Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 21 - Tyrant

   went back to the hotel, Peng Ju made a sumptuous dinner to appease the disgruntled Sakura, and asked her some questions.

   “Little girl, are you called by Chubby?”

   Ming Ying shook his head and said uncomfortably: “I am not a little girl, I am 15 years old, and people just develop late!” The answer simply ignored the point.

   15 years old toy control? Peng Ju was quite surprised. The other party looked like a primary school student: “You haven’t answered my question yet.”

“Yeah, after seeing the news, I found Qiubi in our city and asked if it was true. It told me to come to this city to investigate if I wanted to know the truth, so I came.” Road.

   “How do you know that it is true now.” Peng Ju remembered that when he first met Ming Ying today, the other party kept clamoring that as long as he had won, he would not become a witch, and he wanted to protect Qiubi or something.

“After arriving in this city, Chubby told me all. It also said that actually becoming a witch is just a way of death. When we signed the contract, we were ready to fight. Why should we stick to these things. At the same time It also said that there will be a witch night here, as long as it is overthrown, the sorrow seeds can be used many times, so I came.” After Ming Ying said, he picked up the juice on the table and slurped. stand up.

   Peng Ju carefully thought about Ming Ying’s words, but he still knew too little about the magic girl, so he called Yue Zhong’s phone.

   “…this is the new situation, what do you think, kid?”

“It’s a different mindset. Chubby actually has some truth. Since signing a contract to become a magical girl, he has a strong desire while gaining a wish, and as long as he remains immortal and does not fall into despair, he can still live. It won’t even become a witch anymore. It’s not proportional to what you pay and what you get. It’s a very cost-effective thing in terms of income.” Yue Zhong’s voice sucked in the instant noodles when talking on the phone, obviously this time Xiao Meiyan didn’t come out, Yue Zhong could only use instant noodles.

   “You mean, Chubby is doing a loss trading?”

“Of course not, I’m sure the boss must have happened to the little girl next to you, so there is a desperate potential. Qiubi should only look for the label of this category, and then induce it, and gradually move the goal from the psychological After being separated from human beings, the pain of being disapproved by ethics, the pain of loneliness, etc. will lead them into despair.” Yue Zhong paused and said, “From an individual point of view, the so-called second development What is the gap between the young girl and other types of people? It is when women in this period are looking forward to the magic girl, and also when they are the most vulnerable. The males in the same period are much more resistant to stress. If you let Qiubi abduct the first Juveniles in the second development stage may only emerge with a large number of secondary diseases.”

   “I don’t understand that since they longed for desire and strength, as long as Chubby made everything clear, it would not cause the current situation.” Peng Ju asked his doubts.

“It’s not necessary. The greatest benefit is realized. Such abduction can cause greater pros and cons. After all, girls in this period are still very sensitive, and the consequences make it clear that fewer people are willing to sign contracts. This time it’s not me By exposing its hidden content, those magical girls may not know these things before becoming a witch. Qiu Bi’s approach gave me a good first hand.” Yue Zhong is very boring, Peng Ju Call him and he quickly seizes the opportunity to speak.

  Peng Ju understood, and sighed: “How long is your kid’s brain, I live ten years more than you, and you don’t turn faster than you?”

   “…My university studies philosophy major.”

   “Is the teenager doing the basics?” Peng Ju grinned badly.

   “I don’t like talking to you!” Yue Zhong quickly hung up.

   Staring at Peng Ju, who had been on the phone for a long time, the conversation was over, and asked curiously, “Who are you calling?”

   “A black hand behind the scenes.”

   The time for the Witch’s Night is getting closer and closer. Peng Ju has no plans to relax after packing up the chopsticks. He plans to dive into the house of the purple girl who has been hiding in the villa at night.

   didn’t intend to take Ming Ying as a pig teammate, but the little girl’s reaction was very alert. After quietly leaving Peng Ju in the middle of the night, she jumped out of the bed and stopped Peng Ju.

   “Are you going to do bad things?” Ming Ying asked excitedly, in her cognition, she went out to do bad things in the middle of the night, “Take me one, or I will destroy!”

   Peng Ju, who had no way to help her, had to warn Ming Ying that she should not provoke the right and wrong, and take all her actions after listening to the command.

   “Relax, I have a decent size.” Ming Ying patted the body of the tablet and promised, “What are we going to do?”

   “Go to fight local tyrants, grab money and grab food.” The woman was not attractive to the little girl, so Peng Ju changed her word.

