Soul Venerable (Re-written)

Chapter 24 – Countermeasures


Today was the last day for them to reach Thunderpeak mountain, they have stepped up the pace. In less than an hour, group 4 would reach the target location. Sumire’s return with her large white moth that looks innocent despite being a dark-path lifeform allows the group to optimize their route and countermeasures. Group four managed to evade several beast groups on the way.

In the 2nd carriage of the fleet, Kenji reported to Sumire what he experienced as group four was spied upon once more the moment they reached the foot of Thunderpeak mountain.

“A super long-distance surveillance, you say?” Sumire pondered what Kenji had felt during her returns.

“Yes. It was a hunch; I might be wrong.” Kenji replied.

Maya wanted to ask questions, but she felt it was better to let Sumire finish her deduction first.

“Among all other participants, there is only one person I can think of who can pull that off… someone from team Radiant Desolation.” Sumire explained.

“The one that consists of foreigners?” Maya asked, in which Sumire nodded.

“I’ve heard little about them. Do you mind sharing?” Kenji asked. This wasn’t due to Kenji being incompetent at information gathering, but Radiant Desolation kept their information to themselves. Their anti-investigation skills were excellent and they rarely interacted with other teams; it couldn’t be helped that not many knew of their personal information.

Group four would reach the objective soon, they could be enemies in the next stage. Sumire could get an advantage in the next stage by withholding information, yet she decided it wasn’t worth it. “Radiant Desolation is a team consisting of foreigners who couldn’t join teams native to our Hartina Kingdom. They are led by a light-path mage-martial artist hybrid from the Li Clan of Qin Empire, Li Xiao Bai.”

Sumire traced her chin as she recalled the intel she had on Radiant Desolation, “There are three other notable members but you shouldn’t be too worried about them. However, there is one particular person you should always be cautious about. It’s the one that managed to spy us from a super long distance, she is a native of Galatreon: Murasaki Ayame.”

Kenji memorized the name as his interest peaked. “Murasaki… can it be?”

“Yes, she is a member of Murasaki Clan, a true descendant of Murasaki Xion: one of the four direct disciples of the Great Archmage himself.” She confirms her identity. “You could easily identify a member of the Murasaki clan identifying their two primary traits: every single one of them has purple eyes and cultivates in lightning-path.” As she pointed her violet eyes.

Kenji raised an eyebrow. “Are you implying that your real name is Murasaki Sumire and you are secretly a lightning-path mage?”

“I am telling you their clan’s traits, I’m not implying anything else. My eyes and hair color are like this due to my unique cultivation method, were you trying to fish info on my background?” It was Sumire’s turn to raise an eyebrow, annoyed.

“Right.” Kenji scratched his cheeks, admitting his mistake. “Then, what should I be worried about?”

“Murasaki household is one of the four great clans of Galatreon, the Hunter Association’s Capital. Due to her background from the holy lands of refinement-path, she has access to high-tech artifacts that couldn’t be found anywhere else in this world. According to my last intel, she had a sniper-type heavy railgun known as [Ayame-no-Kaminari Mk. I]. Under ideal conditions, she can pierce the defense of an early-stage rank 1 mage.

Therefore, do not try to be funny or play hero when you are in her crosshair. Defending her attack might be the last decision you'll ever take. With all your might, try to evade. As a lightning-path gunner, her attacks are as quick as lightning and a graze from her bullet could obliterate half of your body. The moment you notice you are under attack, is usually the moment where her attack has already landed.”  

“So she’s a bullshit character.” Kenji tried to stimulate an encounter with her, but the result wasn’t good. Not because of his lack of strength, but simply because she’s his hard counter.

“Weren’t you a bullshit character yourself? You still haven’t told me about that move you have. All three strength-path schools of thoughts? You are hiding so much from me.” Sumire interjected.

Kenji smiled wryly, not wanting to elaborate.

“Well, whatever.” Sumire let it pass because she had already gotten an inkling of his capability from Sakuya’s battle report. “As I said before, her full potential can only be achieved if she is under ideal conditions. Her attack consumes an expensive spell resource known as [Ammunition]. Heavy railguns are not usually used outside Galatreon; its rounds are highly regulated by Galatreon’s four clans. To make it worse, those who can refine railgun ammunition are rarer than those who can refine gunpowder-based munitions, especially in our kingdom.

