Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 93 - Tangled self-touch

   wasn’t the blood moon that infected everything, but the seemingly weak drizzle changed the seabed moon silently. The new realm of Gong Yongsaki far exceeded Yue Zhong’s expectations.

The third round of the East entered Miyagi Saki’s banker. The previous two performances of Miyagi Saki caused Tianjiangyi and Nanpu Shui to put each other off, even if she did not have a draw, she already carried an absolute of 51,100 points. The advantage is also the points at the end of the first half.

“We were played by Miyako Saki again.” Yasushi Fujita said with a sigh. Before the prefecture competition, she was invited by Takeiku to go to the original village and Miyako Saki, but I didn’t expect it to be long. The dumb guys are starting to make themselves afraid.

Miyazaki looked at his points expressionlessly, and then looked up slightly. At the moment when the Paishan was just piled up, the rolling mountains burst into the calm sea, and the new realm expanded again to make the field on the field. The sky is full of petals. The dealer has arrived, it is time to give the opponent a fatal blow.

In regular competition, unless there is a particularly strong player on the field, the family in the bank will generally be suppressed by the opponents. After all, there is a 1.5 times bonus for the player. No one wants the opponent to draw cards or even play in the bank. Lianzhuang. The finals of the individual contest of the county competition will naturally be no exception. Gong Yongsaki will attack with all his strength while holding the absolute advantage, and it is bound to cause the opponent to rebound. Sealing his ridge is the safest way.

Fukuro Mihoko gave Tian Jiangyi a light glance, and may be admonishing the opponent not to be hard-topped with Miyako Saki. The previous two games showed that Tianjiangyi could not win the palace even if he possessed a divine possession. Instead, Yong Saki will be used by the other party.

   Tian Jiangyi’s eyes flickered for a while, and nodded in default of Fukuro Mihoko’s request.

The combination of the eternal crescent moon and the advent of the gods did not have the effect of one plus one equal to two. Because of some conflicts and disagreements, the final effect is stronger than the existence alone, but it is not strong enough to completely suppress the palace. At the current level, Tian Jiangyi should be quite sensible in the current state, knowing that the most urgent task is to beat Miyagi Saki’s points as soon as possible, otherwise the remaining rounds will be few.

The East Third Board was quickly completed, and the multi-directional listening cage on the seabed still exists, but this time it is much stronger than before, because only the Gong Yongsaki family is a five-way listening hand, including himself. The three players are all within two directions.

“It doesn’t matter who is playing cards for the time being, first clear the clear dealer, and you can’t deal with the small cards anymore, otherwise the chances will be very small in the end.” Fukuro Mihoko secretly said, “Pinglong’s Nanpu number painting, I’m afraid not It’s not the same thing with us, but thankfully she didn’t mean to help Miyako Saki, otherwise, this game has not been played.”

The directional submarine cage is the result of the separation of divine power. Tianjiangyi’s own strength cannot be done, but since it has appeared, the trouble for Miyagi is not small, except for the big devil himself, three. The opponent quickly completed the draw under the power of Tianjiangyi’s dominant hill.

   “Miyagi Saki is sitting in the bank, but she is a two-way card in addition to the two inscriptions in her hand. The other three players are all multi-faceted. I am afraid that the banker is not easy to keep.” The girl said.

Like the explanation of the girl, Yue Zhong could not see other players’ hands on the field, plus his limited level, he could not guess that it is now the situation of the three draws, but he still feels that Miyagi Saki is now facing Difficulty: “Saki sauce, the old man pinched fingers, it seems not good, the other party’s small universe is already full of energy, and our party is still singing.”

   “Why?” Miyagi Saki, the demon king, rarely asked a solution.

“It can be seen from the situation of playing cards that all three of them played with the cards without much consideration. It must be that the direction of the opponent’s card has a concept and no longer needs to make a decision. Maybe it will be a draw.” Yue Zhong After watching Miyagi Saki played a lot of mahjong games, he also had some insights on the situation.

Miyazaki did not comment on Yue Zhong’s answer, but instead said: “No matter which god, or Fukuro Mihoko, they are all players who are used to controlling the scene. When the situation deviates from their expectations, they will As much as possible, I want to pull back the missed part, as long as they are in a hurry, the opportunity will exist.”

From the words of the Great Demon King, Yue Zhong learned that she didn’t care about the disadvantages of her hand, and extended the meaning of her words. I am afraid that she didn’t even care about this dealer. Everything should be in accordance with the actions of the hand. This gave Yue Zhong a strange idea. Maybe Gong Yongsaki’s reading ability of the game is no longer limited to one game, but the possibility of the future.

“If it is selected for her as a special ability in mind, I am afraid that it will be better than the minister and the mother.” I think so, but Yue Zhong did not feel any pity, even now. Special ability, Miyagi Saki is also a master of psychological warfare.

