Souls Unlimited Online: A Free Unique Skill For Everyone!!

Chapter 12: Running Away– Bravely Making The Journey Back Home!

After killing a hundred foes... well not the ghosts so... After killing almost, about, pretty much a hundred foes(in spirit), I and Gothra ran away into the deep dark forest of the night.

...Or not?

"Wait!" Gothra suddenly stopped. I almost crashed into her.

"What now...?"

"Come on! Don't run on empty! There's still something we gotta do! Something of utmost importance that may decide the fate of this realm!"

"It's probably stupid, but fine. Wait a sec, lemme react properly." I paused and took a deep breath, "W-what!? The Realm!? We must do everything in our power to protect Gaia and the people who live in it!"

"...Sigh. Don't you get it yet?"

"Get what?"

"Are we not forgetting something?"

"How about the ghosts that are still chasing us?"

"Not that!" She shouted, then looked in horror at the ghosts closing in, "Although we should still run."

We resumed running until Gothra started flustering about something again.

"The corpses! The drops! Are we really not picking them up!?"

"Ohhh... so you can do necrophilia? Maybe you ride on that, but not the entire realm's future."

"No! My range is not that wide! Sell it, get gold, get gun! The perfect three-step plan!"

Oh... she's actually right. We'd lose out on a lot. But man it's kinda a pain. But... Hmmmmmmm...

"Come Fira, don't be lazy."

"Eh!? But... I wanna logout for a sec and do other things you know!"

"Eh!? But what about the drops, then?"

"Hmmm... Well, I do want them, but... I'm tired!"

"We're tireless!"

"I meant mentally! Or like, emotionally... Something like that!"


"Okay... Sorry, was I being too pushy about keeping you in the game?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that... But I just wanna relax after such an intense battle, you know?"

"Hmm, yeah, you wanted to bow out earlier as well before we even fought... Then how about this: We go back for the drops now, take em, and then once Bereo is back, I'll go summon him and have him shoot bullets to aggro. That way, you can run away to a safe distance and then logout with no penalty."

"But what about you, though? Wouldn't more monsters come and swarm you?"

"It's the same area we fought earlier, I don't think that many will be spawning back anytime soon. Don't worry about it. I'll run back to the village, or try and lose em."

"I see... you sure? I feel kinda bad..."

"Ahahaha! Don't worry about it, don't worry about it!" She then suddenly turned serious, "Let us meet again, Fira Dragonir. We'll climb trees and spend time mindlessly staring in the beautiful night sky. Just like old times."

"Oi, oi, oi, death flag! Death flags!"

"Gahahahaha! Man, you really know how to go along, don't you? I promise I'll make it back, Fira. Here, take this memento that I'm giving you because I won't die. That's why I'm leaving you something to remember me by. Because I am not going to die. That's why you need the memento. To remember that I won't die."

She then took something out of her inventory, and the handed me a disembodied goblin ass...

...I have my sense of smell numbed for the really terrible ones, but just looking at this green wrinkly ass... caked with blood and gore... I think I'm learning how to smell with just my eyes... Oh and the darker brownish coloring around the...


Weren't there some accesories dropped? Couldn't she have picked a better one!?

But... fine, let's go with this. I can work with this... memento.

I put away the goblin ass and resumed crying over my friend sacrificing herself for me! So valiant, so noble! I don't deserve her. As a friend, of course. And the world too doesn't deserve such a kind soul. Ahhh, Gothra Tankernov! Such a nun saint!! Nun saint Gothra! Such holy, much pure!

Hehehe... no, no. Don't laugh. It's... true! Yes, that's exactly... That's exactly what Gothra is! She is... haha... definitely... hahaha... all that!

"No, no, no!" I exclaimed on the verge of tears, "Gothra, don't die!"

"I said I won't! Many times! But well, if I do... you'll take care of them won't you?"

"I... I... I can't do it by myself! It's too much work! And I'm very lazy!"

"Hahaha. If you're that energetic, then I'm sure you'll do fine. You'll do just fine..."

"No, Gothra! What would... what would they say? They'll be... sad and shit!"

She kept quiet and just kept on running through the night. We were already headed back to the battlefield where many died. Where she might... die.

