Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 60 - Heterodimension

Miyazaki’s deep awakening of the ability has attracted the attention of the relevant departments in the legend. However, a player who has only 10% of the competence of a county contest player cannot yet be highly valued. The relevant department has only sent a special investigation section The staff members collected and observed data on it, and did not rush into contact with the Big Devil as Yue Zhong envisioned.

  Wait until the end of the afternoon’s game, Miyagi Saki once again swept the six opponents in the forbidden ridge and swept the two opponents back home. She still did not encounter anyone from the Earth Federation. Yue Zhong knew that he took it for granted.

“Be more cautious than expected, or are there other considerations I didn’t think of?” Yue Zhong wandered in the corridor of Miyagi Saki’s house, pretending to be literary, looking up at Moonlight and saying to himself, “Maybe The champion of a county competition is not worthy of attention. After all, according to the Big Devil, only the guys of the world double champion level are eligible to become the core members of the Earth Federation. At present, they must win more honors.”

“The last champion was Lin Luoqing of my heavenly dynasty. She did not go to the Earth Federation to report and continue to stay on the field to dominate. Could it be that she refused the invitation of the Earth Federation? There may also be inside stories that I don’t understand. Inside, the current level is still too low, at least it must reach the level of the boss, and you can only get some information when you are eligible to participate in the World Series.”

“Huh?” A black shadow glanced through the window in front of Yue Zhong, and the speed was no ordinary person. The dynamic vision of Yue Zhong in the ghost state was only captured for a moment. “It seems that it is a terrorist organization that urgently needs members. Can’t help it first.”

As the Great Demon took control of the state of shock, Yue Zhong could feel his original inherent time control ability partly returned to the body. At this moment, facing the mouse with bad intentions, Yue Zhong slowed down the time as far as possible, and floated out of himself. Outside the window.

  Under the situation that the whole world has slowed down, Yue Zhong finally clearly saw the specific appearance of the shadow, a middle-aged man who was wrapped in the same thing with black cloth and thanked him.

  Obviously, the other party could not find Yue Zhong’s existence, but as if he felt the eyes peeped by others, he left the roof of Miyazaki’s house without hesitation and retreated into the thick night.

Yue Zhong was somewhat uncomfortable when he was relieved of his ability to slow down time, because the ability has not yet fully returned. Forcibly opening it will naturally bring him a certain degree of soul damage: “Very alert, but what did he do to get to the roof? Looking for a chimney to sneak in?”

At this time, Xie Ding’s man’s heart was also beating fiercely. He didn’t know the existence of Yue Zhong, and he naturally took that peeping eye as a warning of Gong Yongsaki. As a thief, he was scared and gave up immediately. The action of installing an infiltration monitoring device escaped decisively and reported the false information he had obtained to the superior. Therefore, Miyagi Saki’s importance in the terrorist organization has inexplicably increased by one level.

This kind of accident is obviously impossible for Yue Zhong to guess. Even if he knows it, it will be considered a good thing. The more scrupulous the terrorist organization is, the stronger the targeted deployment in the future will be, but it has given the devil the most precious value. Growth time.

   Surprised the explorer, Yue Zhong, just returned to the corridor, but his ability was inexplicably restless, completely out of his control.

   “What’s going on, are men in this world going to be retaliated against?”

   The riot of power directly affected Yue Zhong’s soul body and caused tearing pain, as if returning to the time when he was tossed by the power of despair in the sea of ​​consciousness.

   Yue Zhong, who was tormented by the rolling ground, quickly awakened the Sleeping Demon King. As soon as the terrifying coercion from the Big Demon King appeared, Yue Zhong’s rioting power was deterred.

   “What’s wrong with you?” Miyazaki asked strangely.

   “…” The relieved Yue Zhong didn’t respond to the Big Devil’s question, but instead tilted his head slightly in dementia, while reaching out and groping in the air, trying to grasp something.

   Soon, just like holding a mobile phone and finally receiving a faint signal, a voice was searched from the magical waves that spread out: “Where are you?”

   The signal-like magic wave is dying, and it can be extinguished at any time like the residual candle in the wind. Yue Zhong has no time to explain the other, so he has to reduce the answer to two words: “OK.”

   Yue Zhong’s consciousness crackled, and that wonderful connection was completely broken.

   “Your side is okay, Homura, I will try to meet you as soon as possible.”

This accident not only made a short exchange with Xiao Meiyan, but when Yue Zhong grabbed that piece of information, as if he was through the second pulse of Ren Du, the ability to slow down time had completely returned to itself, and there was no small progress.

  Miyagi Saki waited for a long time without getting a reply from Yue Zhong, rubbed his eyes and yawned, and went back to bed.

The next day, under the stimulation of Yue Zhong, who played the chicken blood, Miyako Saki was as crazy as the chicken blood. On average, in three games, one was full of trapezes, and in other games, the draw was also over. , A garbage card has not been matched, the luck is so strong.

   The fierce state of the big devil is Dongxie Kata Yuki, the seabed rabbit Tian Jiangyi, and the three are the players who all ended the game in Dongfeng Field in the two-day competition.

