space fisherman

Chapter 182

Chapter 182
The depth of the Yucatan Sea Basin is about 4000 meters, the average depth of the Cayman Trench is 5000-6000 meters, and the deepest point is 7680 meters.

In the east, it is divided into the Columbia Basin and the Venezuela Basin by the Beata Ridge, which runs northeast-southwest.

The average depth of the Columbia Basin is about 3000 meters, and the deepest point is 4535 meters.

The average depth of the Venezuelan Sea Basin is about 4500 meters, and the deepest reaches 5630 meters.

The Jamaica Ridge extends southwest from Haiti and Jamaica to the east of Honduras and Nicaragua in Central America. The depth is generally about 500 meters, and more than half of them are less than 200 meters deep.

The bottom of the Caribbean Sea is Cenozoic sediments, the deeper basins and trenches are mostly red clay, the sea platform is covered with coccidioid ooze, and the submarine mountains and continental slopes are pteropod ooze.

The northernmost Yucatan Sea Basin, with a water depth of about 5000 meters, is bounded by the 220-kilometer-wide Yucatan Strait in the north and separated by the Cayman Ridge and the Cayman Trench in the south.

While Ye Yuan was standing on the deck, recalling some information about the Caribbean Sea, Yu Hongbo came over.

"That... Boss, how about finding a place where the brothers can go fishing for some ornamental fish?"

Ye Yuan did not expect that the fishing boat had just entered the Caribbean Sea, and the crew would have such a request.

"Why do you want to hang ornamental fish? Didn't you just catch it not long ago?"

"Boss, Wang Husheng said that he has checked the information and found that there are many species of ornamental fish in the Caribbean Sea, so everyone wants to catch some that have not been caught before, so that they can be sold at a high price when they return home, right?"

Yu Hongbo said with some embarrassment.

"It was so"

Ye Yuan nodded, but he didn't immediately agree, he just said to Yu Hongbo:
"Will you go back right away this time, tell the crew, there will definitely be opportunities, don't worry"

What these crew members didn't know was that Ye Yuan had his own island here.

Some ornamental fish live in the shallow sea area, the reason why Ye Yuan didn't agree to them immediately was because he planned to stay on the island for a while.

Let these crew members catch ornamental fish on the edge of the island, are they afraid that they will not have time to catch them?
It is said that the crew did not know that Ye Yuan had an island here, because Ye Yuan did not say what he did in the Caribbean Sea.

That's right, but he didn't say anything, Ye Yuan won't tell the crew in advance where Ye Yuan is going, and the crew is also used to this way of going to sea.

Anyway, Ye Yuan would not take them to do anything illegal, the crew still believed in Ye Yuan.

After receiving Ye Yuan's reply, Yu Hongbo went back quickly. After returning, Yu Hongbo began to organize the crew.

Embarking on their first trawling operation in the Caribbean, they are curious to know what fish actually live in this somewhat legendary water.

With the trawling net being lowered, the "Yushui" check-in in the Caribbean is just the beginning.

After 1 hour of towing, slowly a large bag of fish was piled on the deck.

When the crew saw the fish caught by the trawling net, everyone froze in place.

It's not how precious or cheap this fish is, but that no one knows what this fish is.

These fish are yellow with red to brown stripes, spines on the back, feathered pectoral fins, and transparent dorsal, anal, and caudal fins.

There are several tentacles above the eyes, the snout is long and narrow, the center of the back is convex, the distance between the eyes is narrow and concave; there is a concave in the center of the upper jaw, the operculum has a flat spine, the gill opening is wide, and the body is covered with round scales or ctenoid scales.

Because they didn't know what kind of fish it was, everyone was not in a hurry to touch these fish.

Ye Yuan has warned everyone many times, if you don't recognize the sea fish, you must inform him first and then decide how to deal with it.

Ma Hua shouted towards his loud voice, towards Ye Yuan, who was lying in a hammock in the distance, with his eyes closed and blowing the sea breeze:
"Boss, come quickly and see what kind of fish these are?"

Hearing Ma Hua's shout, Ye Yuan opened his eyes and looked over. When he saw the fish on the deck, he was stunned.

Ye Yuan, who immediately reacted, walked directly to the crew in a few steps.

"Be careful, this fish is poisonous." After finishing speaking, he took a rubber glove handed over by Tai Hongbo and put it on.

Ye Yuan carefully picked up a fish that was still bouncing around, looked at it carefully, and said to the crew:
"That's right, it's a lionfish."

The crew all looked at Ye Yuan and prepared to listen to his explanation, because no one had heard of this fish.

Ye Yuan threw the fish in his hand into the bucket, then said:

"Lionfish is also what I call lionfish, everyone be careful here"

As he spoke, Ye Yuan tapped a fish's backthorn with a pair of tweezers.

Lionfish, alias: Lionfish

This fish is a nocturnal, marine fish that swims in the dark water at night by slowly undulating the fins on its back and hips, and hides in the shadows of corals and rocks after the sun rises.

When resting during the day, the head is lowered and completely still.Peers communicate through touch, smell, and secreted chemicals.

When in danger, the lionfish will spread its long fin rays as much as possible to make itself appear larger, and at the same time warn each other with bright colors.

If it encounters the same bold fish, the lionfish will keep stretching and stretching the fins of the whole body, unfolding them for a while, and retracting them for a while.

Even if it falls into the mouth of a predator, it will be difficult for the predator to swallow because of the fin rays all over the lionfish, and when it is spit out, it will be stabbed by poisonous spines, resulting in poisoning.

After hearing Ye Yuan's explanation, everyone carefully put these lionfishes into the bucket.

Since Ye Yuan didn't ask everyone to return these fish to the sea, it means it has certain economic value.

Otherwise, the boss would have asked everyone to throw them back into the sea, so how could he have time to explain so much to himself.

Now these crew members know Ye Yuan very well, this guy can be said to be lazy to a certain extent, if it is not necessary, he is not even lazy to talk.

Ye Yuan looked at these lionfish that were caught, their body length was 25-40cm.

Get a tank and put some of the smaller lionfish in it to ensure their survival.

Because the lionfish is very beautiful, Ye Yuan plans to transport some of them back as ornamental fish for sale.

This is also the conclusion Ye Yuan came to after walking through several ornamental fish markets.

Since rat spot and devil fish can be sold as ornamental fish, what is the point of selling some lionfish?
But Ye Yuan doesn't plan to sell too many lionfish as ornamental fish.

Because its own price is already pretty good, generally a 20cm lionfish can be sold for several hundred yuan a catty in China.

Then Ye Yuan believed that such a big lionfish would be able to sell for a good price. Like the common stonefish and puffer fish in Huaguo, he was a poisonous fish.

If you want to eat them, you need to deal with them professionally, and it's not something that ordinary people can do casually, so Ye Yuan suppressed his urge to eat them often.

I really didn't expect that the first trawling brought me such a big surprise when I came to the Caribbean Sea.

Ye Yuan thought happily, and at the same time joined the ranks of sorting fish, he hadn't sorted fish for a long time, it wasn't because he was in a good mood that he didn't bother to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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