space fisherman

Chapter 26 The Golden Eagle

Chapter 26 The Golden Eagle
Chapter 26: Golden Eagle
Ye Yuan looked down at Rhubarb, stretched out his hand and touched Rhubarb's dog's head a few times, now Ye Yuan understood Rhubarb's intention to drag him here, and wanted him to save the little eagle.

He took out the rope in the space, tied it around his waist, and tied the other side of the rope to a half-meter-thick tree. He pulled the rope hard, and there was no problem.Ye Yuan carefully approached the eagle's nest, stepped on the crevice of the protruding rocks of the cliff, slowly approached, the sea breeze was blowing the eagle's nest, the little eagle was motionless in the nest, the faint rise and fall of the chest proved that It's still alive.

Ye Yuan finally came to the eagle's nest, carefully sent the dying eaglet to the space, and then climbed back to the top of the cliff by himself.

He found a tree and sat down, let Dahuang lie down beside him, and came to the space by himself. , Looking at the pool not far away, the little eagle struggled to get up.

Ye Yuan got some pool water to feed the little eagle, and then crushed some fish meat and fed it. After a while, the little guy gained a lot of strength, and the unique cry of the young eagle resounded through the space one after another. inside.

Ye Yuan took the young eagle out of the space, Da Huang saw the young eagle in Ye Yuan's hands, barked at the young eagle, the young eagle recovered a lot of strength, and chirped at the big yellow~ Chirping ~ screaming.

Seeing the conversation between the dog and the eagle, Ye Yuan also found it very interesting, thinking that he still has a panacea, why not give this young eagle one.In that way, it would be nice to have an extra lookout post when you go out to sea.

He took out the panacea in the space, crushed it and fed it directly. After the young eagle ate the panacea, there was no reaction.

"Could it be that the panacea doesn't work on poultry?"

Ye Yuan also doesn't know the reason for this, after all, he only used it on rhubarb once, and never tried it on other animals.

Seeing that it was very late, I brought a dog and an eagle back home. The family members were already asleep. I carefully went back to my bedroom, took a cushion and put it on the window sill, put the young eagle on it and went to wash .

When I came back, I found that the young eagle was still there, so I went straight to sleep.

. . . . . .

Early in the morning, when Ye Yuan was still in a daze, he heard the chirping sound outside the window. He opened his eyes and saw that the young eagle was standing on a tree opposite the villa. He saw Ye Yuan walking to the window. On the side, he chirped at Ye Yuan, and then he flapped his wings and was about to fly over.

Maybe it's because I just learned how to fly, and I'm not yet proficient, so I flew directly to the ground in front of the villa, looked up at Ye Yuan in front of the window, chirping~chirping~chirping~, as if telling Ye Yuan that he Like need help.

Seeing that Ye Yuan didn't intend to come over to help him, the young eagle ran up a few steps on the ground, and tried to fly back to the window sill again, this time it finally flew up, flapping its wings very inexperiencedly, because the landing was unstable, it directly hit the Ye Yuan's chest.

Ye Yuan hurriedly hugged the young eagle with his hands, and the young eagle used the already sharp beak to help Ye Yuan comb his hair.

Looking at the whiteness of the young eagle's tail feathers, because it was dark last night, I didn't look at the young eagle carefully. Now I saw the appearance of the young eagle and suddenly thought that it might be an extremely rare bird, a golden eagle.

The average wingspan of an adult golden eagle can reach more than 2 meters, and the height can reach more than 1 meter. Golden eagles are extremely rare. They like to inhabit high mountains, grasslands, and desert areas, and sometimes hover above 4000 meters. high altitude.

Golden eagles generally feed on squirrels, hares, small goats, foxes, and sometimes other birds and fish.When they spread their wings, their flying speed is astonishing, and they can catch their prey with lightning speed.

Thinking that the one in front of him might be a golden eagle, Ye Yuan immediately took out his mobile phone to compare the appearance of the young eagle, and finally he was sure that this young eagle was a golden eagle.