   However, with the large number of contestants being eliminated, many players who were outstanding and expected to enter the finals unexpectedly were also out of the game. For example, the Guo Shi Mushuang who was beaten up by the sister gave the **** to Longmen Nao.

  The second day of the knockout round ended. Qingcheng still ranked first in the county’s high schools with the number of 14 finalists. The gap between the two and Feng Yue opened the gap of six. On the other hand, the female side of Fengyue was somewhat weakened in morale, and was suppressed by the once-not-so-clear Qingcheng record. A pessimistic emotion spread in the Fengyue Mahjong Department. When the preliminary battle table on the third day was discharged, it would be even more This pessimistic sentiment has reached the extreme.

“A5 against the battlefield, the contestants: Takei Hisao, Kataoka Yuki, Fukuro Mihoko, Haramura.” When countless members of the Fengyue Mahjong Department saw this scene, their hearts were completely chilled, “Fengyue’s greatest hope In the knockout match, the three main players of Qingcheng are really going to be killed by Qingcheng in the team and individual games?”

Seeing this battle table, if there are schools that are more dissatisfied than Feng Yue, then Qingcheng is well deserved. One game killed the possibility of the two main forces. The organizer’s complaint phone was almost cleared by the Qingcheng Department. The crew exploded.

   “Shady, this is the shady of red fruit, some people do not want to see the clear and strong, I reserve my opinion on the truth of this matter.” Yue Zhong said in the Mahjong Department after the game.

“If there is no reporter interviewing you, Malian will not ban you from the game and reserve your opinion.” Jiu Di is also very unhappy. Although Qingcheng tomorrow has a great possibility to solve a tough opponent, but the price paid for it It is not consistent with the harvest.

  Yue Zhong was just selling fools in bad faith, complaining that after two sounds, the attention of Qingcheng people was diverted, and he said: “Then Minister, what are your plans for tomorrow’s game?”

   “You are the coach, you have the final say.” Jiu Di started to shirk his responsibility for unknown reasons.

Knowing that Zhu Jing hasn’t completely let go of himself, Yue Zhong, who is still taking the opportunity to test, did not manage Xiao Jiujiu in the other party’s heart, and he took over the command bluntly: “Considering that Fu Ma may explode in tomorrow’s game This kind of possibility must be wiped out. Tomorrow’s game, I decided to let you take advantage of it and let the burrito and Xiaohe and Fangjun give the minister to help him advance.”

   “Anti-counterfeiting match!” Gong Yongsaki couldn’t bear Yue Zhong’s unscrupulous thoughts at first and exclaimed.

“Non-related personnel, please don’t interject, Misaki’s opponent tomorrow is still scum, and the ‘whaha’ of the school of’haha’ may hurt you, so continue to the forbidden hill, borrow as many days as possible before the finals The coming massacre has learned Qingming’s meditation.” Yue Zhong deprived the Great Demon King of his right to speak, that is, for the sake of being bullied by the other party.

   “Hey, why did I and Xiaohehe deliberately release guns to the minister, but I can hit ten!” The second burrito refused.

“You always rely on the strong fortune of Dongfeng Field to win, even the cards are not counted. In the final round of the strong players, what do you want you to do after meeting your opponent who has overpowered you?” Yue Zhong admitted that he had passed. The age of nail palace disease is not to shake M, not to mention that you will not even now uncritically criticized the burrito’s unwillingness to enterprising, “No need to say more, I am a coach Listen to me, or you will be granted permission in minutes.”

   “Why is this so?” Letting the burrito exit early to avoid encountering the Southern Emperor might cause some trouble for the big demon king. Yue Zhong’s current focus of work is still on improving the strength of Gong Yongsaki.

   “I don’t agree with the anti-counterfeit game… Anyway, I disagree. Even the coach is rude.” Haramura, who is very principled, naturally opposes Yue Zhong’s arrangement.

   “Hey, don’t you want to help me advance? My minister is a failure.” Takei Hisui paled.

Yue Zhong moved his gaze from Yuancunhe’s chest to Jiu Di and said, “Don’t sell it cute, I naturally have my reason for this arrangement. If I feel right, Miluko Fukuro probably has mastered special abilities. , The interference in the field is absolutely above you. The so-called mourning soldiers will win, and the wind will be forced to this desperate situation. The probability of normal hitting you is more than 80%. If you don’t make a target, it is likely to be completely out .”

  Because the mahjong ministry is facing difficulties, do you have to step forward as the minister at the most critical moment? Everyone heard Yue Zhong’s words without much doubt, and his expression became dignified. A player who had control of special abilities and those who did not have special abilities. They all have a deep understanding of the difference in interference. They are practicing with the Big Devil. It was a **** lesson to be bitten out of the court many times.

“I know that you may still have opinions in your heart. Let me tell you the most critical point. The Minister broke through the opportunity to master his special ability. It is tomorrow’s game. Your release of water is the biggest help for her.” Finally, Yue Zhong made Wonderful summary.

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