space fisherman

Chapter 34 Li Hui

Chapter 34 Li Hui
Chapter 34: Li Hui
These days, because the fishing boat was used instead of the commuter boat, Ye Yuan didn't go fishing anymore, so he has more time.Put the experience to work in the system space.

Since I got the system space, I have been running around and have no time. Since I have nothing to do these days, I will study my cheating finger carefully.

After a period of exploration, I found that the space is far from being as simple as I imagined.

What I use the most is the points mall, followed by the space fishing ground, but the small island has never been used much, especially the small lake in the middle of the island, until now Ye Yuan has not figured out what it is useful for.

On the space island, he cultivated two vegetable fields, planted vegetable seeds bought in the county, and watered them with space lake water and outside mountain spring water respectively.

After a few days, it was concluded that the vegetables irrigated with the space lake water had matured enough to be eaten.Vegetables irrigated with mountain spring water from outside are still a long way from maturity.

This shows that under the same environment, the space lake water can accelerate the growth of vegetables.

Standing in the space, Ye Yuan was attracted by the greenery in front of him. The vegetables in front of him far surpassed the organic vegetables sold outside.

Vegetables are full of vitality. When you break open a tomato, the juice will flow.

Look at those cucumbers again, the sharp thorns are still very prickly to the touch, and they are also a circle larger than ordinary cucumbers.

At present, the appearance is far superior to ordinary vegetables, but I don't know how it tastes.
This needs to be tested before it can be eaten. After all, it is irrigated with alien water. Who knows what effect it will have on the human body after eating.

I secretly took some samples to a laboratory of my alma mater, and asked someone to do a test.

The results were quickly checked, and in the samples Ye Yuan took, no substances harmful to the human body were found.

At the same time, the professor who tested Ye Yuan also found an unknown substance in these samples.

Through testing, it can be confirmed that these substances are not harmful to the human body, but the laboratory has not detected the specific substances.

However, the professor can guarantee that these samples are edible.

Ye Yuan felt relieved after getting such a result.After expressing his thanks, Ye Yuan returned directly to Yuwan Island.

After Ye Yuan came back, he did a few more experiments and found that the space lake water is also very helpful for some traumas.

He found a rabbit with a broken leg, drank the water from the space lake, and within a day, the rabbit was completely healed.

I wanted to do a few more experiments, but I didn't have any test subjects around, so I put it aside first, knowing that the lake water in the space is drinkable and harmless to people, these are enough.

Ye Yuan has been drinking the water of the space lake for the past few days, and he can clearly feel that drinking the water of the space lake frequently has many benefits for people.Perhaps these are caused by the unknown substance, after all, it is an alien thing, and it is easy to understand that it cannot be explained by Blue Star's technology.

The speed of practicing "Water Control Art" has also accelerated a lot, and my own strength and reaction ability have also increased, especially my memory, which has reached the point where I can never forget it.

Now Ye Yuan's family eats all the vegetables grown in these space lakes. These vegetables not only grow fast, are good for the human body, but also taste good. He has never eaten such delicious vegetables when he grows up.

Niu Niu, who didn't eat green vegetables very much, has been clamoring for her grandma to make them for her after eating these vegetables.

There is a refrigerator in the basement of Ye Yuan's villa, and Ye Yuan puts a lot of space vegetables in it, so that even if he is not at home, it will not affect the family, and the problem of eating space vegetables.

With the in-depth understanding of the system space, the more I yearn for the place where the technology is higher than Blue Star, I really don't know what kind of technology there is.

After half a month, the newly purchased ferry is finally on duty, and some villagers who have been trained in the past are also working in the breeding factory.

Looking at the top-quality dried abalone that has been sat down by experienced workers, I feel that something is missing, thinking about it, I suddenly know what's wrong, it's the packaging.

All along, Ye Yuan's seafood has been sold directly without any packaging. Now that Ye Yuan's farm is on the right track, and there are so many workers, it must be famous.

If you want to be famous, you must have your own brand, otherwise who would know that your seafood is good?

Since the farm is called Yuwan Farm, then its own brand should be called "Yuwan Seafood".

After thinking about the name, I still need to pack it. I don’t understand these things very well. I need to find someone to do it. Think about my subordinates. Although those robots are easy to use, they can perform some tasks. It’s still a little bit worse to really innovate.

. . . . . .

Dongming Printing, an early printing factory in Pinghai County, seeing the locked door, Ye Yuan frowned slightly.

Not far away, a middle-aged woman who was sitting in front of a hardware store, knocking on melon seeds, saw Ye Yuan standing in front of the packing factory.

"How do I find people here? It was already yellow last year," the woman said, throwing the melon seeds in her hand to the ground.

Ye Yuan walked up to the woman, "Eldest sister, I want to find Li Hui, do you recognize me?"

"What, do you want debt?"

"No, I'm his classmate. I haven't contacted him for many years. Don't you want to come and have a look?"

"Hey, that old classmate of yours..."

Maybe it's because the woman's business is not good and few people come to her door, maybe she really likes to gossip and tell Ye Yuan about Li Hui's family.

A high school classmate of Li Hui Ye Yuan, who was Ye Yuan's deskmate when he was in school, (Fingertip was at the same table as a male classmate in high school) The two have a good relationship.

The business of Li Huijia Printing Factory was good at that time, and the conditions were high-income families in the county.

Ye Yuan often came to Li Hui's house to play. Li Hui's family didn't look down on him because of Ye Yuan's family's poor conditions. Leaving a lot, memories of Ye Yuan's youth.

According to the women, the general situation is: Li Hui's father was cheated out of a sum of money a few years ago, and Li's father went to various lawsuits, all of which ended in him losing.

After a few times, Li's father was overwhelmed and went to the hospital for an examination. The final conclusion was liver cancer. Fortunately, it was in the early stage and there was still hope for cure. However, seeing a doctor required a lot of money. He went to see a doctor, and later saw that he was getting sicker day by day, and he was unable to repay, so he avoided it far away.

It can be said that the two couples borrowed all the money they could.At that time, Li Hui happened to be in his third year of junior high school. Because of his father's illness, he chose to drop out of school and go home. He took part-time jobs while taking care of his father.

"Hey, if you want to say, your classmate is filial enough, and ordinary children can't do this." After finishing speaking, the woman sighed.

"You need to ask your classmate to go to the labor market in Landao, where he usually works as a laborer."

The woman finally told Ye Yuan and Li Hui's address.

(End of this chapter)

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