space fisherman

Chapter 73 Supplies

Chapter 73 Supplies
The fishing boat continued to set sail, the purpose of fishing for snow crabs in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk this time has been completed, and Ye Yuan does not intend to stay in this cold sea any longer.

The fishing boat sailed towards the southeast, and all the crew members wanted to discuss the silver coins that Ye Yuan salvaged just now, but Yu Hongbo stopped them.

During the voyage, Ye Yuan did not continue to use his perception to detect the situation of the fish in the water, but let the crew drag a few nets by themselves.

Although the harvest is not a lot, it is not bad, which shows that the fish catch in this sea area is still very rich.

Ye Yuan was sitting on the deck watching the sea view, Gong Hongzhuang came over and said to Ye Yuan embarrassedly:

"Boss, how many days do we have to return to the voyage?"

Ye Yuan looked at the chubby chef in surprise. In Ye Yuan's impression, didn't these navies stay at sea all the year round?How come it's only been a few days since I came out, and I want to go back to shore?
Gong Hongzhuang saw Ye Yuan's doubts, and explained:

"It's not that I want to go back, the vegetables we brought out are almost used up."

It was only then that Ye Yuan realized that he used to bring his mechanical crew with him when he went out to sea. Although they ate, they ate the same food, so the vegetables on board were not many.

On the contrary, meat and other high-energy foods will bring a lot, but this time it is different, and I blame myself for forgetting to explain to Ding Yi who is in charge of the supply.

Maybe many people will ask, it is not a problem not to eat vegetables for a few days, but on the boat, vegetables are not only vegetables, but also an important food to supplement vitamin C in the body.

In the earliest nautical era, due to storage and preservation considerations, most ships on long voyages carried cured meat and dried meat.

With few fresh vegetables and fruits, coupled with the lack of fresh water, many sailors on the crew would suffer from sepsis.

Sepsis, a terrible disease on board, is usually accompanied by multiple abscesses and the course of the disease, the longer one is called sepsis.

If sepsis is not controlled quickly, it can develop from the primary infection site to other parts of the body, causing metastatic abscess.

Abscesses can occur on the surface of the brain, causing meningitis, on the envelope surrounding the heart, causing pericarditis, on the lining of the heart, causing endocarditis, if in the bone marrow, causing osteomyelitis, in large joints, causing joint pain or arthritis.

Eventually, abscesses can form anywhere in the body due to the accumulation of pus, and in severe cases, septic shock and migratory lesions occur.

Later, through generations of exploration, it was found that this was caused by a lack of vitamin C.Eating more fresh oranges and lemons can effectively prevent it.

However, these problems rarely occur in Huaguo. Although it cannot be said that Huaguo people are not affected by sepsis at all, thanks to the advanced shipbuilding technology of ancient Huaguo and the national characteristics of Huaguo, it is true that the ancient Chinese people were troubled by sepsis. is the lowest.

China's ancient shipbuilding technology has long been ahead of the world, and it can manufacture large ships with excellent performance.

The larger the ship, the more space it can use, and the Hua people made full use of the advantages of the larger ship to grow vegetables and raise livestock on board.

For example, there are a large number of flowerpots on board to grow fresh vegetables such as ginger, garlic sprouts, and scallions, and livestock such as rabbits are also raised to provide fresh meat.

Moreover, Chinese people also have a unique secret recipe that is not available in foreign countries-bean products.

During the long voyage, the crew will turn the soybeans they carry into tofu, soy milk, or sprouts.These soy products fully guarantee the supply of vitamins.

Although Ye Yuan said that there are a lot of vegetables and fruits in the space, can't he just take them out like this?

The diving ability of the crew has been recognized, and there is no problem in revealing a little bit, but it is impossible to reveal the secrets of this space, and it is impossible for Ye Yuan to just take out vegetables like this.

Ye Yuan knew that he had wrongly blamed Gong Hongzhuang, and said to him with an apologetic face:
"Well, it's my fault. I used to have a small number of people on board, so I had enough to purchase these things. Now that there are more people, I will leave these purchases to you next time."

After Gong Hongzhuang left, Ye Yuan took out the chart and checked his specific location.

Now the fishing boat is leaving the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The nearest island should be the Wanniao Islands. It seems that they can only go there for resupply.

Adjust the course and head towards Wanniao Islands.

The Wanniao Islands are a natural barrier in the southeast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and a sea channel between the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean, and their strategic position is very important.

Wanniao Islands are rich in resources and have a superior geographical location.Located at the confluence of cold and warm currents, it is rich in aquatic products and developed in fishery. It is one of the three famous fishing grounds in the world.

Kunashir Island produces large crabs and sea cucumbers, and Etoru Island is a base for whaling, and its underground minerals are also very rich.However, what is more striking is the "golden waterway" of the four islands.

The nearby waters are one of the shortcuts for Saudi Arabia to enter and exit the North Pacific Ocean, and it is also the only way for Saudi Arabia to travel to and from Kamchatka and Chukotka, as well as various ports in North America.

The four islands have many good natural harbors, which are wide and deep, and can berth large ships all year round.

The more famous ones are Xiegudan Port on Setan Island, Nianyin Port and Tinian Port on Danguan Bay on Therup Island.

The majority of residents on the Wanniao Islands are Ainu people, who are mainly engaged in fishing and forestry.

The southern islands have a lot of feed and can develop animal husbandry, while the northern part is only suitable for hunting pigs.It is arable to grow more potatoes and vegetables.

The main economic center is Kurilsk.The Ainu people were called "hair people" in the 1.6th century AD, because they are characterized by darker skin, thick and long hair with ripples, a lot of hair on the face and body, not tall, and adult men are tall About [-] meters.

Their faces had European features, their language bore no resemblance to that of the adjoining peoples and countries, and the men had red beards.

The Ainu people have very interesting festivals and sacrificial activities, the most famous one is "Bear Sacrifice". They like to use chisels to carve animals, especially bear images, on peeled logs. carving".

The Ainu people have a rich cultural heritage, are good at embroidery and love dancing.

They created many poems, which were handed down from generation to generation by memory.

Some of the long narrative poems in the Ainu language that have been handed down from history are rich in content, and it takes a long time to recite them.

The Ainu people have their own language——Ainu language, which belongs to the holding language, which is an independent language.In addition to the Ainu people in the world, only the Eskimos and the Indians of Country M use the embracing language.

Ye Yuan's fishing boat sailed into Ituru Island, the largest island in the Wanniao Islands.

Iturup Island is 200 kilometers long, 30 kilometers wide, and covers an area of ​​3139km.

The terrain is steep and mountainous, and the fishery is developed. It is a whaling base.There are more than 10 bays on the island, which can berth large ships. Danguan Bay on the southeast coast was the Japanese naval base during World War II.

After going through the relevant entry procedures, Ye Yuan ordered Gong Hongzhuang and Yu Hongbo to replenish the fishing boats.
(End of this chapter)

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