Cry, cry...

Cry, cry, cry!!!

We reached the site of our battle, now a landscapre filled with innumerable corpses. Gothra and I nodded to each other as we split up and ran around saving up the corpses in our inventories. The ghosts were of course still chasing us all this time.

I wasn't the fastest so I was honestly not doing so well, but Gothra was finishing up at a good pace. Even with lesser strength than me, stuffing a corpse into her inventory isn't that hard and the moment the ghosts get too close, she can easily make a break for it and outrun them.

Now that I think about it... couldn't she just leave me behind? Escaping those ghosts should be possible by herself, I think...

She could've left me alone anytime.

When all's said and done, she's nice. Despite how she usually acts. Whenever she's not being stupid.

"Fira, you..."

Gothra turned her gaze at me and squinted her eyes as if a thousand demons were drooling over my tasty looking soul...

M-M-M-M-M-M-M-My soul is very dirty! It is not nutricious at all! You'll get a stomachache!

Gothra spoke once again, delivering my verdict in the voice a million demons overlapped! "Were you thinking something really nice about me? Like how amazing I am?"


"No need to hide it! You totally were! Hahaha! No need to get embarassed!"

Well, I was, but...

"N-no I wasn't!"

"Gyahahahaha! Sure, sure! Oh Tsundere Fira!"

"Geh! I was thinking that you're stupid! And... dumb!"

"Stupid? And dumb? So would you say that I am a... 'baka'?" She chuckled... no she burst into straight up laughter!

"Gahahahahahahahahahaha!!!" I feel like that laughter will echo in my nightmares...

I just got back to my work and ignored the stupid, saving up corpses in our inventories for sale later, alongside some additional drops.

"Alright, we're done," said Gothra, "See you on the other side then, Fira."


"What?" She asked as we were still running around in circles because of the ghosts.

"I'm staying." I declared, "We gotta lose these ghosts, and run all the way back to the starting village if we have to, right?"

"Oh... I thought you wanted to log out? Bereo's just about ready anyway." She suddenly summoned him, and was preparing to have him take all the aggro.

"No need... I changed my mind."

"Uh-huh... Why though?"

"I... just did! Let's just do it, come on!"

"Argh, fine. But what about my valiant sacrifice!?"

"That's what you're getting hung up on?!"



Seriously... Gothra...

"Hahahahahahahahaha!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's not funny! I was thinking about the big speech I'll give at the end. Like what great parting words I could give. And now you ruined it!"

"Gahahahaha! Then tell me! Say it now!"

"Eeehhh, but you're staying. It just hits different."

"Oh come on. I'll play along, I promise."

"Alright, fine..." She took a deep breath and changed her expression to a serious one, "I'll always be with you, Fira. With everyone. Remember that. And keep moving forward. Make sure... make sure you live on. Live a full life. For my sake as well. Thank you for eeverything. And... goodbye."

"B-but Gothra! I though... you said... that you weren't dying! Come on, don't give up! Please! There's still so much... so much more I wanted to tell you!"

At my words, she only smiled. It was a faint fleeting smile with rivers of tears coming down her eyes...

"What, you're actually crying!?"

"Yeah! I know, right!? I actually pulled it off!"

"Hahahaha, maybe you'd make a great actress or something then."

"No thanks to you! I was preparing it since earlier, thinking of like the saddest shit, but I thought you ruined it with your bullshit!"

"Hahahaha!" I laughed as the ghosts wailed in agony and anger behind us.

It's because I'm so slow, huh...? That's why we're having such a tough time... But I don't have to be! I've got 40 extra points right now, and if I just dump it all into speed...


"Gothra, do you think you and Bereo can hold them back for just a bit?"

"Hmm? Sure, we could try aggro-ing them by hitting em. Bereo can use his gun as a blunt weapon to not aggro literally everything. Or just straight up punch them. But why though? You got some sort of plan?"

"I need to do some things with my status, put it all on speed!"

"Oh... but are you sure? It'd be bad if we are killed here, I guess, but the penalty isn't that bad. It's just 24hrs of not playing. I don't think it's worth affecting the rest of your gameplay from hereon..."

