Soul Of Negary

Chapter 321 - Vol4 Ch46: The battle called Breakthrough (1)

Chapter 321: Vol4 Ch46: The battle called Breakthrough (1)

Strictly speaking, within the 8888 parallel worlds, there were altogether 13.68 billion True Spirits, with each of the souls derived from those spirits having the potential to break through the world’s limit.

However, during the process of maturity, a soul would have to face numerous choices, meaning that they weren’t usually pure, and such a soul would find it next to impossible to break through the limit.

Within the 8888 parallel worlds, there were 1325 versions of Xu Fu who still retained their rationality and intelligence; and among these 1325 versions, 325 of them began on the same footing, which was to obtain the stone demon mask at the same time, becoming the heir to the living statues timeline.

However, out of them all, only a single Xu Fu had the courage to stand and face Negary, even if what he faced was merely a shadow of Negary.

“I see, so this is the Heartless Sin of the undead, huh?” Mi Ze arms and legs were both slightly twitching as he got used to the power brought by this Fruit of Sin.

A kind of understanding appeared in his mind: only by ending the future of the undead would these Sins disappear and this world truly belongs to humanity, otherwise, Revelation would fully manifest and destroy this world.

“It seems I have no choice but to fully exert myself” Mi Ze smiled with narrowed eyes as a hole slowly opened in his chest.

The fusion of these Fruits of Sin was not random. Mi Ze was a member of Mi Liang’s direct line of descendants, so from the moment of his birth, he had to shoulder the grand mission of eradicating the undead from this world. However, Mi Ze didn’t know what he truly wanted, despite his happy-go-lucky demeanor, he was actually a completely empty person inside, which perfectly fit the Sin of Heartless.

On the other hand, Mi Yi was a person capable of sacrificing everything for his ambitions. He actively converted himself into a sterile undead, betting his everything on a single opportunity to stand above it all with failure meaning death, which fit the Sin of Ceaseless.

From his name alone, anyone could infer that Central Fu was the heir of the Central clan, the remnants of the Central tribe from a thousand years ago. His clan had always harbored the thoughts of reclaiming the Central tribe’s glory, once again becoming the common ruler of the entire world. They hoped that one day, their bloodline would once again awaken the Divine flame.

And Central Fu just happened to awaken a fire manipulating ability when he was young; although it was a normal flame rather than the Divine flame, the Central clan still considered him to be their hope of reclaiming their glory, thus changing his name to ‘Fu'[1].

His reason for coming to the royal capital this time was to stir up a disturbance, causing the newly-formed Empire to collapse and allow their Central clan to rebuild their forces within the ensuing war, once again putting the world under their rule.

But to only speak of the clan’s glory without understanding the bigger picture was being foolish and clueless, so Central Fu fused with the Fruit of Ignorance.

All three of them turned to Xu Fu. Without uttering a single word, combat instantly ensued. Intense flames erupted from both of Central Fu’s arms, which gave off invisible fluctuations almost like the air was being warped by the intense heat.

These fluctuations caused Xu Fu to scowl, each wave of this fluctuation was attacking his thoughts themselves, placing him in an intoxicated-like state where he could trip over himself with the slightest mistake.

Mi Yi rushed straight towards Xu Fu. Having fused with a Fruit of Sin, his strength had undergone a qualitative change: Xu Fu’s near-solid blood aura no longer affected him at all and was easily ripped apart. The Sin that originated from the undead was able to counteract the undead Progenitor.

Xu Fu swiftly stepped back, instantly realizing that Mi Yi was able to nullify the effects of blood aura and proceeded to come up with countermeasures. His vitality surged forwards to strike the ground in front of his feet, causing the dirt and rocks to explode. Under the immense force of his blood aura, they shot like cannonballs towards Mi Yi.

Mi Yi could nullify blood aura, but only the blood aura itself, his Fruit of Sin ability had no effects on other things being affected by blood aura.

