Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 194 - Declare war

  Amochi’s revenge did not come immediately. Even though his heart was very angry, he chose to wait because that opportunity would not let him wait too long.

The Earth Federation suppression campaign carried out worldwide has achieved great success in three days. All countries trying to follow the trend to achieve independence have experienced the bitter fruit. Large cities have been ruined by the locust-like mech army. Those troops that have lost their basic humanity by fighting for too long in the void battlefield will choose the most inhumane way of humanity in the history of mankind, and slaughter the city.

There is no looting or hiding. The war machines hidden in the heavy metal seem to never come out again. They will patrol their newly occupied territory and kill the civilians they saw in various ways. The degree of tyranny far exceeds that of the year. During the war of aggression, in the face of a butcher in a different world, despair and hatred spread among the native human beings, but they had no choice.

One of the most common mech soldiers can resist the frontal bombardment of the main battle tanks of any country. This one-sided advantage makes the war completely lost its suspense. The only ones that can cause damage to mech soldiers are powerful special ability and gram. British army controlled by Loyt.

Thanks to the research materials of Xiaomei Yan and the joint research of top scientists from various countries in the hands of Kloite, high-kill weapons and ammunition similar to the magic energy of elastic energy began to popularize the British army. The explosive property is enough to threaten the mecha soldiers with energy shields and heavy metal protection, but there are not many mecha soldiers that are actually killed. Most of the mechas are forced to evacuate after being destroyed by the kinetic energy device.

Mankind has erupted into its super potential in the war. The coastline of the British mainland was quickly covered with magical interception missiles and various types of anti-aircraft guns under the mobilization of all the soldiers. The remaining naval forces of the world gathered in the last of humanity. The Land of Hope surrounds and protects the British mainland.

The rare sunny London sky is billowing with smoke. The entire British system and the Irish industrial system that escaped the disaster have produced ammunition at high loads for 24 hours. Specialists gathered from all over the world follow the special energy station. The arrangement of the scientific team provides its own power to enchant these ammunition.

   The ultimatum of the Earth Federation set the time at 12 noon today, and it is now less than half an hour away.

   The war may be defeated. If it is defeated, the mountains and rivers are broken. Not only will Britain face the fate of being slaughtered, but the hope of the entire world will also be destroyed.

  Can you surrender? According to the Earth Federation, surrender is allowed in principle. However, although humans have many defects and darkness, they never lack the courage to resist. The Earth Federation’s approach has ignited the hatred of all mankind, and humanity has no possibility of surrender. Perhaps it was Amochi who wanted to see a scene.

   The act of killing the will of the world may cause the attention of the Pan-Organizational Organizational Legal Tribunal, and it is the safest for them to die in the hands of people in this world.

Chloite needed an opportunity to let his magical nuclear bombing be able to destroy the armored army. This opportunity is common. Only by persuading Lin Luoqing to appear with Gong Yongsaki will it be possible to attract all the armored army, and then Both jade and jade burned.

  Cloite was ready to sacrifice them from the beginning. So far, this is only his common plan with Amok, and even Yue Zhong did not know.

   The war was on the verge, and Kloite could perceive the trembling of excitement of the British civilization that he had completely controlled, because for Britain, in less than a hundred years, the most glorious moment would repeat itself!

All abilities, all spiritual abilities, all life and death masters, all civilization inheritors, and the world joint navy with the power of World War I, and ancient spirit abilities from the resurrection of each life and death master, As well as all human beings burning with vengeance and anger, the first time I heard the voice of Kloite through various channels.

“I am Kloite, the leader of the anti-Earth Federation and the Liberation Revolution. Three years ago, butchers from different worlds used brutal atrocities to conquer our own world. Although they tried to rule us without killing them, we Country, our nation, all our pride disappeared at the moment of the fall of Washington. The evil Earth Federation transformed the world and created a special power system and suppressed traditional spiritual abilities. I don’t know what they want to do, but two consecutive The disappearance of this year’s world champion let us know that this seemingly beautiful unity and **** is just a **** farm in a beautiful coat. Some people may say that the things of the special ability have nothing to do with him, and most people still live. In peace, I don’t know what kind of mentality of those who forgot the blood that spread the world, abandoned their fellow citizens and stolen, but I know that most humans have not forgotten to resist, no Forget the humiliation that was conquered, never forget that it is an outsider who ruled us, not even knowing whether it is human! Three years of rule did not let us, not long ago, we have just taken a great step in human independence and freedom, we once The cruel invaders and the rebellious humans who stepped on them stepped on their feet. However, the revolutions in history have faced huge obstacles, and the group of machines that have extinct humanity have been killed from the void to destroy our actions. Most of the countries that have achieved independence have fallen again. They point their finger at our last place of hope, trying to plunge the world into unknown darkness again.”

   calmly and generously stated the developments so far, Kloite’s voice suddenly became fanatical and passionate.

