Spare Tire Major League

v2 Chapter 2366 - Timeline changes

(Due to special reasons, the original content must be skipped to go to Gunma County, please be confident to make up for the details)

Wang Zhenlei’s affairs finally came to an end, but his existence and behavior undoubtedly reminded Yue Zhong again that his road would not be smooth, and that the strength of the guy hiding in the dark who still didn’t know what existed was controlled by himself Unimaginable, I am afraid that I will face a greater test in the future. Perhaps even if I went to her world with Xiao Meiyan, it would be difficult to escape his palm.

The power of He Xiaoyan through the name of Tianyan, and the huge secrets hidden in Xiaoyan all show that the final truth of the matter is far beyond the scope of one or two worlds. He clearly had the opportunity to put himself to death alone, but he just let himself go and let Yue Zhong’s adventure succeed, and this successfully diverted Zhang Zhenlei’s attention, which in turn made Zhou Yunqian a headless case. Eventually I had to understand the accident.

But because of this, Yue Zhong even has difficulty in deducing what the other party wants to achieve. The existence of an obvious purpose but always eyeing himself makes Yue Zhong’s uneasiness even stronger. He does not know that he is now Whether everything you do will be what the other party wants to see.

For the sake of today’s plan, the only thing I can rely on is the ability to perform the same as the other party, but my own desperation is only to extend it to the entire city. Compared with the other party, there is definitely a huge gap.

However, this incident was not without any gain. Yue Zhong knew that Xiaoyan was an out-of-state existence for the other party. Just like Xiao Meiyan was not seen in her Tianyan horizon, all her actions were impossible. Predicted, at least the observation with the Tianyan horizon will not work, because other people’s interaction with Xiao Meiyan is also a general blank of encryption, and only certain contact with it in the normal way can make certain inferences from her reaction. .

In the early morning of the third day after the Zhou Yunqian incident, Yue Zhong successfully passed the approval and was qualified to go to Gunma County in Country J. Qi Xiaomeng, as his secretary, naturally had to go with him. The delegation had originally arranged many People, but all of them were rejected by Yue Zhong that the cost was too high.

When Yue went to Gunma County, the information company immediately went to Xiao Meiyan and her driver and bodyguard to go abroad. This kind of diligence was not entirely because of Yue Zhong’s face. Xiao Meiyan served as a technology in the company. The director has really created value for the company, and the improvement of the original logic repair process has greatly reduced the manpower and time required for emergency repairs, and at least millions of labor costs can be saved each year.

Today is the time of departure. Yue Zhong was called up by Xiao Meiyan early in the morning to pack his luggage.

Of course, it’s mainly for Xiaoyan to pack his luggage and act as a porter. Yue Zhong will only have to bring a mobile phone charger and a set of clothes to change at a distance. But if the girl wants to go out, it’s not the same as going abroad. It’s a trivial matter. It takes half a day just to pack your luggage.

Xiao Meiyan’s style was originally not that troublesome, but when you think of this, there may be a very small chance that you can really return to the world where you were originally, and you will never return to this home. Xiao Meiyan cannot Don’t consider bringing everything you like, of course, including Yue Zhong.

Fortunately, Xiao Meiyan’s work is very planned, and it is not polite to let Yue Zhong enter his room to clean up all the things to be taken away and pack two suitcases.

Yue Zhong was not too tired. He sat on the sofa and watched the news, while the main bedroom said aloud, “Xiaoyan is still too early, why go out so anxiously.”

Xiao Meiyan, who is dressing in front of the door in the bathroom, is quite attentive at the moment. Even if there is no sign that she can return smoothly and smoothly, Xiao Meiyan still can’t hold back her expectations.

She wanted Madoka, even if Yue Zhong no matter how good she was, she could not forget her original commitment to Lumu Yuanxiang, and the other party’s helping hand when she was most desperate and helpless. The smile that impressed me in my heart.

It’s not that Yue Zhong couldn’t replace her position, but because of the irreplaceable feeling that made her tough and brave.

I saw the ending in my own animation, but as long as that is not the case, Xiao Meiyan must change it. Even if it becomes a reality, Xiao Meiyan’s character still has to do something until he can no longer support it. The moment I can’t live.

Fortunately, this time she may be able to bring Yue Zhong back together. The matter of Zhou Yunqian let Xiao Meiyan further realize that Yue Zhong’s ability is not as simple as ordinary people. With his wisdom, it may be possible to bring himself a Accepted ending.

Xiao Meiyan quickly combed her hair and applied some sunscreen and moisturizing water. After she came out, she said: “I’m worried that something will be delayed on the road.”

Yue Zhong hurriedly got up and pressed Xiaoyan’s shoulders and said, “Is Xiaoyan a little nervous?”

“Hmm…you didn’t brush your teeth?” Xiao Meiyan asked with a frown and extended his hand to block Yue Zhong’s mouth.

“Brushed.” Yue Zhong said innocently, “Just eaten an egg pie just now.”

“It must not be cleaned, and then brushed.” I don’t know if Xiao Meiyan feels this way, or just find a reason to ease the tension in her heart.

No matter what it is, Yue Zhong will wait until he finishes brushing his teeth and walks out. Xiao Meiyan’s look looks almost the same as usual.

He deliberately opened his mouth in front of Xiao Meiyan and smiled and asked, “Is this all right?”

“It’s okay, that is, if you smoke less cigarettes in the future, your teeth will be a little yellow.” Xiao Meiyan commented calmly, and then asked, “Sister Xiaomeng, are you all right?”

“It was not good when I contacted me just I will ask again.” Yue Zhong immediately dialed a phone number, but instead of calling Qi Xiaomeng, he directly called Tong Yue.

Because Tong Yue is the same as himself, no matter where he goes, he can get it, and Qi Xiaomeng has a lot of clothes to bring.

“Tongyue, are you all right?”

Tong Yue seemed very bored and helpless there: “Who knows, she packed more than ten clothes and ten pairs of shoes, as well as a lot of jewelry and hair accessories, which is not over yet.”

“Then Xiaoyan and I went to the elevator downstairs and waited for you first.” Xiao Meiyan’s real name did not hide Tongyue, except that Xiaoyan’s origin was unnecessary. Tongyue’s tone could be It’s not too tight, it will easily get caught.

“Come on, you come first.” Tong Yue hung up the phone casually, leaning against the wall of the door and complaining to Qi Xiaomeng, who was still busy, “My elder lady, aren’t you good, you are Go out or get married?”

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