space fisherman

Chapter 56 Su Meiyu

Chapter 56 Su Meiyu

After Ye Yuan finished speaking, the thinnest tall soldier among the soldiers said, "I have no home, can I go directly to your place?"

"Huh?" Ye Yuan looked at the tall and thin soldier in puzzlement.

The soldier touched his head and explained:

"I grew up in an orphanage since I was a child, and I became a soldier when I grew up. I don't know where to go if I don't change jobs."

He said with a sad look on his face.

"If you do that, you can go directly to my place, and everyone else should go home first."

The others have no objection either. After all, they haven't been home for several years, and they want to go home and have a look.

In the end Ye Yuan found out that the tall and thin guy was named Wang Husheng, and he didn't know which talented person gave him the name.

It will take three days for these demobilized soldiers to leave the army.

So three days later, Wang Husheng would go to Pinghai County to find Ye Yuan, and Ye Yuan also left him his cell phone number.

. . . . . .

Back on Yuwan Island, Li Hui came to find him.

In a few days, Li Hui traveled all over the large and small farms to promote "Yuwan Feed", but the effect was not very satisfactory. When people heard that these feeds could double the growth rate of normal feeds, they all thought that Li Hui You are a liar, and if you ask the price again, it is several times the normal feed, and no one wants it.Even if a lot of relevant materials are produced to prove it, no one will believe it.

"There's a seafood fair in a few days. Shall we try it?"

Li Hui asked uncertainly.

In the past few days, it can be said that his confidence has been hit the hardest.

Ye Yuan understood Li Hui's thoughts now.

He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't put too much pressure on it. We originally planned to produce these feeds for our own fishing grounds. If there is a trade fair, it's good to go and have a look."

I chatted with Li Hui about the fishing grounds. Now there are adult fish for sale in the fishing grounds, but the quantity is not very large. People from Fuxiangju come to pull them every day.

. . . . . .

Jinmen City, the location of the fishery fair, Ye Yuan only found out after arriving that the fair was global in nature, and Ye Yuan couldn't help but marvel at the complete range of products.

It can be said that at this exhibition, as long as it is related to the ocean, you can buy it.There are everything from large ocean-going fishing vessels of [-] tons to small hooks and lines.

Breeding-related products were divided into exhibition hall No. 1, because Ye Yuan and the others came late, and the good positions were gone, so they only arranged a booth for them in an inconspicuous corner. Although the booth is not big, one day It also costs [-] yuan.

This time, Ye Yuan only brought some feed samples and inspection reports from relevant departments, and did not bring any seafood.

This time, Ye Yuan only brought Li Hui and Wang Husheng who came to report yesterday.

Here again, I temporarily found two college students as shopping guides.

On the first day of the exhibition, there were quite a lot of people. Ye Yuan left a few people to look at the booth, and casually wandered around the exhibition hall.

There are booths with glass partitions, and some booths have transparent freezers attached to them.

At the top of the exhibition hall, there is a screen on which you can edit the information of the products you want to sell and your booth number, which is also for the convenience of visitors to find the corresponding products.

After walking around, Ye Yuan really felt good, the complete range of goods here was beyond Ye Yuan's imagination.

At this time, Ye Yuan saw a lot of people gathered in front of a booth, and these people were talking about the fry in the water tank in front of them.

These fry fish are light green in color with black stripes on each scale.

Everyone is discussing here.

"Isn't this kind of fish a protected animal? How can it be sold at will?"

A staff member answered with a smile to everyone:

"Everyone has also seen that this is a black eyebrow fish, which is indeed a national protected animal, but our black eyebrow fish have a breeding license, so there is no problem."

"Didn't it mean that the walrus can't be bred artificially?"

Another onlooker asked a question.

"This is the latest cultivation method developed by our company, and the specifics of how it is achieved cannot be announced for the time being."

The staff proudly answered the customer's questions.

Sumei fish, also known as corrugated lip fish, has yellow-green and gray-green horizontal lines on each scale, orange and green reticular thin lines on the head, thin oblique lines on the dense part of the odd fin, and yellow trailing edge of the caudal fin.

It mainly inhabits on very steep reef slopes, ocean current channel slopes and reefs in lagoons, with a depth of about 2-60 meters.

Usually solitary, occasionally in pairs.It is a large species in the wrasse family. It has a gentle personality and is easy to get close to people.Carnivorous, with fish and benthic animals as the main food.

The wraith is a famous giant fish that lives in the offshore waters of the tropics.Distributed in Oceania, the western tropical waters of the Pacific Ocean, the Great Barrier Reef, the northwest of the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea.

It is huge in size and delicious in taste, so it is regarded as a valuable edible fish, and many ornamental fish lovers raise it as an ornamental fish.

Ye Yuan picked up the information on the booth and looked at it, he didn't expect that some people in the country could raise the wraith fish artificially, this gave Ye Yuan an idea.

In his space, there are many rare fishes that have given birth, and the wraith is one of them. Since others can raise them artificially, Ye Yuan can also apply for a breeding license for some rare fishes when he goes back. It can be justifiably sold.

When Ye Yuan was browsing the products on various booths, the phone rang, and it was Li Hui who called, telling him to go back right away. It's a little trouble to ask Ye Yuan to go back and deal with it.

Ye Yuan hurried back to the booth and found that the front of his booth was full of people, and Wang Husheng was surrounded by several security guards.

"what happened?"

Ye Yuan asked Li Hui directly.

"These security guards bully us as outsiders and don't let us continue to operate here"

Li Hui answered Ye Yuan's question.

Ye Yuan frowned slightly, and looked at several security guards.

At this time, a security chief came over.

"Brother, you should be responsible for what you say. We have received a report saying that your false propaganda has affected the reputation of our exhibition, so we invited you out. It is not bullying outsiders." The head of the security guard said confidently. .

Li Hui immediately countered: "Who reported it? Have you investigated our feed? Our feed has all the information, how could it become false propaganda?"

Ye Yuan also generally understood what happened during the conversation between the two of them.

Some people reported that the feed on their booth was false propaganda, and the security guards had to drive away their own people without verifying the truth of the matter.

Judging by Wang Husheng's posture, he should be preparing to protect the booth, so he confronted several security guards there.

Because of this incident, the place is already full of people, and many people are also watching. A middle-aged woman who looks like a manager walked over quickly.

First checked the situation with the security guard, and then politely said to Ye Yuan: "Hi sir, we have received a report that your feed here is suspected of false propaganda, do you have anything to say?"

Although the woman was very polite, the dislike was evident in her words.

(End of this chapter)

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