Soul Of Negary

Chapter 343 - Magic inheritance and lady

Chapter 343: Vol5 Ch13: Magic inheritance and lady

Translator: La0o9 

「 This is a great thing 」Field reached his hand forward to take the bottle of oil and carefully observed it before his body slowly rose back up, no longer concerned about the bottle of corpse oil.

「 That is the refined Mana Source of several mages, if used in conjunction with certain rituals, you’d even be able to inherit certain spells from it 」Field slowly explained: 「 As for how to conduct this ritual, you will have to seek for it using your spirit sense 」


After explaining that, Field’s body followed the writhing black matter and re-entered the ceiling, disappearing as if he had never existed in the first place.


On the other hand, Roger was exceptionally excited.


Finally, I can obtain supernatural powers of my own. My spirit sense alone is no longer enough to deal with the current situation.


“As expected, I am a chosen of Heaven, whenever I run into issues, there will be external forces that provide me aid” Roger took the corpse oil and left the classroom, he was already itching to try it out.


A long while after he left, a head poked out from the ceiling, which was Field’s.


「 Another Mystic has arrived at Mobis? Why did they help Roger, and why did they leave that fatal shortcoming in there? 」Field’s gaze was grim.

「 Ten years, I have been trapped here for ten years, no one will be able to stop me from escaping this place! 」


In a fit of uncontrollable rage, Field angrily shouted. The black matter erupted from the ceiling all over the room, quickly growing around it.

Roger first returned to his dorm, sent his maid away, washed up with cold water, then took out the bottle of corpse oil. He held the bottle with both hands and put it against his forehead, then used his spirit sense to perceive the information inside.


The spirits within quickly rushed out, but as they weren’t complete beings, they couldn’t even form complete sentences. Having already experienced this, Roger wasn’t fearful at all, he carefully listened to something within the corpse oil and quickly obtained the necessary ritual to inherit the magic within the corpse oil.


Ever since he awakened his spirit sense, Roger had collected many Mysticism-related items, which allowed him to quickly begin the ritual.


At each corner of the room, Roger lit up a white candle, then poured a little bit of corpse oil next to each of the candles, using the oil to draw lines that connected right in the middle, then drew a circle around the center point.


Roger sat down on the circle, placing five items around himself, which were respectively a dagger, a bow and arrow, sulfur powder, a piece of a skull, and a blank book.


The candles at the four corners burnt brightly, at the same time, a strange smell began to fill the room from the corpse oil, causing Roger to gradually fall into a state of half-delirium.


In this state, he was clearly able to see the spirits that lingered around him, displaying their true appearances to him.


The four of them as well as their deaths could be seen from the state of their spirits. The first spirit had a large wound on their neck, most likely from a knife or dagger; in his delirious state, Roger noticed that the spirit picked up the dagger that he had prepared earlier and swung it at his neck.


A clear sensation of pain radiated through Roger’s body. At this point, every thought of gaining power or magic had disappeared from his mind, the pain and his fear of death were urging him to run away, only for him to discover that he could no longer control his body.


After slashing him once, the spirit slowly entered Roger’s body through his wound, followed by the second spirit who shot Roger with the bow and arrow. Roger was very clearly able to feel the sharp arrow piercing directly through his heart.


The four spirits each inflicted a wound on Roger’s body, then entered his body through either the dagger or arrow wound. The sulfur lit itself on fire and inflicted the pain of being burnt alive; while the piece of the skull inflicted him with a curse, making Roger feel his skull literally exploding apart.


Only the final item, the book, had no accompanying spirit to harm him, but it seemed to have done something to Roger as well.


At dawn the next day, Roger screamed out loud as he awoke from his nightmare. He hurriedly touched his body all over to find that it was completely intact, but the four sensations of death were so intense that they were already carved deep into Roger’s mind.


After confirming that he was truly fine, Roger finally calmed back down. As expected, he obtained some magical abilities from the original owners of the corpse oil, a small bit of mana was flowing within his body, together with the casting method for several spells.


“Too little mana” Roger quickly recognized this fact. His mana was only inherited from dead mages.


While the mages were alive, they had to perform a certain number of axle rituals in order to borrow mana from Evil Gods for themselves to use. But Roger only inherited their magic, not their axle rituals, so if he wanted to obtain more mana, he would need to find other solutions.

Let’s rewind time a bit to the afternoon of this day. As ‘Negary’ returned to his dorm, he also saw several other auditing students who were assigned dorms. For these people, being able to live on campus was an honor in and of itself, so they swiftly moved in.


‘Negary’ shook his head, these people were actively walking into a tiger’s mouth, as they weren’t ‘Negary’, there was very little chance for most of them to escape.


During lunch, ‘Negary’ had chatted for a bit with these auditing students. Purely out of humanitarianism, ‘Negary’ told them the name of an Evil God through a legend.


〖 Tycous, an Evil God whose hobby is to protect those who are caught in unexpected turbulence. If one were to be caught in a terrible situation and constantly chanted his name, he shall respond 〗very kindly, ‘Negary’ had given these acquaintances a way to survive.


“If he’s as you said, this kind of God should be a good God, not an Evil God!” a bald young man refuted, at the same time, his gaze glanced at a beautiful blond-haired lady next to him. As far as he saw it, she was nothing short of a true angel.


‘Negary’s’ words earlier had managed to draw this young lady’s attention, so the bald young man had stepped out to refute him in an attempt to draw her attention as well.


〖 There’s naturally a reason for Tycous to be called an Evil God. He would help the weak escape from the unexpected turbulence, then takes away their most precious thing; he saves their lives but crushes their hope 〗’Negary’ didn’t really put the bald young man’s provocation to heart.


As ‘Negary’ saw it, the one with the highest chance of survival here was the woman called Nox, as her noble ethereal appearance was actually hiding quite a few secrets.


For example, her lip gloss gave her lips a healthy, moist, and overall fresh appearance, but ‘Negary’ was able to smell the scent of fresh blood from it.


From the Sediments, ‘Negary’ had found out about quite a few things. Many Sediments infants and children were frequently sold to some noble ladies as a kind of goods, believing that the blood of the young were an important cosmetics ingredient. Those ladies believed that using such things would allow them to retain eternal youth.


And as truth had it, within this sick and unusual world, that was actually the truth.

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