"Nah, it'd be fine. I've decided! I was honestly just really not confident I could pull it off, but my Unique Skill is really built for speed."

"Well... perhaps. But I think it's fine if it's inefficient, or if it's not the best choice. What matters is that it's the fun choice!"

"Yes. That... that's true. It's the point of the game after all, or even of life as as a whole. But though spontaneous, I really do believe that this'll be the best way for me to play the game, and most fun too. And if I fail... well, no second accounts are allowed in this game, but we are allowed to have other versions of our characters with the same Unique Skill, like alters and shit. So if I ever come to regret my choice, would you be willing to carry me back up, oh Gothra-sama?"

The game does indeed not allow for second accounts, and this isn't just a ban thing. You can't fool The System. But you can mess-up your build so you're allowed do-evers in a way, but you gotta start from the beginning at level 1, because I think there are some skills that you can only get if you get a stat high enough.

"Heh, alright," agreed Gothra, "I'll have my gun ready by then so I wouldn't mind babysitting you. Try not to poop your diapies too much, Fira. Gahahahaha!"

"Hahahaha! I'll just let that go without comment! Now go! Distract the unfriendly ghosts!"

"On it!"

Gothra and Bereo went towards the ghosts, swinging their weapons at them. The ghosts creepily turned around to attack them as Bereo tanked the hits, while Ghotra tried to avoid as many as possible. She also took out some corpses from her bag to serve as crowd control against the ghosts.

Gothra must've shat on their grave or something because not a single one is going after me now! Nicely done. Now time for me to evolve in action!

It's weird that you're allowed to do this in the middle of battle, but I think it's to emulate how protagonists in these sort of settings find a way to get stronger in the middle of a fight, so they tried to emulate that. I do have to say, I'm pleased because it works in my favor!

"It's done!" I shouted, and Gothra immediately ran towards me as we moved on to running away from the ghosts!

She was now running at full speed along with me, Bereo following close behind, but trying to keep the aggro on him to stall the ghosts even further. He was at 80% HP while Gothra was at around 90%

After gaining a fair distance, Bereo teleported right next to us, but he'll soon be left behind as he is much slower.

But Gothra only smiled, telling Bereo to run in a different direction, taking about half of the ghosts with him.

We'll lose them eventually, and whether Bereo dies or not, he can easily return to Gothra's side. Apparently he can also convey information to her while he's away, which could be very useful for reconnaisance.

The ghosts were now considerably far away from us, we'll outrun them soon, and we can finally log out!

"Whew. Alright, that was intense!" I said, relaxing. We'll be considered out of battle very soon...

< Proficiency Acquired! >

< The [Haunted] Skill has been acquired! >

But then, a sudden system notification popped up, informing me of the acquisition of a new skill.


This long uninteresting chase actually yielded a skill. But what does it even do?


"The [Haunted] Skill allows the player to damage ghosts with purely physical attacks, albeit weakened greatly. It also makes it far easier for the player to gain ghost-type monsters' aggro."

Wow, I like the first effect, but I don't think I wanna meet any more ghosts after today...

I looked over at Gothra, Ciraphim read the skill effect out loud for her to also hear, and Gothra was looking at me confused.

"Haunted? You got such a skill? But where's mine!?"

"Oh? What's this? You poor thing... you didn't get the skill? Sorry Gothra, but that's just how life is. Some people are just better than others."

"I know! But this you we're talking about."

"And what do you mean by that?"

She just smiled pettily.


"Oh hey, I got it!" She said happily. "In your face, FIra!"

Well, of course she would. We both have a bonus in proficiency, and the acquisition condition is probably getting chased by ghosts, which we are doing plenty right now!

I've never really been too afraid of them, but this is fucking traumatizing. Gah, I want to kill them, and now I can! I was planning on just leaving and logging out, but now that I've been given the opportunity... I don't wanna leave these needless loose ends hanging around.

"Alright, let's kill em!" I said enthusiastically.

"They're already dead."

"...Really Gothra?" I asked sacastically.

"Yes, really. Did you not know that ghosts are dead? That's why they're ghosts."

"I know how ghosts work! That's obviously not what I meant!"

