Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 40 - See Takihara Great Escape

“That’s it, I met Renmei.” Chiakichi looked at Sayaka, who was listening, and continued, “She hopes that I can protect her from being attacked by the witch again, so she invites me to live and accompany her. She goes to and from school together.”

   “A little self-righteous mistress.”

   Sayaka seemed to want to understand something, and said angrily: “Because of this, you have turned Renmei into a person who is not a ghost or a ghost now? You are too overbearing.”

   “Don’t make this kind of setting for me arbitrarily, am I such an unreasonable person?” Chiakichi stared at Sayaka, “Don’t think I can slander me casually without killing you.”

   “… It seems to me that you are the one who thinks what you want to do, regardless of the consequences.” Sayaka continued to die.

   “That’s right.” Qianzao confessed without a pause, explaining, “I admire freedom and complete freedom. No one is qualified to instruct or imply what I want to do, whether it is mind or body.”

   “Societies like you must be messed up.” Shayega, surrounded and bound by countless positive emotions, could not accept this idea, refuting, “Do you have nothing to worry about and the bottom line to be human?”

  The murderous intention in the eyes of Qianzao Jie passed by, and the voice became indifferent: “Do you want to hear the story or seek death?”

Locked in for a moment, Sayaka could feel a sudden cold passing through his body. The gentle rune of life and the appearance of Qianzao seemed to have opposite tempers. The original kind of attempt to do it The friend’s thoughts disappeared immediately. The green-haired girl in front of her was not able to communicate with her normal thinking at all. You don’t know when to anger her.

   “You continue to talk.” Sayaka spread her hand.

“Um… Later, because I disagreed, Renmei also compromised, and she acted with me according to my request, and she was not allowed to contact her family and become my full-time maid.” Chisao concluded, “In exchange, I guarantee that she will not be attacked by the witch, is this fair?”

   “Have you fulfilled your duty? Renmei has become what it is now.”

   “Even the night of the witch has become her men, I don’t seem to violate my promise?” Chisao concluded, “And it should be punished for peeking at other people’s memories.”

   “What do you mean?” Sayaka said that she couldn’t understand what Chiasai had said.

“I warned her not to enter my room while I am running the runes. Her curiosity hurts her. It’s that simple.” Chiaki said on behalf of Fuquan, “It’s cumbersome to explain. So, What kind of magical girl do you know? Do you think that power can be easily possessed? So my past is very unbearable, or horrible. When an ordinary girl sees a fragment, it is directly shocked. To the point of the soul. Those who have survived those sufferings are eligible to use this power, to be qualified to be at the pinnacle of the magical girl, aren’t they?”

   “After that, Qiubi came. She said that she needed to be a chance to sign a contract with Lumu Yuanxiang. As a punishment, I promised. Can you think of the next thing?”

Sayaka thought for a long time, and finally figured out the meaning of Qianzao’s concluding remarks, and smiled bitterly: “In this way, in your position, Renmei is self-sufficiency; in view of Renmei, you not only did not save her , And gave her to Chubby, so she hates you so much.”

“I have said that in exchange, I just protect her from being attacked by the witch, and other things are not within my promise.” Chisao concluded, “You think such things as cleaning, washing clothes and cooking, How much can I do it?”

“Okay, things are explained clearly, plus the life energy that was given to you before, what you owe is also paid off. Take a good rest, next time, don’t die too fast.” The magic array at the foot of the generation flashed its bright light, and as the light gradually dimmed, the figure disappeared.

   “It’s not impossible to communicate with a magical girl who is so anxious to return his favor, and observe the equivalent exchange…”

   The threat of Witch Night has been removed. For Sayaka, who is not aware of other undercurrents, it seems that Takihara City has returned to calm. In the days to come, the trauma of this city will gradually recover?

   “Alarm! Alarm! Unidentified creatures attacked the entrance of the shelter and the gate is being destroyed. Please evacuate the crowd immediately, please evacuate the crowd immediately!”

   “Unidentified creatures broke through the protection of the refuge in Area B, and the police who have maintained the security have opened fire… The police are all destroyed… All the residents of the refuge were killed!”

   “Emergency access is open, all residents are asked to escape from the refuge and evacuate towards the southern city… see Takihara!”

“All police forces gather in the south of the city. Even in the final battle, we must protect the safety of the retreat channel and seek the support of the magic girl… These guys are angels, damn, where did they come from, this amount, It’s completely military grade.”

