Soul Of Negary

Chapter 341 - : Erroneous spirits and divining by astrology

Chapter 341: Vol5 Ch11: Erroneous spirits and divining by astrology

Translator: La0o9 

Walking to the other side of the bookshelf with the book in his hand, ‘Negary’ didn’t discover anything and subconsciously smirked.


〖 This institute sure is full of troubles 〗


His spirit sense was even stronger than Roger’s, so he recognized that the twisted face that just popped up was different from the source of the foul stench in this institute; quite obviously, that was an abnormality that originated from another source.


〖 These are Errors 〗in that instant, ‘Negary’ gained a sense of understanding.


The Moon Tree world’s original form was now a complete mystery, but when the elves initially moved here, the Moon Tree had modified this world into their new home, after which they stole as much as they could from other worlds to nurture the Moon Tree world.


After that, the seven Gods invaded and took the authorities of this world for themselves, each holding a portion of it in their grasp. Their actions put the world into an unhealthy state of being raised like a cattle farm, which manifested as the unhealthy social structure that the world was currently in.


The Error in the Flame world that resulted in the existence of Evil Spirits were formed by the simple fact that New Deity and Progenitor Dragon did not want to sacrifice themselves to remedy the world’s rules; so a world where nearly all of its authorities had been purposely restrained like the Moon Tree world would naturally produce world-level Errors as well.


〖 Most likely, the original had noticed this very early on 〗


‘Negary’ didn’t inherit any memories regarding this, but if the current him was able to recognize such a thing, the unrestrained original Negary would naturally be able to notice this as well.


〖 And it’s because of this kind of Error that monsters appear so easily in this world, they’re the results of Error 〗


Walking along this bookshelf, ‘Negary’ traced his finger along each book, examining the name of each one.


〖 Theory of Spirit Summoning Rituals 〗


‘Negary’s’ eyes lit up. Obviously, it was this book that caused the abnormalities earlier, and as ‘Negary’s’ gaze focused on it, almost a dozen howling figures appeared from inside the book, displaying the mana hidden within.


As ‘Negary’ opened the book, the spirits appeared to have walked out from the book, surrounding ‘Negary’s’ body, twisting their bodies as their mouths opened wide, seemingly howling or crying out.


The content of the book was quite interesting, it depicted how to use candlelight and mirrors to draw out one’s own spirit; according to the book, a spirit was able to fly, go through walls, see through objects, control things with a thought, as well as create illusions. Particularly powerful spirits might even be able to twist space into a maze that traps people inside permanently without any way to escape.


Even though ‘Negary’ hadn’t completely inherited Negary’s knowledge, he understood very well that only certain aspects of the book’s descriptions were true, with the rest purposely crafted to tempt the reader. If someone truly performed these rituals as instructed by the book, the only outcome would be killing themselves.


〖 The most severe issue is controlling the created spirit; certain things created by oneself will not necessarily respect their ‘father’ 〗’Negary’ muttered as he closed the book in his hand.


This thing was highly interesting, but this wasn’t a good time to be testing it, the Mana Banquet was scheduled to begin tomorrow night, lasting for a total of three days. The first two days of the Mana Banquet consisted of the House of Mages’ mutual displays of magical skills, with the true ‘banquet’ happening on the evening of the final day.


In the past, Great Magus Stim Allenz managed to capture an Evil God, who he imprisoned within the Grand Library. Through numerous magical potions and rituals, he ultimately erased the Evil God’s consciousness, turning it into a living mana generator. The Mana Banquet was, in essence, a charity event where all of the Evil God’s accumulated mana was released at once.


Due to this Evil God’s unique property, the mana they produced could be obtained and used by anyone, which made each Mana Banquet a chance for all mages to indulge themselves. Any Mystic who was able to survive through the night of the Mana Banquet would become massively stronger, some might even be able to peek at the mysticisms behind the Evil God and earn a new unusual ability.


‘Negary will have to excavate the secrets hidden in the Academic City’s unusual changes during these three days, only then would he be able to turn his passive situation into an active one, break the trap waiting for him, and even obtain more benefits for himself.


〖 Something has overlapped with this library at a certain aspect of reality 〗


After investigating for a short while, ‘Negary’ came up with this conjecture, which fit the various rumors behind the Grand Library.


〖 As long as a certain condition is achieved, one would be able to enter the Grand Library. Would that be spirit sense? 〗

〖 No, with my level of spirit sense, if it was truly the access conditions, I would have immediately entered the Grand Library as soon as I set foot into this library 〗


Among the numerous students ‘Negary’ had observed entering and leaving the library, he had seen many of their unique qualities. Some were very well-read, some had an unparalleled level of respect towards books in general, some with potent learning capabilities, as well as those with a strong interest in Mysticism.


However, none of them managed to trigger the conditions to enter the Grand Library. In fact, none of them came even close, because they didn’t trigger any reactions from the part of the Grand Library that overlapped with this place.


‘Negary’ then recalled the people that he knew for a fact had entered the Grand Librarian, which included the snake demon Isrig who had pledged allegiance to him; the Protagonist of this world, Chromie; as well as several others who had joined the Hermit Order in and attempt to discern their special qualities.


〖 Physical factors, mental factors, and environmental factors 〗


According to the words of those who had entered the Grand Library, none of them really understood why they were able to enter it in the first place.


〖 Because he’s the Protagonist, Chromie can be eliminated from the list of references. There’s a large possibility that the will of the Moon Tree led him inside 〗


After removing one possible variable, ‘Negary’ discovered a simple access condition.


〖 An intense yearning for a certain thing? This should only be one of the conditions 〗


‘Negary’ then found a map of the Academic City, which depicted over a hundred institutes and academies littered all around the Academic City.


〖 Isrig entered the Grand Library from the Northwest direction of the Leeson library. The time was the 25th of March, at exactly 11:00 noon. He entered the Grand Library when searching for a smoking area 〗

〖 There are other data, like direction, time, and various elements 〗as ‘Negary’ referenced it with certain mystical astrological knowledge, he discovered the abnormalities and turned to the Mobis Institute on the map, where he currently was.

〖 Southwest direction, first arc on the astrolabe, the corresponding celestial body is the Sun. It is currently August, the weal star is Uranus, corresponding to the Leo constellation. Following its trajectory, Leo will descend on the first arc at 5AM. The element is Fire, with the unique quality being stillness 〗1

〖 At 5AM in Mobis Institute, by using intense yearning as a catalyst and the still flame as the key, open the gate of the Grand Library 〗


‘Negary’ set up his astrolabe in accordance with the Mobis Institute’s location, combining his astrology knowledge with Mysticism to calculate the general opportune time to enter the Grand Library.


Naturally, both Mysticism and astrology were subjects that would change with the passage of time as well as certain other factors, so calculations made with just the human brain would only result in generally accurate answers with some variables. It would normally be best to always use specific tools for these calculations.

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