The only reason why she wasn’t as famous as Wild Savage was simply because she couldn’t restock her high-end resource easily. She would not waste her hard-earned ammunition on low-priority targets like you, Maya.” Sumire patted Maya’s soft hair.

Being comforted by Sumire, Maya’s worries dissipate slightly.

“However, that does not discredit her offensive power. She covered this particular weakness by having several types of cheaper and less regulated [Ammunition], each having its own special effect for various circumstances. My engagement policy with her is… don’t get on her bad side. By the way, Kenji, if you kill her accidentally, you’d be hunted by the four clans of Galatreon for the rest of your life. The hunt will be short; they have death squads equipped with high-tech space-path artifacts to travel to all corners of the five continents.”

“Heh. It must be good to have a great clan backing you up.” Kenji shook his head. Background wasn’t his strong point as he was raised in an orphanage.

“No. As I said earlier, Heavy Railguns are not usually brought outside Galatreon. Every piece of this weapon contains the secrets of Galatreon’s refinement-path profundity; they merely wanted to keep their technology to themselves. The four clans consider dying on foreign soil as a natural occurrence, they wouldn’t offend everyone in the world by avenging them when Galatreon needs their manpower.

What I’m saying is, if you kill Murasaki Ayame and return her artifact to the closest Hunter Association branch, you’d probably be rewarded handsomely. However, if you try to claim her artifacts, then the death squads will be here in a matter of days, probably hours. Why I am warning you is because you are not known for your exploits of artifacts but we both know otherwise.” Sumire made an emphasis as her gaze ‘inspected’ the ten rings on his fingers.

“Damn, I was just getting interested in them.” Kenji saw Sumire’s stern gaze before relented. “Alright, I get it.”

 “Good. Now that matters have settled, I want to share my deduction with you for the 2nd stage.” Sumire slowed down her words, “It would be… a treasure hunt!”



Group 4 arrived at the target location as the 2nd last. They weren’t bothered by the result since they could arrive with their full members. Other groups, for example, Group 5’s Scorch Talon were not that lucky.

When Sumire disembarked from the carriage, she could see a temporary campsite that was larger than the southeast hunter academy’s training field. Various tents, each having the signature of their party were erected.

Although it was located in the middle-stratum of Thunderpeak mountain, sound and rainwater could not enter the campsite. It was possible due to the academy's staff erected a large-scale dome-shaped barrier that enveloped the whole area. No beast, rainwater, thunderous sound, nor lightning strikes could penetrate it. There was no danger of being ambushed by beast tide as Lord Knight Tatsuya was present physically and Lord Mage Mitsubachi’s Wasp Legion are hidden in a nearby hive.

That being the case, there was also a large number of merchants that sold curatives, raw material, cultivation or spell resources with contribution points supported by the academy. The first stage was brutal for some, while a-walk-in-the-park for others. This move by the academy is for not only deepening their relation with merchants, but also to improve the overall quality of its students.  

“Captain!” Sakuya approached Sumire after glancing at the wares offered by the merchants. She saw a few precious fire-path minerals known as Bright Sun Gold and several others that couldn’t be found in the academy.

“Sure, go on ahead. I saw some interesting objects myself, please get them if possible.” She handed over a piece of paper to Sakuya. “Remember our signal. All of you too, you can take a break. Ramiel, Yamamura, don’t forget to set up our camp. I’ll be discussing matters with Alanis in the meantime. Regroup in two hours.” She let her team members disperse as she gathered Kenji and Maya for the last time.

“Alright, this is it. Thank you for your service. Be sure to follow our agreement, ok?” Sumire shakes Kenji and Maya’s hand as they officially separate ways for now.

After the three teams and their members went to look around in the area, Alanis and Shirogane approached Sumire. “There’s only the three of us now. Let’s proceed with our discussion.” She leads the two into a secluded corner, near the edge of the barrier.

