Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 7 - I am going to sign a contract with you to become a great magister

Suddenly staying with Madoka and Sayaka for a while, Kyoko and Asami also passed the buffer period, although the relationship with Xiao Meiyan has not improved, but both seem to default to each other’s existence and actions, and are doing their own Thing.

“So, it’s time to meet Qubei. I believe that with my qualification for being single for twenty-two years, and will continue to be single, it will definitely look at me differently. It will be a day when I will become a Faye and sweep the Quartet. what.”

Madoka and Sayaka left, and the shop owner sat down across from Yue Zhong, saying: “You two rich, just like to provoke little girls everywhere, don’t you dare to hurt Xiaoyan, I won’t let you off the boss .”

  Homura is not your daughter. As for, Homura doesn’t hurt me. Yue Zhong murmured secretly and said, “Relax, boss, those are our classmates just now. Xiaoyan is too lonely in the class. I’m helping her find some friends.”

  The boss doubted the letter and said again: “Just as you said it is really good. Just go out and play for me after work, don’t stay in the old house.”

  Why is there no such a good boss in three yuan, take the initiative to take a holiday, and also support himself to chase his “daughter”. Touched by heart, Yue Zhong quickly packed up the dining table and took some leftovers to the back door to feed the stray dogs on time, and suddenly found that he did not know where to go.

Magical girls can interact with each other, so it is easy to find each other, but they only have Big Brother. In addition to contacting Xiaomeiyan who doesn’t know where, the other two can’t be found at all. If they can’t find them, they can’t find Qiu. Than.

   Yue Zhong went to the game hall and the church to find it again, and found no trace of Kyoko, and now there is no one in the school, and no students can inquire about Bama Mei’s residence. Yue Zhong had to go to the library to continue learning the common language.

   deliberately avoided Xiao Meiyan, and Yue Zhong dared not face her again before he made a decision.

   The night soon came, still as deserted as last night, Yue Zhong walked on the way back to the restaurant and unexpectedly met a group of familiar people. They exist in all corners of different planes. They play various roles conscientiously, with stepping stones for heroes to save the beauty, promoters of plot development, predecessors of the protagonists, and doujinshi actors. The writing in the 11th district is generally called a bad boy, and the heaven is basically stinking.

   Stink… The tone of the bad boy’s speech is very distinctive. Even if Yue Zhong doesn’t understand it, it can still be clearly distinguished. The bad boy surrounded Yue Zhongtuan, you said something to me, the meaning in your eyes seems to be asking for money?

  Yue Zhong adheres to the principle that the heroes do not eat the loss in front of them, very simply took out the pockets of the clothes to let them know that they have no money, and expressed the meaning of the heroes to spare their lives through body language.

   The unhealthy teenagers stopped working, pushing Yue Zhong back and forth, and later developed his clothes.

  The financial affairs are small, and the troubles are big. Yue Zhong is a little tired of these colorful guys. He can’t beat so many people, but it doesn’t mean that he is afraid of you.

Taking advantage of a green lone star who didn’t pay attention to it, a knee-crushed egg leg was used, and a person’s fighting power was scrapped on the spot. Then he seized the vacant gap of a bad boy and stretched out his hands to press two close comrades close together. There was a head-to-head fight over his head.

   The bad boys were also in battle. They were attacked by Yue Zhong simply because they didn’t expect such a cooperating person to use their arms as a car. A strange noise rang out all the time, and they rushed to greet Yue Zhong with their fist sticks.

Although Yue Zhong flashed from the left to the right, when there were too many people to stand on, he was forced to flee for a few times before he squeezed out of the crowd, and the synergy of the bad boy was still a bit worse. The coping methods for the target to escape were not uniform. Chaoyue Zhong, who had a guy on it, carried out a long-range attack, and another part chose to pursue it. But soon they determined the tactical thinking, that is, throwing things to fight, chasing him while running.

   is still stinky in the 11th district. Putting it in the sky will only chase you and run everywhere. It seems that they have forgotten the ability to pick up stones and chase dogs when they were young.

   There were a variety of things attacked by Yue Zhong. There were the first sticks, the cans picked up by the trash can, and some local tyrants took out coins to fight.

After being beaten several times on the back, seeing the coin that threw his head and flew to the ground in front of him, Yue Zhong had a whimsy, took the big brother in his right hand, and suddenly turned around, startled the bad boy gang, thinking that the other side It’s going to be big.

   Yue Zhong sneered, picked up the coins on the ground and threw them up, and the electric shock device at the bottom of the big brother started at the falling coins: “RAILGUN!”

   The coin was pushed by the electric shock device because the direction was not adjusted properly. Instead of hitting a bad boy, it broke the window of a residential building.

   But the bright electric light at night still shocked the bad boys, at least let them realize that there is a guy in that person!