   The villa where Zifa Maiden lives is on the outskirts of the city. Peng Ju drove his jeep for an hour before arriving at his destination. A three-story villa with a courtyard and swimming pool is brightly lit, and the people inside seem to have no intention of sleeping.

   “Is this the local tyrant’s house?” The little girl observed everything here curiously. For her who has lived in the city, everything in the suburbs is full of freshness.

   “Well, follow me, don’t make any noise after entering, otherwise there will be evil dogs chasing you and biting your ass.” Peng Ju threatened.

   But the little girl is not afraid of dogs at all, and she said carelessly to kill one by one, and entered the state of magical girl.

Peng raised his hand very well through the wall, and there was no sound at all during the dive. Although Ming Ying was wearing a wide puppet costume, because of her small size, the goal of the puppet costume was not as large as Peng Ju’s. Even with the unique characteristics of walking, there is no noise when walking.

   quickly avoided the bodyguard patrolling in the courtyard and touched the side of the house. After looking around, they found a second-floor room with no lights and windows open.

   Peng Ju first put the Sakura up, jumped into the window directly after two steps back.

  The dark environment makes the two feel safe while also stimulating. This is the first time that this kind of dive into the game.

   After Sakura became accustomed to the dark environment, the attack of bad habits flew towards the puppet toy on the bed in the room. When she just rushed to the bed, she discovered something, someone in the bed!

   The person who was asleep in bed was suddenly attacked and quickly pushed away the attacker and sat up. The pushed Sakura rolled out of the bed and screamed: “Wow!”

   “#(@*!” The person on the bed uttered an unexplained language.

   At this time, Peng Ju had rushed to the bed, pulled Ming Ying up and looked at the person on the bed alertly.

   White hair with dark blue eyes and a nose bridge higher than the people in Zone 11, wearing a white nightgown. Peng Ju recognized this, this is another magical girl Irina, she has no news, she actually lives in the home of Zifa girl.

   “That… how are you?” Peng Ju, who didn’t know what to do, laughed.

   “(*&@[email protected]” white magical girl responded with doubt, Peng Ju only found out that the language was impractical.

   looked awkwardly, not long after the door of the room was pushed open, the light turned on the next time.

   “Oh, I caught the mouse.”

   came in a tall girl with purple hair in an evening dress, followed by two black bodyguards. The purple-haired girl looked at Peng Ju and the Sakura sitting on the ground with a playful smile.

“Finally, when you are here, what is the resistance that Chubby said is you? Is there a little girl who seems to be our companion?” After the girl with purple hair finished, she took two steps back and waved her gracefully. .

   Two bodyguards rushed up with a bitter expression on their faces, presumably because Peng Ju’s infiltration led to their deduction of salary.

However, the average bodyguard obviously didn’t matter to Peng Ju’s opponents. After Shi launched his agile stance, Peng Ju almost stuck to the body of the two to avoid all the attacks, and slapped the opponent on the ground with a few shots. Too.

“Good skill.” The purple girl who was killed by the bodyguard did not but smiled deeper: “Just use your hand to punish these wastes, even the patrol is not doing well, let you run Came to attack Irina in my house.”

“But I can’t let you go and reveal the magical girl’s information, but it caused me a lot of trouble.” The Zifa girl suddenly turned, and the evening dress on her body became a light purple and red armor. The long hair that he had originally wore turned into a single ponytail, with two katanas in his hand, “Concubine Chuancheng Qixiang, please advise.”

   At this time, Irina on the bed responded to the actions of her friends and completed the transformation of the magical girl. Dressed in a plain white gauze sculpt dress, holding a large epee in one hand and a transparent ice crystal shield in one hand.

The two magical girls launched their attacks almost at the same time. After Peng Ju quickly analyzed the situation on the field, he met Kawasaki Kiyoshi who was rushing in front of him and handed Irina sideways to the standing Hammer of Sakura.

Chuancheng Qixiang’s combat attire can be seen as a type that focuses on attack and speed. He can fight against it with his martial arts. If it is a slow-moving Ming Sakura, Qi Xiang is restrained, but the heavy attack of Ming Sakura is used to deal with it. Irina of the sword shield can restrain the shield defense of the opponent to a certain extent.

   Although the little girl was a little clumsy at ordinary times, she was absolutely rich in combat experience. When Peng Ju and Qixiang started fighting, they lifted the sledgehammer towards Irina and they smashed it unreasonably.

Peng Ju and Qixiang are full of fighting skills, and their destructive ability is not obvious, but the fragile building is obviously unable to withstand the mess of Ming Ying, and the four can only escape from the crumbling building to the outside yard. Fight.

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