“Alanis, report.” Sumire asked.

“Understood.” She produces several scrolls from her bags. Using her spiritual force to activate them, three scrolls burn into white dust that spread around the three.

Magic scrolls could be considered as an artifact, but it’s uses are typically one-time. They are essentially spells, stored in paper-like mediums by magic caster so that others could use them. Scrolls have zero external energy expenditure because she merely activated the runes on it, it was quite popular due to the fact that almost everyone can use it.

These scrolls were engraved with anti-investigation spells that protect them from prying eyes. Using three different scrolls was already a luxury, yet Alanis didn’t stop.

“One moment, captain.” She produces a die-sized cube that gleams in a prismatic hue called a data cube. With her spiritual force, she activated a spell that expended some color from the data cube. “Rank 0 information-path magic spell [Audio Encryption].”

Feeling the spell took effect, Alanis started talking. “As you have predicted, Wild Savage has indeed delved into the three strength-path school of thoughts.” She describes the whole event during Sumire’s absence.

The so-called school of thought was a particular way for cultivators to delve a certain path. Currently there are three strength-path schools of thoughts: self-strength, beast strength and atmospheric strength.

Self-strength reveres to the true martial arts of strength-path that utilizes certain techniques inspired by nature, beast, or others to improve one’s ‘natural’ strength. Several examples of it are [Bitter Grit], [Ground Shaker], or [Power Overwhelming]. These martial arts utilize one’s strength foundation as the base to produce a result far beyond what their body could normally do.

Beast strength is a school of thought that was inspired by beasts, those who cultivate beast strength confines the strength of beasts into their body. Having the ‘strength’ of a bull or a horse means exactly as it is. It goes without saying that beasts, although having less wisdom than intellectual lifeforms, possessed a physique far stronger than human or elves.

However, the human body is anatomically and biologically different from that of beasts. Having the strength of beasts doesn’t necessarily mean they could exert 100% of their specialty. For example, a horse is good for their running stamina, an alligator for their jaw strength, or a tortoise for their lifespan. Human body could not run as long as a horse, nor bite as strong as an alligator, nor live as long as a tortoise.

Therefore, to accommodate the strength of beasts, a part of their body would slowly change into that of beasts.

This was the reason why strength-path was often related with transformation-path. However, unlike transformation-path methods, beast strength methods usually have subtle changes to their physique. For example, cultivators would grow slightly-longer-than average fangs, having a few scales on their arms, or having chitinous nails. It was hard to notice and mostly semi-permanent, unlike transformation-path methods that could alter one’s form depending on the situation.

In Kenji's case, he had mutated a few gills-like organs underneath his rib cage. It was unknown what function it held since there are certain types of avian beast who possessed gills or even tentacles. It wouldn’t be surprising if his gills-like organ helps him in producing certain types of enzyme to combat poison.

 As for the last, atmospheric strength is a school of thought that borrowed the strength of nature. Its inheritance was somehow not wide-spread; therefore, it was considered as hidden or underdeveloped, depending on the point of view. Not much information was spread regarding it.

The more known atmospheric strength method is those that strength-path cultivator uses for ranged attack, such as [Force Explosion], but that’s only one of the offensive ones. There are countless others that have never seen the light of day.

Somehow Arakawa Kenji managed to get his hands on it and use it for himself. By using fire as a source of strength, he could gain strength amplification while recovering stamina almost indefinitely. However, fire was inherently destructive, and human cells are not designed to be burnt for a long time. Therefore, although Kenji could gain strength amplification while burning, he is also receiving damage.  

By cultivating these three strength-path schools of thought, he had become a true one-man party that could cover all aspects of cultivation.

“I see.” Sumire nodded as she accepted Alanis' report. “Then, do you think his investigation methods are self-strength, beast strength or atmospheric strength?” she asked.

Alanis was not sure of it either, “I couldn’t confirm. Using information-path methods on his body will alert him, and my relation with him is not as close as you. I fear that he would see it as an act of aggression.”

“How are your progress in designing an information-path magic spell that counters his investigation method?” Sumire asked.

“Depends on the resource.” Alanis played the data cube on her hand.