The status of the number painting in Nanpu is still not good. At the thirteenth tour, he played the card Fukuro Mihoko heard, slam 8000 points, and then Fukuro Mihoko hesitated because of this card, Gong Yongsaki took There is no effect, she will fight.

   “Sniping Qingcheng is the top priority, just let it go.” In the end, she still wanted to press Miyako Saki’s points, so there was no peace.

What Fukuro Mihoko did not expect was that after Jiang Yi played the card that day, Gong Yongsaki also immediately played the card that would put the gun, and he couldn’t draw because of Zhen listening: “Here, Nanpu counts you. It’s really my nemesis.”

   Adjusted the mood of a trace of volatility, and Fukuro Mihoko touched the card.

   “Self-touching, the dealer has 4000 points and the player has 2000 points.”

  A rare three-player touched the same card. Fukuro Mihoko completed the opening of the second half, successfully slamming Miyako Saki’s dealer with a slam, and robbing Miyako Saki of 4,000 points.

“You can’t just focus on one home since you touch it. Tianjiangyi’s points still fell by 10,000 points. In the next game, my banker had to stare at Qingcheng to see if she would let go.” Mihoko was not very satisfied. Even if he touched himself, Gong Yongsaki’s points were still more than 20,000 points higher than his own. If one accidentally made Tian Jiangyi out, Gong Yongsaki would still win.

Yasushi Fujita also took what Fukuro Mihoko thought in time: “In the next round of Fukuro Mihoko’s dealer, according to the current point of view, unless she is a self-touched jump above, she will still be unable to surpass Miyako Saki, but will Take Tianjiangyi to a very dangerous point.”

The girl explained not to be lonely: “Why do you think so? If you touch yourself again, you won’t be able to surpass Miyagi Saki’s players. Even if Tian Jiangyi’s players fell to the brink of elimination, the point difference will not be big by then, everyone’s All opportunities are equal.”

Shaking his head negates the partner’s point of view. Fujita Yasuo continued: “The question of probability, let’s not talk about whether Fukuro Mihoko can touch the dealer, the probability of continuous draws on the mahjong court is an interesting question. Some people play more and more smoothly. It can be blocked, and the representative is Gong Yongzhao of Baixitai. Some players are not good at this. It is basically impossible to achieve more than two consecutive draws at the same level. Fukuro Mihoko is this type of player because Cautiously, she basically won’t let go, but even opponents who are weaker than herself are difficult to draw consecutively. Except for the extraordinary play of eliminating Qingcheng, most of them are like this. So if you come to the dealer once The self-touch of the final word, I am afraid that will make the wedding dress for Gong Yongsaki.”

Miyako Saki doesn’t care about his dealer’s quilt, and it doesn’t matter when he faces Fukuro Mihoko’s self-touch. As the initiator of everything, watching opponents like Fukuru Mihoko fall into the direction of his calculation step by step, even the devil can’t bear it. There was an emotional smile.

   Yue Zhong frowned, he vaguely knew Miyako Saki’s plan, led Fukuro Mihoko to the point of cocooning, and then won all his opponents in one go, but would it really be that simple?

“Saki sauce, be prepared for contingency, if you want to calculate Jifu’s mother, you can do it at a price. You are counting people, and she is counting you. And don’t forget the rabbit, even if she drops 10,000 points, It’s not the existence of arbitrariness.” In a word, until the end of this game, there are variables, because each player is unusual.

Get reminded by Yue Gong Yongsaki’s smile has converged a little. At this time, the benefits of playing together are shown. Yue Zhong, who is a bystander, can give the big devil some necessary hints. .

“I know.”

Tian Jiangyi, who is said to be an ATM, is not as unbearable as Fujiko Yako imagined. Fukuro Mihoko can complete this self-touch, and her monomer control is indispensable, and Fukuro Mihoko not only took Miyako Saki in the form of self-touch At 4,000 points, she was also robbed of 2,000 precious points: “Taking me as a **** is completely different from what I said.”

Apart from the complicated Nanpu number painting among the four, none of the other three wanted to lose the game, so it was destined to join hands against one person. The situation must not last too long. When Fukuro Mihoko sat on the banker, he urgently needed to get The self-protected Tian Jiangyi chose the submarine cage to expand the scope again, no longer only for the Miyako Saki family.

  East four rounds began to match cards, the situation seems to have returned to the state of fighting each other.

“Can Fukuro Mihoko keep the dealer and reverse the game to win? Can the old MVP change the trend and reintegrate the game into a desperate sea rhythm? Will the flowers on the mountain bloom again or enter easily? After the Nanfeng Stadium, the dark horses killed in the individual game played a feast for everyone again?” The commentary girl noticed that the atmosphere in the stadium changed again and could not help starting to arouse the audience’s emotions.

   “Don’t read it, this is a live broadcast without advertisements.” Yasushi Fujita interrupted to understand the girl’s next summary, “Now there are interesting situations in the game.”

  PS: During National Day, I try to code one chapter every day, I want to go out to play.

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