Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 12 - Actors in different senses

Ba Mami began to go upstairs to chase down Yue Zhong. Because of the limitation of the venue, the projection could not be started at any time. In many cases, Yue Zhong had to go out and perform some performances himself, and he returned a few shots symbolically. Then, with the cover of the terrain, the projection would be used. Bama Mei led away. In the process of dissipating the masses by Bamamei, Yue Zhong broke the electric gate, without the illumination of the light, and only relying on the sunlight that became dim after being blocked by the ribbon. Inexperienced Yue Zhong was still hit a few times, all in Ba Mami found his position immediately after breaking up a residual image and shot him.

“There is a chance, his ability is not activated without interval, but he should wear a body armor and hit him in the head, he can win. As long as he can kill him, there is no need to consider any conspiracy.” Pakistan Asami chased Yue Zhong once again.

   “It’s the 11th floor. It’s really tiring to go upstairs while escaping.” Yue Zhong gasped and thought, “There is not much energy left, so here is the winner!”

   Ba Mami did not give Yue Zhong much rest time, but after a while, he rushed to the floor again, Yue Zhong greeted him with a shuttle bullet as usual. Ba Mami was also accustomed to Yue Zhong’s attack, pulling herself to the ceiling with a ribbon, and turned to shoot at Yue Zhong’s hiding place.

   Ducks and ducks escaped Yue Zhong’s frightened cold sweat. It seems that Mami also guessed that he had a bulletproof vest on his body. Instead of using blockade type shooting, he aimed directly at his head.

The use of projection is actually very simple. According to the user’s own body movements, the corresponding actions are taken. Yue Zhong dared not make too much movements in the process of confronting Bamamei. Generally, he was beaten by Bamamei without running a few steps. Scattered. But this time, Yue Zhong decided to take a risk.

A grenade was thrown out from behind the bunker, and the fast-paced Bamamei did not hesitate. He shot it directly in the air with a single shot. With the sound of the grenade explosion, Yue Zhong and the projection began to run in two different directions, in order to cover the projection Reaching the destination successfully, Yue Zhong’s last smoke bomb was also thrown in the direction of the remnant escape.

   picked up Big Brother, Yue Zhong dialed the signal. The backup power supply of the entire mall was connected to the lighting system, and the lights re-illuminated the hall. This projection was supported by the magic of Xiao Meiyan. Under the cover of grenades, smoke bombs and the sudden arrival of lights, the projection opened smoothly. Lift the elevator and walk in.

   When Bami saw that the elevator was going down, the machine was decisive, a silver cannon was called out, and it roared at the elevator entrance.

   The suspension cable of the elevator was easily broken, and the elevator that had lost its restraint continued to accelerate to the ground. From the perspective of Bamamei, Yue Zhong inside was already dead.

   At this moment, Yue Zhong, who had been hiding outside the mall, pressed the detonator, and the high explosive bomb that he installed on the load-bearing column and load-bearing wall on the first floor of the mall exploded instantly.

   “Homura, cooperate happily.” Yue Zhong didn’t go to the building that started to collapse, and turned to the girl next to him, “Is the video collection okay?”

   “Very smooth, let’s go.” Xiao Meiyan pulled up her hood to block herself.

  Ba Mami responded quickly, quickly broke the window and pulled herself out of the building with a ribbon. As long as one night at night, she had been buried by the ruins.

  After the entire mall building collapsed, Bami came to the place where the elevator was in memory. Stripped the ruins with ribbons and found a severely deformed elevator car.

   “Yue Zhong”‘s body fell inside in a strange posture, blood flowed to the ground, and he held a detonation button in his right hand, and pressed his left hand on his chest, as if he wanted to take something.

  Ba Mami resisted the nausea in her heart and reached out to Yue Zhong to get a red certificate wrapped in tarpaulin.

“This is what Chubby said.” Bamamei finally looked at “Yue Zhong”, and it felt a bit strange. The body had the same strange magical fluctuations as when Xiao Meiyan died, but it was relieved to think about it. , This person took Xiao Meiyan’s ability by unknown methods. It is normal to have magical fluctuations when he dies.

“Take me to the upper floors, use the elevator to escape, and finally blow up the building to kill me?” Ba Mami tried to restore Yue Zhong’s plan. “The elevator in this mall is fast. If I don’t choose to break the crane, Instead, go downstairs to chase. When he escapes from the building, I should be on the escalators on the third or fourth floor. If the building collapses, there is really no chance to escape.”

   “It’s a pity.” Ba Mami ripped off the blood-stained tarpaulin and left with a red ID.

The vicious shooting and explosion case in the downtown area quickly attracted the police in the 11th District Police Department to surround the ruins of the mall building and put it on the cordon. It is very strange that according to their knowledge of the witness’s evidence, the building entered the Neither person came out, the explosion occurred, and according to the report of the excavation, no body was found inside.

“Students in municipal middle schools and young men in strange costumes.” These two people are not like people who can launch such a large-scale terrorist incident, but with the supernatural power of witnesses on the scene, the source of this case is very It is worth delving into.