“I see. Getting a 1-GB data cube was already hard for me. Those things are difficult to come by…” Sumire sighed as she entered deep contemplation.

Shirogane was interested in the die-sized data cube as she had never seen them before, “What’s that?”

“It’s a supreme information-path resource, a data cube.” Alanis started to describe. “All information-path magic spells require this material that only Galatreon could produce. Unless we have an insider from Hunter Association or connection with Galatreon directly, we couldn’t get it. Unfortunately, the captain's insider in the association is me. My rank is not that high to get a lot of these. Even I have to purchase them with a large amount of contribution points, which the captain pays for, anyway.”

Alanis passed the data cube onto Shirogane’s palm. “This is called a 1-GB data cube. GB stands for gigabyte; it is worth a thousand megabyte. One megabyte is also worth a thousand kilobyte and one kilobyte worth one thousand bytes. One gigabyte is not a lot, but not a small amount either, it could supply us with a few days’ worth of continuous [Mind Chat], depending on how many people are connected through the line.” She kindly explains.

“That being said, communication and stealth are fundamentally different. Researching a new information-path stealth method will eventually take up a large chunk of data cube, especially finding an effective method to counter Kenji’s investigation method. After my intense use, I only have around 500-MB data left.” Alanis added.

Shirogane doesn’t quite get it, but she nodded. “Was there any chance that we could trade with Murasaki Ayame to get these data cubes?” She passed the data cube back as she recalled that there is someone from Galatreon among the juniors of this year.

Alanis smiled wryly, “Well, how to explain this…” she scratched her wolf ear. “Every branch of Hunter Association is equipped with a large-scale artifact called [Data Transmitter] that supports any and all information-path artifacts in its proximity.” Alanis produced his ID card, “This is also included. Every time we check our attributes or uses [Mind Chat] through it, it activates the magic spell in rune form. However, why didn't we use data cubes for its activation?”

Shirogane shook her head, expressing her ignorance.

“That’s because every time we entered the service range of a [Data Transmitter], the ID card could connect to the [World Wide Weave]. Often revered simply as the Weave, it is an artificial information-path network that covers almost all corners of the world. Through it, the ID card could download data resources, allowing it to refresh its expended runes automatically.” Alanis patiently explains.

“On the other hand, artifacts in Galatreon does not use data cube. See the edges of the data cube turning transparent? These prismatic colors are the physical appearance of data: it doesn’t have an actual form. In Galatreon, data is a hard currency far more precious than mana crystal coins.” She added. “Murasaki Ayame wouldn’t have access to data cubes since her equipment use other method to transfer data. It is literally detrimental for her to carry data cube at all times.”

Shirogane nodded, expressing some understanding.

“Miss Shirogane might not be aware of this because of your condition, but almost all nobility receive training in surface-level information-path at some point for convenience.” She paused.

Thinking it was the best chance to talk to Shirogane without the interference of others, she took a step towards her. “As for me, it’s because I cultivate information-path as my main, and transformation-path on the side. Still, there are things that interest me more than cultivation… such as yourself, miss ‘Elegant Blade’. I truly wanted to know you and your body on a deeper level…” Alanis traced her small lips with her finger, showing an erotic display.

Shirogane blushed as she was suddenly being flirted with by Alanis. It needs to be said that Alanis has a likeable aura around her. Alanis’ physical appearance could also be considered as her type. Shirogane tries her best to hold her gushing emotion, but a glance from Alanis is highly effective in crumbling her mental defense. It was especially effective because Alanis does not show this flirty part of her in front of others and because she tried to conserve her ruthless sword-emotion.

It was like a side of her that was kept secret, and lewd secrets excites her.

It needed to be remembered that Shirogane is extremely susceptible to emotion. In biological terms, her brain is chock-full of hormones. It isn’t wrong if she’s considered a nymphomaniac who has a lot of desire. Unfortunately, her girlfriend Sumire could not satisfy her needs as her physical body was weaker than Shirogane while looking for a man is impossible due to her past trauma.