Half of the ruins and half of the city, the unsettled hustle and bustle flew more wildly, occupying the entire Takihara sky at a very fast speed, forming a thick haze, and countless people who fled like a frypot with visibility less than ten meters In the chaos in the city, all the people who came out of the refuge lost their direction in a very short time, and the government’s escape guidelines completely lost their effect in this environment.

Under the cover of the fog, enemies holding death scythes, like mysterious killers, lurked around the fugitives without knowing it, and left a few days before people had responded. The incomplete corpses are placed on the road, which brings greater fear to the panicked humans.

Occasional gunshots meant that the police and the demon exchanged fire, but this did not bring a sense of security to the people nearby, but instead became a signal to urge life. After the gunfire subsided, the cheat with a chewing sound quickly Will pass the shadow of death to them.

   “Sayaga, there are a large number of enemies in Area E. The police force there has been wiped out, please go to support immediately.”


   Looking around the human corpses scattered all over the place, Saya strengthened his vomiting and kept reminding himself to keep himself up. The original battle with Renmei has exhausted her accumulated energy, but seeing the large number of Takihara’s emissaries began to slaughter humans, countless positive energy began to gather into her body like no money, which made Sayaka’s state again. Reached the peak, even stronger than before.

“Asshole, the witch controlled by Renmei should be completely purified by me. Where did these angels come out, and…” The angels from the strong attack to the refuge to hide in the dark also wanted to be able to fully sense the magical girl After receiving instructions, no matter how quickly Sayaga rushed to the place of the incident, the angels there would retreat without a trace, even if there were surviving human beings in front of them. We will not evacuate with the slightest love. This obscure play makes Sayaka powerful and nowhere to be used. Even with her mechanical power beyond the speed of sound, a person’s power simply cannot cope with the ongoing slaughter.

   Sayaka said to a group of people squatting on the ground to deter and tremble: “Sorry, there are other places that need support, and here is temporarily safe, so I…”

  The words didn’t finish, a middle-aged woman quickly got up and hysterically said: “No, what if you want to walk away with those demons, how can you leave us as a magical girl of justice!”

“I…” Sayaka was a little hesitant. The surviving people, like seeing lambs left alone, faded away like fear of hungry wolves, and said that Sayaka was surrounded, or angry, or pleading, Or insulting, showing their own nature in the most real human gesture.

   Faced with this situation, Sayaka didn’t know what to do, and various words circled around her like a curse.

   “Don’t quarrel!” Sayaka seemed to stop them, but in exchange for more intense accusations after a silence.

   “Longing for justice is definitely not a simple thing, are you ready to realize it?” The voice of the dark-haired girl passed through countless words and came to the helpless Sayaka in the crowd.

   “Some ugliness can’t be eliminated by violence.” Sayaka squatted on the ground with her head held, even with her huge positive momentum, she couldn’t restrain the evil thoughts that beheaded the people around her.

“what should I do……”

   “Why are these people so important and not easy to force out, and it is silent to seize the opportunity to eliminate the attacks on humans, and more people will be killed!”

Even if the Dragon Sword girl had been prepared in her heart, she was still beset by similar and different choices like the previous reincarnation. The sound around UU reading became a devilish confusion that led her to another One extreme.

   “It seems that you need help, a powerful little rookie.” The crisp girl’s voice passed through the thick fog, followed by a doll-dressed person, and slammed a path to Shayega’s front.

The stunned Sayaka raised her head and looked at Ming Sakura, who showed a smirk on the doll’s head, and couldn’t believe it: “Will you… help me?”

   “Of course.” Ming Ying raised his sledgehammer and hit the ground, the cracked lines spread along the road surface in the loud noise. I was shocked by the people who were still chattering, “Although you stopped me from avenging me, I am very dissatisfied, but in the face of the dazed younger generation, I am very conscious of being a senior.”

After all, Ming Ying stretched out her furry hand and placed it in front of Sayaka: “Every magical girl has weaknesses that can be exploited by Chubby. This is her reliance on transforming the witch, but this is not absolute. Only those who have defeated themselves are eligible to be called magic girls, little rookies. You still have a long way to go. I hope you won’t let me see you so embarrassed next time.”

  Under the violent deterrence of Sakura, the crowds who had been violently besieging Sayaka before were shivering, and their heads were shrunk one by one as they watched Sakura pull up Sayaga.

“Let’s go, these guys, I will take care of you for you.” Ming Ying glanced at the human ugliness and taught, “Although justice is not a thing in my eyes, but you are so attached to it, I am not easy to say. What. But remember, one’s justice cannot save the world.”

  PS: You know all kinds of requests.

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