Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 28 - Witches from ancient times to the present day

   “No need to find it, Xiao Meiyan, you are no longer in the original place now.” Chubby’s voice came from an unknown place.

   is now in the second time in trouble, but this time is different from the last time, the whole world has become two colors of black and white, black is the real thing, white is the space.

“Through our people in the Pan-Plane have sent back news, we know the identity of Yue Zhong and the situation here. I have always heard that the plane information will penetrate each other. I did not expect our plane to encounter this. Something happened.”

   “I’ve always been curious about your existence. I didn’t expect such a rare ability, and the reason for the circle that will appear in the future…”

  Xiao Meiyan interrupted Chubi’s words firmly: “That kind of thing can’t happen.”

“Who knows? But the fact that Lumu Yuanxiang gave me some inspiration. Since you can defeat the strongest magical girl from generation to generation, do you have the confidence to face it now? What about this power in a witch?”

  As Qiubi’s words fell, the distorted figures gradually appeared in the original calm black and white female enchantment. Xiao Meiyan could even find many witches who had once lost to her.

“These are all the witches that have been wiped out from the ancient to the present in this plane. Their enchantments are all superimposed on the enchantments of the shadow witches. Before they are all eliminated, the enchantment will always exist, and you It is impossible to leave from here. Xiao Meiyan, your biggest wish now is to prevent Lumu Yuanxiang from becoming a magical girl? Then fight against the redemption she should have undertaken!”

  Xiao Meiyan held the two guns in her hand tightly, striding forward with firm eyes. If there is no estimation error, this is Chubby’s final hole card. Nearly endless fighting…not bad.

   The moment when the first witch confronted, the enchantment suddenly changed its composition. A large number of wooden sticks waving the devil came to her in the original barren colors.

   “Is it the oldest generation of witches…” Xiao Meiyan slowly raised her muzzle.

   After a long period of time, the magic bullets opened up by the ability, even the magical girl is difficult to resist, let alone these basic messengers. Each bullet easily shattered the body of multiple enemies, and Xiao Meiyan quickly walked in front of the witch’s body. After a period of fighting, he successfully killed the first opponent, but…

“Why, this witch’s lament!” The new difficulty found made Xiao Meiyan a little scared. After killing the witch, she couldn’t find the lament of replenishment, which means when she used the lament in her hand. After that, the one who cannot leave in reincarnation will become one of them.

   The new witch did not give Xiao Meiyan any rest time, and once again covered Xiao Meiyan with her unique enchantment.

   “What should I do, if I die, what will Madoka do?”

  Xiao Meiyan’s spirit became tense, she lost some confidence in defeating all the witch, and had the idea that Madoka could not be rescued.

  Instinctive even though she was still helping her fight against the new dog-headed demon, she was often in danger because of her mental trance.

   The second witch’s body is a totem pole riding an unknown creature. When Xiao Meiyan attacks its mount, it will make it react more violently than attacking its body.

   Even if she becomes a witch, does she still have a companion to protect?

  The loneliness in Xiao Meiyan’s heart flooded up. Since when, the magical girls who fought together have become so estranged that only they are fighting alone, and it is difficult for even Madoka to understand me every time. Just like being forgotten by the world, or that oneself shouldn’t have existed in this period of time, it is a taboo to disturb the order of time indiscriminately. This should be punishment… Those strange eyes make up this pale world, and it’s not worth doing anything for it.

   “Give up, no one will really understand you, this world has betrayed you.” A voice full of confusion sounded in my mind, just like when I was still an ordinary person, I was bewitched by the artist Witch.

   The second witch fell down in front of herself, and still did not drop the seed of lament.

   “It turns out that every magical girl who becomes a witch is persuaded by herself.”

  Xiao Meiyan didn’t want to be a witch, so she pointed her pistol at the temple and pressed her hammer with her thumb.

  The force on the finger slowly weakened in the memory. When released, the impact of the bullet change can end this life…

   “Homura, you are the bravest person I have ever seen.”

  Xiao Meiyan’s turbid eyes flashed a faint, but she quickly dimmed again. If he cannot leave here, even he will be disappointed? Actually, I was much weaker than he thought.

A large number of pale arms stretched out of the space suddenly, controlling Xiao Meiyan’s suicidal move, and then a witch composed of countless skull heads also appeared not far away, making a piercing shout while slowly Slow Chao Xiaomeiyan approached.

   Qiubi didn’t seem to want Xiao Meiyan to die. When the Ogre came over, he didn’t launch a lethal attack. After looking at Xiao Meiyan, he took out a stone knife and put it in front of Xiao Meiyan’s heart. After carefully cutting the clothes, he observed the position of the heart for a long time before preparing to cut the knife from the edge.

“Are you going to make me a witch through pain and torture? I can’t wait.” Xiao Meiyan suddenly chuckled and looked at the ogre witch with a strange smile. “This is my last bottom line, you annoy me, Chubby.”

