectations. They had expected the undead tribe to be just a minor player in the grand scheme of things due to the Mi clan and Mi tribe’s suppression, never did they think so many undeads would be attracted to the news of Xu Fu’s current location.


[You’re here, up ahead] hearing Black Widow’s voice from the other side of the communicator, everyone here vanished, causing the large number of undeads and the pursuing Dino Sapiens to run into each other.


The Ultra Space-Time Squad was trying to change the future, rejecting the formation of an established timeline. In order to not receive any backlash, they tried to guide the course of the world without actually interfering with it most of the time; but to alter the future and ensure a timeline where humanity ruled, they couldn’t only rely on just passive guidance.


Through observing the timeline, they knew where certain Space-Time disasters, in this case, a Temporal Explosions, would occur; so they led the enemies to that location, then had Rip and The Doctor tamper with the Temporal Explosions. For example, a disaster that would have occurred 7 years in the future was prematurely detonated through their interference in the timeline.


“That undead with the headband, and the orange Dino Sapiens with the metal chest piece” Major Cage began to take a headcount. While they were taking advantage of a disaster that would have occurred, either way, their interference in the event was not inconsiderable, so the timeline would still attempt to snap back. If they didn’t have Cage’s consecutive revivals to ensure the plan was foolproof, any of the individuals he had pointed out had a chance to ruin their entire set-up.


Constantine nodded. As a grandmaster of Mysticism, she didn’t like to use magic to solve every little issue. She believed that any use of magic had its own terrible consequences, so if possible, she preferred to use schemes, conjectures, investigations, transactions, and even tricks to solve her troubles. However, now was the time for her to use actual magic.


“I prefer not to be turned into a man. When it comes time to do the deed, being a woman feels so much better” Constantine took out a few voodoo dolls, carefully remembered the faces of the undeads and Dino Sapiens Cage had pointed out, then began performing her magic.


Not preferring to use magic didn’t mean that Constantine was an amateur at it. On the contrary, she was actually the top magus out of all the modern-age magi. She once used to be a part of the SCR Foundation’s list of uncontained anomalies, but now she was the SCR Foundation’s consultant of Mysticism.


Her connections also played a role, but the most important reason for this was the fact that she was so powerful that the SCR Foundation would incur unacceptable losses by forcefully containing her, thus reaching the compromise of accepting her as their consultant as being the method of ‘containment’.


She was an expert in the mystic arts of every culture, age, and locations on Earth, capable of flexibly utilizing them at will. The individuals that Major Cage had pointed out quickly became victims of a curse, either becoming stunned or stupefied, no longer fit to do much.


However, after performing her magic, Constantine scowled, she sensed that something was off, quickly identifying what it was.


My spell-casting abilities felt like they had deteriorated, but that can’t be true, the spell worked as intended.


As the group of Dino Sapiens and undeads were about to tear each other apart, an irresistible force began to pull on them, followed by an abrupt explosion that caused all matter to collapse upon itself. None of the undeads or Dino Sapiens here managed to endure this force, the few undeads and Dino Sapiens that had the ability to notice the explosion or even escape from it were already singled out and placed under Constantine’s curse.


From the middle of the explosion, a phone booth appeared. The Doctor was using his Sonic Screwdriver to stabilize the surrounding temporal structure and halted the explosion slightly before pulling the other members of the Ultra Space-Time Squad into the phone booth, escaping the disaster.

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