Watching the dirt and rocks flying towards him, Mi Yi’s aura circulated around his body, easily transferring his willpower into every inch of his flesh. The Flames of Ambition also burnt brightly around his body, notifying him of every benefit and danger around him, his body acutely avoiding every bit of debris flying towards him as he headed straight towards Xu Fu.

However, what greeted him were the Six Disasters incarnations. These six incarnations were now basically wild beasts, only instinctively using their abilities to attack Mi Yi.

Central Fu’s Fruit of Sin ability was interfering with Xu Fu’s thoughts, making the split souls inside the Six Disasters incarnations no longer have the ability to calculate the most efficient way of using their abilities, nor skillfully use the least effort to produce the greatest effect.

The Six Disasters incarnations now acted like six rabid dogs. Facing six enemies by himself, Mi Yi’s body fluttered and rocked in between their various attacks like a small dingy in the middle of a raging ocean, always in danger of tipping over and sinking.

These six incarnations were originally powerful, especially the Monster Disaster, whose ability didn’t really need calculations in the first place. After disregarding everything else and relying on pure instincts to fight, he had actually become a bit stronger.

Fortunately, Central Fu now came to Mi Yi’s aid, his flames now flickered on all of his limbs. His flames were originally just normal flames, but as his willpower grew stronger, he was able to use the principles of Aura Summation to infuse his flames with his willpower, creating the silver Flames of Belief.

The Six Disasters basically didn’t have the notion of ‘defense’, so the Flames of Belief easily injured them. As the flames continued to rampage, their bodies were swiftly melting away, but as Xu Fu infused more of his vitality through their mutual connection, the Six Disasters’ bodies quickly reformed.

The Monster Disaster directly braved the flames to approach Central Fu, his towering form, as well as the nine irregular heads, were especially ferocious, baring their fangs to chomp down towards Central Fu.

“It seems I’m your opponent now” Mi Ze landed near Xu Fu, the opening in his chest growing increasingly larger.

“Null Point means emptiness, that is the essence of the Null Point technique” Xu Fu’s vitality began to surge towards Mi Ze, only for that blood aura to be absorbed into the opening in Mi Ze’s chest, which manifested as a blood-colored nucleus in mid-air.

“If you’ve defeated me in the future, you must have already resolved my Null Point technique as well” Mi Ze was becoming increasingly excited, the vitality in his chest was instantly ignited and turned into black kinetic energy under Mi Ze’s control. Mi Ze’s fist clad in the kinetic energy was aimed straight at Xu Fu: “Then show me how you solved it!”

As their fists clashed, Xu Fu’s hand became petrified, while Mi Ze’s entire body became stone itself: “Even if you used the Null Point technique to convert my power, it still carries the statue property, so to deal with your Null Point technique, Aura Summation is more than enough”

Xu Fu’s hand detached where it was petrified, then another hand swiftly regrew. While getting accustomed to his new hand, Xu Fu’s blood aura shot several pebbles towards Mi Ze’s statue, attempting to destroy it.

If Mi Ze knew that the Null Point technique had already been resolved, yet still insisted on using it to attack, then he must either be foolish or very sure of himself.

Was Mi Ze foolish?

Not at all, on the contrary, Mi Ze was among the most brilliant people in this world, he merely appeared lazy and nonchalant due to his empty inner self, so he must be hiding some sort of trump card.

As the rocks struck Mi Ze’s statue, they didn’t shatter him as Xu Fu had expected. Instead, they were absorbed into his body the same way that Xu Fu absorbed human flesh.

The statue then slowly opened his eyes and Mi Ze began to move.

Xu Fu opened his eyes wide as Mi Ze had converted into an entity that shouldn’t exist in this world: a living statue. When he used the Null Point technique to absorb blood aura from earlier, he was actually making the preparations to change himself into a different lifeform.

[1] His name is “中央复”, with “中央” meaning Central, and “复” meaning to reclaim, or recover

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