Spare Tire Major League

v2 Chapter 2282 - Reunion in the dream

“Quasi play.” Yue Zhong’s mood looks very good, or thinks this matter is very interesting in itself. After agreeing to the opening of the civil servants, he did not forget to look at Xiangmei Hongdao: “Sister Red, do you have any opinion? ?”

Sister Fujiwara naturally knew that Yue Zhong wouldn’t really agree to this matter. At present, he might not be happy with himself. He rolled his eyes and said, “You are free.”

Yue Zhong’s agreement didn’t matter, but some people in the hall were anxious.

These people are nothing else. Most of them are military generals who fight against the mountains along with Yue Zhong and Mei Fujiwara. Today, Fujiwara Mei Hongquan is swaying, and the military official faction has overwhelmed the civilian official everywhere. We don’t have much place for meritorious service. If Fujiwara had redeemed his military power and entered the main palace, the generals would undoubtedly lose a reliance on throwing civilians out of the palace at the dynasty meeting.

If Yue Zhong, the founding monarch, was kind to the heroes, the outstanding military commanders might be able to have a mixed life, but if he planned to emulate the founding fathers of the founding country to raise a knife to the founding country, only Fujiwara Meihong could stop it.

In the past dynasties, hou Gong’s political affairs were taboos, and Fujiwara Meihong was not only the lifeguard of the generals, but also the guarantee of their illustrious wealth.

The plotting of the civil servants, the generals who control the various battalions in the capital, would not be unaware, but they did not expect Yue Zhong to be so happy and agreed: “Your Majesty, the minister has something to do!”

“What’s the matter?” Yue Zhong said with some helplessness. If it is still historical time and space, he might as well get up and leave and ignore these generals, but this is in Meihong’s dream, once there is a fierce conflict The owner of the uncertain dream will wake up.

Meihong also looked at these old brothers strangely. She remembered the incident today very clearly. At that time, Yue Zhong directly dismissed the civil servants, so the military officer did not make an appearance. Now this incident has happened uncontrollable. Changes, what kind of backs did these guys secretly make?

“Your Majesty, Shandong Mariners discovered a floating coffin half a month ago at sea. Its coffin is made of Phoebe chinensis, but it can float on the sea like a boat…”

Sister Fujiwara rebuked slightly anxiously and said, “Why are all the ridiculous and strange things brought to the court, and they are all withdrawn.”

Put it on the weekdays and was reprimanded by Fujiwara’s sister red, and without papers, he could only return to the queue with diligence. However, today’s events are related to the battle between the civilian factions. The person hidden in the coffin is a stunning beauty, and the test of his funeral is a pre-Qin thing, but his body has been immortal for thousands of years, and he thought that there might be a mystery of immortality!”

The kings naturally hope to live forever, even if no one has done it, it is still a rush, but the generals who have said this have not thought of using the immortality to please the emperor. The so-called immortality is just a guise.

The military commanders really wanted Yue Zhong to see the people in the coffin. Let this start from the grass, and have been stared to death by Fujiwara Sister Red. The emperor who has not touched the woman very much knows what to know. .

The temperament and face in the coffin, no one has seen it before and is not surprised, and if the emperor saw it, he would certainly be excited. Although it is not possible to marry a dead man to the emperor, he can let the emperor know that there is no lack of first-class beauties in the world. By that time…there is always a fierce girl who does not have a little feminine Fujiwara, can the emperor still be able to watch it? ?

Yue Zhong quietly glanced at Meihong, and Meihong pouted her lips with an indifferent look.

“Got it, let’s go check it out. I’m going to rest after reading it, and there will be nothing more to be said tomorrow!”

The floating coffin on the sea is in the tribute outside the main hall. Originally this unlucky thing will not be brought here, but so many generals of the count and princes have to force it to come, and the Royal Forest Army dare not let go, palace The directors in China did not dare not agree.

From the Taiji Temple, Yue Zhong was walking in the most current situation, but he did not have the posture of dragon and tiger walk, because he was not used to wearing such a complicated dragon robe at all, and he walked slowly and slowly.

Sister Fujiwara, who was right behind Yue Zhong, laughed a lot. She had seen this kind of scene many times, but when she saw it again in her dream, she felt amiable and could not help snickering.

Finally, he walked to the tribute room, and Yue Zhong couldn’t help wiping the sweat from his head. Today’s season is the scorching heat. It is more tiring to walk such a journey than having a martial art with Meihong.

All the other objects in the tribute room have been removed, leaving only a long carved coffin with a dragon carving and a beautiful phoenix and a beautiful scent.

Yue Zhong shrugged his nose. He had similar smells of perfume on Xiao Meiqing’s body, but there is no artificial high-end perfume in this era, let alone the pre-Qin period of millennia.

After turning around the coffin with interest for two times, Yue Zhong stood at the head of the coffin and ordered: “Open it and let me see the beauty of the beauty in the mouth of all lovers.”

Several guards hurried forward, and the coffin seemed to be extremely heavy, struggling with the strength of the guards, the nine cattle and two tigers.

The first thing that caught Yue Zhong’s eyes was a very modern black mourning suit. The black stockings on the round-headed boots clung to the slender legs and the white pleated skirt. A gripped waist, a black bow tie around a white-collar neck, and a velvety shawl on both shoulders.

The long black hair is silky like silk, the round and delicate face is quiet and serene, the long eyelashes and the delicate eyebrows are closed, and a lilac hair band is tied to the hair.

The moment I saw this person, Fujiwara’s red face suddenly became Even though she had never seen each other, Yue Zhong’s description has been heard countless times.

Surprised, Yue Zhong’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t do anything at all for a long time. After a long time, he couldn’t believe his hand out, Zhan Zhanwei was cautious, fearing that it was a phantom , For fear of poking the most beautiful dream of a lifetime.

When Yue Zhong’s hands were on his face, a touch of cold touch had just reached his fingertips, and the beauty in long sleep showed a strange smile and slowly opened his eyes.

Her hand held Yue Zhong’s hand firmly, and tried her best to gently and incredibly lighten Zhu Lip: “I have caught you, Yue Zhong…”

At this instant, Fujiwara’s dream collapsed like a doomsday, the majestic palace collapsed into ruins and submerged into dust, and the figures of everyone around him became more and more blurred, and finally there was only a chaos of time and fate. .

She watched Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan’s body turning into starlight in front of her and dispersed, just as on Sicily, she watched Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan escape in front of her.

“Sister Red, I’m sorry.” It was Xiao Meiyan’s voice that finally apologized to her.

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