“Miss Shirogane, I cultivate in transformation-path on the side. I can fulfil your deepest fantasy.” She slowly extends her small hands towards Shirogane’s hand while her lips approach her ear. “I have also taken the role of Captain Sumire’s body double secretly several times now.” She whispered softly, with Sumire’s voice. “I am familiar with her physical body and I wanted to say the same with yours...”

“…” Shirogane diverted her eyes as she crossed her legs, trying to hide her moist nether region.

“Stop bothering her.” The real Sumire said as she lightly flicked Alanis’ forehead.

“Heheh. She’s so cute, captain. Since you can’t satisfy her, you should let me…” Alanis begged as she retreated a few steps.

“Let’s talk about this some other time.”

“Ah yes! Miss Shirogane, you hear that? Captain does not forbid it, aren’t you happy?” Alanis said excitedly while Shirogane blushed hard. “We can even do a threesom-”

“Alanis.” Sumire flicked her head once more.

“Yes captain!” Alanis backed off as she returned to her previous professional look, “By my early estimation it will require at least a 15-GB worth of data for an information-path stealth method to be effective against him. As you have said so yourself, his investigation method is his greatest asset. It might not be a true atmospheric strength, beast strength, or self-strength investigation method, but the combination of all three.”   

“I see. That stealth method has to be as strong as a rank 1 magic spell.” Sumire raised an eyebrow.

Rank 0 information-path methods usually have a data expenditure rate of 1-MB to 1000-MB, depending on its function. Information-path is specialized in gathering, transmitting and storing information: as long as it is within those three primary aspects, the resource expenditure is usually very low. Therefore, a ‘15-GB’ worth of magic spell is within the range of rank 1 spell for offense or defense.  

“It couldn’t be helped. Unless we know exactly how his investigation method works, we must try to cover all aspects.” Alanis admitted her helplessness honestly.

Alanis is an expert of information-path, but she couldn’t gain intel on Wild Savage due to his investigation method. If an investigation method is used on him, he will know about it and the next time it was used against him, it would be ineffective. It wasn’t due to Alanis’ incompetence, but he was simply that competent in defending against investigation methods.

When someone pursues investigation skills to an extreme degree, one will eventually get better at countering other investigation methods. And don’t forget Wild Savage also has the strength to retaliate, unlike Alanis whose forte is not fighting. It was the reason why he could be ranked first out of all juniors by making a team out of himself.

Alanis could try a few stealth methods, but it won’t work if it doesn’t counter Wild Savage’s investigation method. For example, [Audio Encryption] could scramble sounds within a small area, but it won’t work if he can still see her. Optical camouflage combined with [Audio Encryption] might fool mortals, but what if his investigation method relies on thermal senses? Vibration? Mental undulation? Bloodline detection? Telepathic thoughts sweep?

These types of technical questions are endless, unless Alanis knows what kind of investigation method he used, she couldn’t design a proper countermeasure. If she wants to design an all-concealing stealth method, then the resource expenditure would be terribly inefficient.

The use of scrolls to cover this aspect is also a viable option, but scrolls are high-value consumables. It would be best if the team could reduce the expenditure through alternative methods.

In the end, there is no absolutely perfect method, there are only methods that’s perfect for the situation.

“So captain, what are we going to do about Wild Savage? We don’t have a countermeasure yet.” Alanis asked, concerned.

Sumire released a helpless sigh. “Yes, you’re right. Our engagement policy for him would be to foster positive relationships and maintain passive observation. Unless we can end him without any repercussions, we should proceed as it is.”

“Roger that, captain!” Alanis imitated a salute of a military officer from Galatreon, “What about the others? I think Yamamura have lost his worth, he refined a special aphrodisiac for the sake of raping you. We don’t need a potential time bomb like him in our midst, shall I make an ‘accident’ out of him?”

“What are you talking about, he is our teammate.” Sumire retorted back as if she heard the most outrageous claims.

“Captain, I’ve been with you far longer than anyone.” Alanis’ eyes seemed to smile, “You were thinking how to refine a vengeful soul out of him, weren’t you?”

Sumire’s poker face crumbles as she slowly reveals an extremely rare expression of manic insanity and orgasmic bliss.

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