  Innumerable light spots illuminate around the devil and the witch, and the white light dazzles to the extreme, causing an explosion that violently shakes the connected world.

   “Despite the pessimistic situation, please don’t give up your last hope.”

“Do you anticipate such a day? Yue Zhong, if I die in battle, I hope you can protect Madoka for me.” Xiao Meiyan said with a sad smile on her face in the explosion flames that drowned. A silent word.

In the Metropolitan Police Department, Yue Zhong’s detained heart shivered, and the magic connection between Xiao Meiyan and her began to gradually weaken.

“Xiaoyan…I have received your heart, but what I want is not gratitude, but your love.” Yue Zhong stroked the elder brother’s styling connector, as softly as the face of a black-haired girl. Soon, you are now the strongest magical girl.”

   “Is this person?” Policewoman A, who was in charge of surveillance, whispered to the side, and Yue Zhong’s move made her goose bumps.

“Anyway, he is a terrorist, and the danger level has exceeded that of the witch.” Policeman B responded with a deep voice. “It is still discussing how to deal with him. The action of bombarding the city government can scare the mayor. It’s hard to make the boss feel more pressure.”

“You guys, have you discussed enough?” Although I chose to believe in Xiao Meiyan, Yue Zhong’s mood was still affected. I stood up and yelled irritably. “I have no time to wait with you. I’m not afraid to tell you that the city center I have buried enough bombs to wipe out there. I will not reply to you within an hour. You are all waiting to go to court!”

Policeman B was specially arranged to take care of Yue Zhong because he could speak Chinese, but at this time he could not tell whether Yue Zhong said it was true or false. Before getting instructions, she had to ask policewoman A to report the news disclosed by Yue Zhong, but she slammed Scolded: “Yue Zhong, be honest, you don’t have a chance to get out now, don’t make any noise, you can still be judged lighter.”

   “Let me play this set less, for an hour, at least let me see the chubby you care for, I must ensure the safety of my companions.”

The Metropolitan Police Department was deceived once by Peng Ju, so now no one wants to believe that Yue Zhong will cooperate, but they dare not gamble on the possibility of Yue Zhong burying the bomb. After urgent discussions, it was decided to let Yue Zhong and Qiu Bi meet first .

   Considering the different threats of Yue Zhong and Qiu Bi, Qiu Pi, who was harmless in appearance, was taken to the guard room where Yue Zhong was detained.

“Hello, the pan-plane organization spare tire major league, junior member Yue Zhong. Formally introduce, I am the incubator of the new source exploration branch of the pan-plane organization energy association, you also know the name.” Qiubi entered the door He officially introduced himself, because he could not leak the information of the general plane organization to the low-level plane civilization, Qiubi chose to shield this space.

   “How did you treat Xiaoyan?” Yue Zhong asked straightforwardly when he was not in a mood and Qiu Bi around the bend.

   “This question is a little complicated. To answer your words simply, she is still alive.” When Qiubi said this sentence, she was helpless. At present, the witch in the witch’s big enchantment has been eliminated by double digits. Xiao Meiyan seems to have moved out all the weapons reserves used to deal with Witch Night, “It’s troublesome, but her ability is what we need, so simple killing doesn’t meet our intentions.”

   “Does the pan-plane organization have a protection policy for low-level civilization? What you are doing is trample on the soul of others.”

“There must be laws in this area, otherwise we don’t have to use such a troublesome source system to create a magical girl. Choosing a smart and civilized group to directly occupy the execution plan, the energy will be much faster than doing so.” Qiubi said , UU reading “You should also thank that protection policy, otherwise face our armed forces, no amount of Xiao Meiyan can contend.”

“It’s true, but you don’t want to play with your stealing concept, Qiu Meiyan may not be able to defeat you positively, but to be honest, she has to fully master her abilities, and you can’t help her.” Yue Zhong Sneered.

Qiubi looked at Yue Zhong’s expression and nodded, “Although you are cheating me, I can still tell you that it’s true. The disordered source system has different feedback capabilities according to the nature of the soul. So far, there is only the phenomenon of Xiao Meiyan’s time ability. I don’t know if you know what it means. If you can fully control the nature of this ability, the strength of the pan-plane organization will be unprecedentedly consolidated. There is more interest than the so-called circle theory.”

   “This is beyond the scope of your association?” Yue Zhong asked.

“You are right. Yue Zhong, I am now officially warning you, give up Xiao Meiyan, the news that she has the time ability after our extensive forensic investigation, now we know everything. If you still want to talk to her Stand together, even if we fail this time, your future enemies will still be countless, and it is likely that even your alliance will choose to give up on you. Is it better that we join forces to control Xiao Meiyan? Our energy association has stronger financial strength than banks , Will give you enough remuneration, and I can recommend you to join us, your ability is good, will be a good employee. To be honest, the situation of your alliance is now very poor.” Chubby said this trip The original purpose.

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