Every country has found more or less similar supernatural phenomena, but because there is no clue, and they are afraid of causing panic to ordinary people, such news is strictly blocked, and the producers of these supernatural phenomena seem to be very A tacit understanding will avoid exerting this power in crowded occasions.

Today’s events can’t be concealed. There are too many witnesses on the scene, and there are many courageous people who took pictures of this process with mobile phones and the like. Through the spread of various routes, the consequences of the incident here will soon spread. To the whole country or even the whole world.

   “Inspector, there is an e-mail from which the source cannot be found, there is a video of the man in the incident today, and there are a lot of surveillance videos.”


  After several days of retreat practice, Yue Zhong learned the pronunciation of common language. After asking Xiao Meiyan to write the phonetic transcription, he also sent such a video to the police like a terrorist.

“Police officers, if you receive this email today, it means that I am dead. I am a special ability person from China. I have been looking for people with similar supernatural abilities like me, and finally One day, I came to Japan and discovered what happened in this city.”

   A video of the battle between Bami and the Witch of the Roses is automatically played. The police present for the first time saw the horror of the so-called supernatural ability. With the firepower of this girl, it is no problem to destroy a combat force of less than 1,000 people in an instant.

   “With your technology, I believe that this video can be identified as fraudulent. The identity of this monster, according to my investigation, is called a witch by them, and they themselves call themselves a magic girl.”

  Kyoko and Xiaomeiyan appeared one after another. The video shows their usual costumes and their costumes during battle.

“I was very curious about this, so I tried to approach them, and gradually discovered something was wrong.” Yue Zhong paused in the video and continued, “They are not naturally awakened for special abilities like me. People, there is one or a group of them behind them who became Chuby. I investigated this, and it seems that Chubby has a special ability to turn the second-generation girl into a fighting ability. Magic girl, thus controlling them to fight the witch.”

   “What is a witch, and what harm does she have?”

   Various suicide cases and fire incidents were recovered through Xiao Meiyan’s collection, and finally showed their essence in the video.

“At this point, like everyone, I think that Chubby is making the magical girl and the witch to fight the justice side. So I tried to make contact with Chubby, I would like to know how it gives others special abilities, but things But it was beyond my expectations.”

Qiubi used the seeds of witchfall that the witch dropped, and the scene of starting to hatch a new witch was also shown in the video. Xiao Meiyan’s long reincarnation process gave her a lot of information on her hand. It is very easy to find these fragments. Thing.

“Why does it do this? According to my survey, a lot of emotions produced by humans during despair are the source of their energy. For this energy, they began to spread despair, lure frustrated people to commit suicide, and cause grief for relatives. This started a chain cycle, so they hatched the witch and used it as a platform to develop their plans.”

“Finally, I started investigating why they wanted to create a magical girl to fight against the witch. The final result showed that Chubby could not directly create a witch, but could only lead them into despair through the path of the magical girl, and finally transformed into a witch. Based on this, I guess that similar situations may occur in various countries. Chubby should be a huge cult-like group. Today, through step-by-step development, I cannot estimate the current scale.”

  To confirm the authenticity, the process of the transformation of the magic girl in the video is clearly shown.

   “Unfortunately, my continuous investigations led to suspicions from Chubby, and they started sending out magical girls to chase me down.”

   intercepted from the street surveillance video, from Ba Mami chasing Yue Zhong out, to Xingzi intervene, and finally Xiao Meiyan blocked Yue Zhong’s way.

“In the face of constant chasing, I have no choice but to record this video. Once I die, this video will be sent to your mailbox after a certain time without me canceling it.” Yue Zhong in the video Sincerely said, “All I can do is these, and the rest will be yours, please wipe out this organization. UU reading book”

   After the video playback ended, the inspector took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “Replay the surveillance video excavated today.”

Among the surveillance videos excavated by the police, only Ba Mami entered the mall building and the last moment. Yue Zhong’s projection escaped into the elevator and was shot by Ba Mami. The shot of the elevator cable was broken, and the total time was less than 1 minute. , The middle section was lost due to power interruption.

   “What do you think?”

“It’s hard to believe, but this video is not fake, and it should be true, but it is impossible to judge whether the truth of the matter is exactly what this person said. Most of them were thrown out without investigation. As a result, point the finger at that strange species.”

“The other party is not a professional detective, and there is no excuse for insufficient evidence collection. The most crucial point now is why they are fighting in the mall building. It stands to reason that this blond-haired middle school student has killed the other party, and there is no reason to blow it up. Drop the building.”

   “Will it be the behavior of the people in this organization?” After all, this girl has been exposed.”

   While the police were discussing the suspects in the case, the door of the investigation room was pushed open.

   “It’s not good, now TV stations all over the country are broadcasting the images we received. Although some things have been added or removed, they are basically the same!”

The inspector stood up at the table and said in a cold voice: “Apply to dispatch police officers all over the city, search for all the people appearing on the video, and verify whether the two people in the building are dead today. Before the superiors are accountable, we need more Insider.”

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