"Oh? Then what do you mean?"

"Well, we'll... vanquish the ghosts! Yes!"

"Oh, good job. Is your head alright? Did you use too much energy in thinking? How about some sugar?"

"Hahahahaha! Fuck off! Anyway, you can log out now. I know you're too fucking pussy to fight off these ghosts."

"I have a very brave and courageous pussy, unlike your shriveled up balls! From all the cowering and hiding in fear, of course."

"What!? I'll have you know that my balls are perfectly healthy, and my pussy is also just as courageous!" I proudly exclaimed, then instantly regretted my choice of words...


Crap, what did I just say...? Not like I'm trying to hide it, but...

"Fuck you Gothra! You're getting us off topic!"

"You brought it up asshole!"


"Lizard fucker!"

"I do not fuck lizards!"

"What are your scales for if not for attracting them!?"

"They're cool! They look cool!"


"Don't just laugh!"

"Was it not a joke!?"


""SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"" we answered the ghost in unison!


"Truce until we eradicate these ghosts?" I asked Gothra.

"Fine. But I'm not letting it go! Gahahahahahaha!"

"Jesus Fucking Christ... Alright, sure. Whatever..."

"Hahaha! Relax Fira, it's a joke. I think it's a rare showcase of good taste on your part, actually. It can't be any worse than announcing to the world that you're a scaley, right?"

"I said I'm not a scaley...! But alright, I'll let this one go. You fucking furry."

"Hahahaha! I am, yes." She sneered confidently. "There, that's how you do it. Now admit you're a scaley."


Did she just admit to it? You can just do that!? That's not fair!

"What? Did you actually think I was hiding it?"

Wasn't she...? I mean there's Bereo, and yes his attire makes it very obvious, but...

"But... weren't you like, you know, denying it and stuff earlier too?"

"Well, I was, kinda. But we were joking around, right? I was just playing along. I don't think I'd show Bereo if I actually meant to hide it."

"Oh... but I'm really not a scaley!"

"Hahaha. Sure, Fira. Whatever you say."


Hang on. Is it just me, or is Gothra actually serious? Like, does she actually think I'm a scaley? I know I look like a dragonoid, but I'm really not a scaley!! It doesn't count, very human face!

"My face is still very human! It doesn't count! Dragonoids don't count!"

"So you'd fuck a dragon with a human face?"

I imagined it. The image popped into my head.

"Pfft!! Bwahahahaha! What the fuck Gothra! You fucking degenerate! Now I can't get it out of my head! Gahahahahaha!"

"Seems like you're enjoying yourself as you imagine it." She had a cheeky smile on her face.

"You're the one who thought of it! Seems right up your alley! Gahahahahaha!"

"Eh, 1/10."

"That's just a straight-up no!"

"Exactly, thanks for making my point for me."


"Anyway, enough about your fetishes, Fira. The Ghosts are Coming." Gothra pointed at the approaching enemies, summoning Bereo back to his side.

I got ready as well, fixing up my stance and preparing to receive these enemies.

Then I noticed that Bereo's HP was in a critical state, maybe 5% at most.

"Oh wow... he shouldn't tank for us then..." I said.

"Yeah, I'll have him recovering HP on the side for now. Shooting his gun--- the one you can see by the way, not the one you're thinking --will just attract more monsters, and even I am fucking burnt out after that gigantic wave."

"Yeah... also, did you just add some unnecessary comments in there?"

"Nope, not at all. They were all necessary. Can't have you focusing on that and not on the battle ahead."

"It's my fault for asking."

I readied my hammer, as Gothra took out her mace. She swung hers around as if in warm-up, even doing some stretches that our virtual nor real bodies don't need. It's still good mentally though, I feel, so I also followed suit and swung my hammer around, hitting nothing but air.

Gothra grinned from ear to ear in a very evil way, furrowing her brows in an expression of extreme excitement and bloodlust.

"Foolish ghosts, pathetically clinging on to existence. I won't bring you peace nor release. No, not at all, just endless torment. Pain is all that awaits your kind. So scream for me, will you? Compensate for your lack of blood with your agonizing wails!"

Man, she really knows how to play shit up...

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