“In the face of violence, in the face of the corpses of the predecessors and the still hot blood, in the face of powerful enemies that can hardly be defeated, do we have to surrender? We have no choice, as long as the river of the Thames has not stopped The citizens of the British Empire can only choose to resist in the end! As long as the spine of the Alps has not collapsed, people across Europe can only choose to resist in the end! As long as the waters of the four oceans have not dried up, humans in the world can only choose to resist in the end! This belongs to the supreme glory of all human beings born on this earth, and the lofty spirit of freedom of the dead and living!”

  The words have come to this point, and all ships are sent out at the same time, and a steel roar is issued towards the overwhelming mech army.

“No need to wait for the time set by the cruel enemies, I represent all humanity here to declare war on the Earth Federation! All the brave soldiers of the British Empire, this is our most glorious moment, all the friendly friends of the world gathered here, this belongs to The war you must win if you liberate your country!”

Above the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean, five large armored forces surrounded the British and Irish islands. They were still waiting for the arrival of twelve o’clock. When receiving the command of conquest from the highest command, they will destroy the last place of humanity who dares to resist the rule of the Earth Federation, and realize their final killing carnival feast on that land, they have never thought about the weak The navy will take the initiative to attack them. When the magical artillery and missiles with the ability to break the shield rushed into their positions, the dense sea-sky queue suffered the biggest loss in this world, and thousands of mechas were lost. For combat capability, dozens of mechas directly hit by the battleship’s main gun even exploded.

  The warships of the human resistance did not leave the coastline too far. When the angrily armored army launched a charge, they cooperated with the shore fire protection to start a frontal battle with the overwhelming mech units.

Except for a few special talents who can support over long distances, the other special talents are fighting in the coastal cities while the mech units are attacking the British mainland. They are fighting with the spirits and their puppets. This is the second largest in the UK. Dao defensive line, if all are broken here, then the human resistance forces will choose the means of nuclear peace to die with the mecha army, at least this is what Crowett arranged at the strategic meeting.

   In the process of capturing the UK, it is possible that the most anticipated event of Amochi might happen, so he came to the battlefield to personally command the war.

The silver-white futuristic spaceship docked on the Atlantic Ocean, and clearly grasped the dynamics of the battlefield in front through the space imaging radar Amoch. The offensive of the Mecha Army was not as powerful as imagined, but it was under the firepower of the fearless human navy and shore. Hardly advancing, the human air force destroyed almost all of the small-scale battles some time ago, and three days is not enough to make new So they are rarely seen on the battlefield.

The weapon system of the mech does not have the equipment to easily destroy the huge warships compared with each other. Every sinking of a sea ship requires a certain amount of firepower to be able to do it, and the resistance of humanity is also surprisingly strong, even if the warship has already Beginning to sink, the naval soldiers inside have chosen to hold on to their posts and want the mecha flying in the sky to pour out as much firepower as possible before sinking completely.

The disadvantage of the war did not make Amochi angry. This was exactly the development he was expecting. At the expense of some mech units, he could let Kloite lay down his guard and send Lin Luoqing and Gong Yongsao. Then he mobilized the whole army to siege. More reasonable.

“Will he naively think that if this mech unit is eliminated, he will be able to win a real victory, so I am not afraid that I will be transferred to a new mech unit like a magic?” Amochi did not think that Croat would be like this. Stupid, even if he is, Yue Zhong, who let himself eat a lot of dark losses, will not be, so they must have something else to do, and it is likely that they have pointed their goals at themselves.

The existence of nuclear weapons, even in the void battlefield, is not a weak attack method. This warship of Amochi is not the most top-level kind, and it is not enough to be unscathed under the attack of the magical nuclear weapons, but Kloite thinks It is not easy to break through the blockade and let the two girls rush to the battleship.

If Croat can really lead humanity to victory, then his prestige will be unmatched, and it is his ambition to establish a true federation with the identity of the earth and the super-technological power. For this reason, he The purpose of eliminating Amochi together with Lin Luoqing and Gong Yongsaki must be achieved.

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