   Faced with a bad boy who was not willing to be the first bird, Yue Zhong stepped back carefully, and finally left their sight, after all, no one caught up.

   Where I don’t know… Yue Zhong, who looked around, did not find a building that he knew: “I’m lost?”

   Searching for places that can be matched with the memory while walking, and it soon made Yue Zhong find one. But this is not the same as the memory of his travel route, but the memory of his anime.

   A tall tower, at the end of the anime, Xiao Meiyan jumped from above and started fighting against the World of Warcraft in the new world.

   There was no one on the tower, but from a distance, I could see a white spot.

   “Which is that?” Yue Zhong had a guess in his heart, and slowly approached the iron tower. The white dot seemed to be waiting for him, leaping down in disregard of the gravity of the earth, and fell gently in front of Yue Zhong.

   “Sure enough, it is not the breath of this world.”

  Yue Zhong looked at this **** beast like cats and dogs and dogs, and said seriously: “Please speak Mandarin.”

  Qiubi crooked his head. For its alien species of high-tech civilization, the built-in translation function should be basic. In its view, there is no difference between common language and Mandarin.

   “Did you come from the general plane?” Qiubi said Yue Zhong’s identity directly.

  Yue Chongwen’s words are also not calm, could Xiaoyan sell me? However, when I think about it, the **** beast originally came from a high-tech civilization. Perhaps it is a member of the pan-plane organization, and it is natural to see his identity.

  Qiubi’s EQ is 0, but his IQ is definitely not low. It is impossible to deal with it as a young girl who is fooling around. Yue Zhong is somewhat difficult to speak.

   “Please do not interfere with our energy supply to this universe, otherwise we have the right to impose sanctions on you in accordance with the law of the universe.” Qiubi stepped towards Yue Zhong step by step, but the little body had a sense of oppression.

   “How are you sure I am?” Yue Zhong said this when he found that his lips were dry. “How did you find me?”

“According to the information received from Kyoko’s body, someone revealed the information and hinted to her, and that was the time when the unknown magical girl chased our companion. Contact the person at the time, first you did not When looking for Kyoko, you can infer that you are simply using her; the second purpose is not with us, and no individual has feedback your information; your purpose should be an unknown magical girl, for which we have investigated her whereabouts And surveillance, although I can’t get close to her, but through her course of action, I still locked you who was a transfer student with her and appeared in a restaurant where she often haunts. At that time, I can’t, sure, but you go today Let us confirm that the goal is you.” Qiubi looked at the changes in Yue Zhong’s eyes, “As for finding you, isn’t it because you are looking for us?”

   “So you appeared, and still warned me?” Yue Zhong suddenly smiled and said, “This seems a bit illogical, right?”

“Not at all. If you don’t look for us, you still need to continue to investigate what you are trying to figure out, but since you have your eyes on us, plus your previous actions. You are trusting the magical girl in this city And, after investigating some of our information, I plan to be detrimental to our plan.” Chubby said, “Can you show me your documents?”

  Yue Chong froze for a moment, facing the strange request made by Qiubi, and finally said: “It doesn’t matter, but I have a condition.”

   “What conditions?”

   “I want to sign a contract with you to become a magister!”

  Qiubi shook his head and said, “The plan is temporarily not for men, and you are not a person in this universe. Even if it can produce energy, it is of no value to us.”

   “Then why am I showing you. UU reading” Yue Zhong said disdainfully.

   realized that Yue Chong did not express anything in his Qiubi, and continued: “Your identity is not really important, I just want to know about it and seek a space where we can cooperate.”

   “In this case, I need a little time to consider.” Yue Zhong said.

  Qiubi shook his head again, and said: “Please don’t want to use this means of delaying time. We can only take some measures for those threatening people who cannot communicate well.”

   “So what can you give me?” Yue Zhong said.

“It depends on your identity.” Qiubi continued to look into Yue Zhong’s pocket. Although there are many ways to know the content of the document without Yue Zhong’s consent, because of the protection of cosmic law, it does not Intend to take this unnecessary risk.

   “After all, you still want to wear a white wolf with empty gloves, I’m not stupid.” Yue Zhong vaguely felt that his humble membership card seemed to have a certain use value.

Chubby’s long ears fanned, and finally said: “It seems that we can’t reach an agreement. Please take care of you in the next days. Although we will not shoot you directly, it does not mean that we will give up other methods and hope again. You can give up your plan. If you have the willingness to cooperate, come to us.”

Qiubi left, and Yue Zhong took his elder brother in some trembling hands. After all, he did not contact Xiaomeiyan. He had to say that this time when he met with Qiubi, the other party’s powerful intelligence and analysis capabilities made him feel. There is a lot of pressure, but it is not without gains. His membership card seems to make Qiubi afraid.

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