Spare Tire Major League

v2 Chapter 2345 - Dinner

Qi Xiaomeng spent money very generously, so when booking a room, he also chose the most expensive one. The whole government office and secretary department came with more than 20 people. When Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan appeared together, all People are chatting in the joyful atmosphere.

As soon as Yue Zhong appeared, the topic was abruptly stopped, and a high-level leader suddenly appeared in the same status. No matter whether he was a county official or a current leader, the atmosphere would naturally cool down, and then around this A leader started a new topic he was interested in.

This situation Yue Zhong can’t remember how many times he has seen him. Most of the time, he was the supporting role accompanied by him. Occasionally, he has also been the protagonist once or twice, but with this promotion, he really has some power. In the future, the chance to play the leading role will be more.

“Let’s sit, all standing strangely crowded.” Yue Zhong smiled kindly and pressed his hand to signal the crowd to sit down, and then went straight to the seat with Xiao Yan to sit down, “It’s rare that so many secretaries come together so, Your leader has no dinner?”

Everyone laughed and laughed, and no one explained it, because half of the people who came here today took the task assigned by the leader and wanted to spy on Yue Zhong from a life perspective. It can’t be said.

Yue Zhong took everyone’s reactions into his eyes, initially judged everyone’s thoughts, and then asked, “What did you just say so lively?”

“Naturally is the matter at today’s executive meeting.” As the boss of the government secretary department, Secretary Ouyang is the only cadre at the sub-department level. Qi Xiaomeng didn’t mean to speak, so he would answer Yue Zhong’s question first. .

There is no political ambition for the mayor of Jiang District to retire. Secretary Ouyang got the position of deputy director in the overall situation before and after his retirement and then considered promotion is the most realistic. When the executive meeting discusses personnel appointments, Yue Zhong is also very needed. In favor of the vote, his attitude towards Yue Zhong was quite complimentary.

Not only did Yue Zhong and the district governor have no differences, but in a sense, they were also a comrade-in-arms on the front line. Secretary Ouyang exaggerated Yue Zhonglai’s spare no effort: “…the words of Deputy Governor Yue at the executive meeting, but I see Having passed the most aggressive leadership cadres, it’s natural for everyone to talk about it, and I’m sure there will be similar topics at many dinner tables tonight.”

“Ha, so it is still necessary to say that the cadre is younger now…” Yue Zhong is very clear about what to say on this occasion, especially the leader on the throne. Don’t take this opportunity to brag about it and deepen it. The impression of someone who is not yet familiar with him is a waste of opportunity, and Yue Zhong, who decided to take this publicity course, is no exception.

In the middle of the line, other people at the same level criticized and pointed to the form of the development zone. After a lot of Yue Zhong’s achievements are real, and one night is not enough for him to boast. Of course, even if he didn’t have much achievements, he was just talking big, and other people dared not put forward different opinions. Power and status bring vanity satisfaction in all aspects of life.

Of course, it is not appropriate to arbitrarily appraise the superior leaders on this occasion. Yue Zhong also said nothing about Secretary Zhao, the Mayor of the Jiang District, and the high deputy secretary who had not met. That is the person with the most powerful power he has ever been. As the executive deputy district governor, as for the remaining two of the four teams, most of the time they are far away from the power center, so naturally they are not in the scope of his comment.

Meals were served on the table one after another, and the two bottles of liquor placed on the table made Yue Zhong withdraw a bottle: “I am a person who does not drink alcohol, just bring me a bottle of cola.”

Regarding the request of the deputy governor of Yue, everyone present looked at him as if he had refreshed the three views. After all, it is still a new thing for leading cadres to use cola instead of wine in this era.

The waiter was stunned when he heard such a request. Qi Xiaomeng couldn’t bear it until he said, “Just pour him a cup of tea.”

Yue Zhong blinked innocently. He used to drink Coke with Secretary Zhou before, why not here at Qi Xiaomeng. However, Yue Zhong didn’t have the interest to ask, and turned to Xiao Meiyan, “What should Mu Huang drink?”

“I also drink tea.” Xiao Meiyan, who is an underage girl, hasn’t drunk, so she said.

A dinner was very lively under the deliberate compliments of others. From time to time, some people got up to toast Yue Zhong. Yue Zhong specially responded with Xiao Meiyan together, completely unaware that they are all a family in this country. Xiao Meiyan, who replied with talents, didn’t know it, but every time he drank a tea, he felt that other people looked at his eyes strangely.

Everyone who saw this scene also had their own thoughts. Yue Zhong’s attitude was so obvious. Many girls with the idea of ​​approaching Yue Zhong could not find a chance. Other men were not good to take Yue Zhong and female in front of Xiao Meiyan. Colleagues make jokes that are inappropriate for children.

The only one who seemed excited was only Ouyang Secretary. He saw that there was indeed no ambiguity between Yue Zhong and Qi Xiaomeng, and Qi Xiaomeng who drank from the wine also refused to come, and Ouyang Secretary who was sitting next to her also took the opportunity and Qi Xiaomeng said a lot.

In the future work, it is inevitable to have more contacts. Secretary Ouyang, who has had the illusion of life, feels that he has a good chance.

The protagonist of the restaurant did not drink, and the meal ended without eating for too long. The slightly drunk Qi Xiaomeng put his hair up and tied it up, very enthusiastically leaving everyone to go to the KTV upstairs to continue to hi .

However, most of the others were interested in slackening, and the test of Yue Zhong was almost the same after a meal. The female colleague found that she had no chance and found a reason to flash people.

The proposal to sing didn’t get a response. When I came to the door of the hotel, everyone except Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan drank some wine. Family.

At the end of the dinner for more than 20 people, Yue Zhong and three others left, as well as Ouyang Secretary Ouyang expressed that he was not assured to let Qi Xiaomeng go back alone: ​​”Deputy Director Yue, go first, I Send Secretary Qi back.”

“Don’t you drink too?” Yue Zhong’s expression of watching a play, because a long fleet of luxury cars is approaching here, and the first one has parked illegally on the street in front of the hotel. .

“It’s okay, please just take another trip and pay more for the master.” Secretary Ouyang said immediately.

Qi Xiaomeng narrowed her eyes with red eyes and burped: “Secretary Ouyang, no need…”

Secretary Ouyang, who was also planning to insist, suddenly drilled a handsome man in luxurious clothes, and no matter what came first, he said to Qi Xiaomeng: “Xiaomeng, are you drunk, is there any discomfort?”

In turn, he scolded Yue Zhong and shouted his face: “What are you doing, Yue Zhong, how can you make Xiaomeng drink so much?”

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