"How about calling you Xiaojin from now on?"

I don't know if the golden eagle understood what Ye Yuan said, or because it just learned to fly, it broke free from Ye Yuan's hand and flew out. It hovered freely above the villa, chirping~chir~ from time to time. sound.

Little Jinfei was tired, and landed directly on the roof of the villa, Ye Yuan didn't continue to tease it, after all, there are still many things to do today.

. . . . . .

In Landao City, Zhao Chuan is going to fly back today. He planned to stay here for a few days, but because of the tourmaline, he rushed to send it back.The batch of broken jade also arrived at Blue Island today, after Zhao Chuan took Ye Yuan to pick up the goods, Ye Yuan drove Zhao Chuan to the airport directly.

After bidding farewell to Zhao Chuan, Ye Yuan was dragged by the second child to buy a lot of high-end sea fishing rods and some fishing lines specially prepared for catching big fish on Blue Island.

The second child came here this time to go fishing with Ye Yuan.For some reason, Ye Yuan felt that the second child had some other purpose this time, but he didn't know what it was, so he didn't ask further.My brother can't harm him, can he?After buying the tools, the two bought several sets of diving equipment and drove to Pinghai County.

After driving back to the pier of Pinghai County, he found many people gathered in front of a fishing boat beside the pier. Ye Yuan didn't intend to go there to see it, but unexpectedly found that his father was standing in front of these people, as if he was on the boat. people are arguing about something.

Ye Yuan hurried over, and as he got closer, Ye Yuan heard the quarrel.

"Okay, you heartless white-eyed wolf, we in Yejia Village misunderstood you."


There were chaotic cursing sounds one after another, Ye Yuan found that Ye Zhuang and a few fishermen he didn't recognize were standing on the boat, while the people standing under the boat were all future employees of his farm.

Ye Yuan looked at his father and said, "What's going on?"

Father Ye didn't expect Ye Yuan to appear here, and then told Ye Yuan the whole story.

It turned out that Ye Zhuang returned home on the day Ye Yuan returned to the voyage. His unrecognizable uncle and aunt heard from the villagers in Yejia Village that Ye Zhuang was doing well now, with a monthly salary of 8000 yuan, plus various bonuses and so on. At least 1 yuan a month.

They came to Ye Zhuang's house together, crying bitterly about the difficulty of their own family back then. They could no longer eat at home, and they had to support the elderly. Some excuses made the couple find a lot,
Ye Zhuang was already vague about many things at the beginning, and thinking about how he was only such a family member in this world, he forgave them.

What they didn't expect was that they came because Ye Zhuang's younger brother was working out of town, wanted to buy a house, and wanted to borrow a down payment from Ye Zhuang.

Ye Zhuangcai worked on Ye Yuan's boat for a few days, there was no money to lend them, and there was nothing he could do about being cried by them, remembering the reef where Ye Yuan took the crew to catch abalone, Ye Zhuang also Without thinking too much, I took my uncle and the others out to sea.

After arriving at the reef group, several people went into the sea and found nothing, only caught a few young abalones, which made my uncle unhappy, and quarreled with Ye Zhuang at the pier after returning.

Just say that Ye Zhuang doesn't want to lend him money, so why lie to them?In this way, not only did he not make any money, but he also lost the gas money, so Ye Zhuang was asked to take the gas money.

Through this incident, Ye Zhuang also saw his uncle clearly, but unfortunately, Father Ye and people from Yejia Village happened to be going to Yuwan Island today, and Father Ye was very angry when he heard about this incident.

Fishermen have rules. If you are working on someone else's boat and the captain finds out where the fish was caught, it must be kept secret from other fishermen.

Upon hearing this, Father Ye led the villagers to block Uncle Ye Zhuang's fishing boat and started cursing.

PS: Thank you for the reward of 08a, thank you book friend 160325022226442 for your monthly ticket, and thank you for the many friends who recommended tickets. This is also the credit of everyone, thank you for your fingertips here.

(End of this chapter)

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