Spare Tire Major League

v2 Chapter 2374 - Mist

More than forty minutes have passed since Yue Zhong and others departed from Narita Airport.

“I have entered the territory of Gunma County, and I can reach Maebashi City, the capital of the county, in half an hour.” The driver listened to Yue Zhong and Qi Xiaomeng in the dialect, so he was not depressed, and only Xiaomeiyan said he could listen I see, but Xiao Meiyan didn’t talk much along the way.

If you can’t bring back their information to Wang Yijie, you won’t be able to get the part-time spy. The young boss from country C is very generous every time he shoots. Pick up his private work.

Now the driver can’t help but envy another group of brothers who were commissioned by Wang Yijie to investigate that person. With their familiarity with Kabukicho, it’s really simple to find a foreigner without trace. fee.

In fact, this kind of thing is also relative. Yue Zhong was more generous than Wang Yijie when he was the head of Xiaomei’s house.

“That’s good.” Yue Zhong turned his head and spoke again in dialect and Xiao Meiyan: “Xiaoyan, can you see that Takihara is also the capital of the county?”

Xiao Meiyan can now understand Yue Zhong’s local dialects, but she doesn’t know how to speak yet: “Yes.”

“Then hope that you can find other places where Xiaoyan is familiar with besides the park.” Yue Zhong gently held Xiaoyan’s hand and realized that the other person’s body had a slight tremor and comforted, “The more similar things, Then the chance is greater.”

“Perhaps.” Xiao Meiyan nodded her head lightly. She hadn’t seen what Tianyan Vision was like. Since Yue Zhong said that, then believe him.

Gunma Prefecture, as the composition of the Tokyo metropolitan area, is developing rapidly. It is not comparable to the rural areas in the more inland areas, and it is naturally extremely developed and dense in transportation.

The big pickup in Yue Zhong’s mouth even ran fast on the high-speed road with so much luggage, and was overtaking the car along the way. The cars in front gradually became scarce, but this did not cause everyone’s surprise.

However, as the traffic flow in the opposite direction became less and less, Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan could not help being alert.

“It’s weird, where is such a big fog in the daytime.” The driver murmured to himself in Japanese. Yue Zhong couldn’t understand what he was saying, but Xiao Meiyan’s face also became heavy.

“Xiaoyan, what’s wrong?” Yue Zhong asked with concern.

Xiao Meiyan’s face was tense, and she leaned over Yue Zhong’s ear and whispered: “Yue Zhong, do you remember the fog when the witch’s night came?”

“Isn’t it time for it to meet Takihara?” Yue Zhong asked doubtfully.

Xiao Meiyan shook her head gently: “In fact, a few days before it arrived, the surrounding of Takihara was always covered by the fog, but it was only that day that the fog really began to erode to Takihara.”

Wen Yan, Yue Zhong also nervous: “Is it very similar to now?”

“I used to go out and lead Witch Night to other places to protect Madoka’s safety, but whenever I entered this mist, I would completely lose my direction, and I could not sense any signs of Witch Night. , Until it appeared in the urban area of ​​Takibara, and the fog around the city disappeared. I rushed back.” Xiao Meiyan’s right hand has been put into a black pocket with weapons, and he is ready to be alert. “Yue Zhong, be careful point.”

The deeper the fog gets, the denser it becomes, and the driver has to slow down, but even the car behind does not catch up, and the vast world is completely submerged by thick fog and the surrounding environment cannot be seen clearly. , As if only their car was left.

The slowing car stopped without warning, and the driver could not open it no matter how he started it. After a few words of curse, he had to say to Yue Zhong: “The car won’t start. Let me take a look.”

The driver then opened the front cover, then pushed the door to get off and walked over.

After so many accidents happened, Qi Xiaomeng was also nervous. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it and said, “No signal, what’s the matter with Yue Zhong?”

Yue Zhong shook his head and said: “Let’s go down.”

After getting off the bus, a chilly cold wind blew out, making all three in thin clothes tremble. This kind of weather is obviously abnormal in the summer season.

Standing in front of the barrier on the side of the highway, Xiao Meiyan noticed something that extended her finger to make a silence sign: “You listen.”

According to Xiao Meiyan’s instructions, Yue Zhong and Qi Xiaomeng held their breath together, and then heard a distant tweet drifting faintly.

“Woo…Woo…” The three could not hear the sound of any animal, only that it was far away and light, and seemed to be full of endless sadness.

“It’s something.” There was no vision at all under the fog, and Yue Zhong didn’t even see Xiaoyan, who was in close proximity, and immediately asked Xiao Meiyan’s hand, “Mr. Driver, the car How is the situation?”

Yue Zhong didn’t wait for any response and quickly shouted Qi Xiaomeng’s name.

“I’m here.” Qi Xiaomeng’s voice is full of tension and fear. She has never experienced countless horror scenes hidden in such depression, and even the voice of the talk is trembling.

“Be careful, don’t go away.” Yue Zhong wasn’t sure if the driver disappeared. After letting Xiaoyan hold Qi Xiaomeng’s hand, the three of them walked together to the position of the front cover.

The driver is indeed no longer here, but the reason for his disappearance is unknown. I don’t know if he lost his direction after entering the fog, or is it because of some mysterious power disappeared.

Yue Zhong frowned and said, “I have checked the climate of Gunma before. It has been sunny for a week in a row. Even if the weather forecast is wrong, there will not be such a big deviation.”

“Is it because I got here that this abnormal phenomenon caused me?” Xiao Meiyan had to think about herself, because it was similar to the scene she had experienced countless times, and there was no other possibility. Next, the biggest possibility is only her arrival.

“I still can’t be Let me think about it first.” Yue Zhong knew that he could not be messed up at this time, Qi Xiaomeng now has some six gods without a master, and although Xiao Meiyan can keep calm, but The current scene is undoubtedly the biggest shadow in her heart. If it were not for her presence, Xiao Meiyan might have some radical moves.

“Xiaoyan, Xiaomeng, you take out a few thick clothes and put them on. It must be impossible to stay in this place. Since the car can’t start, then we can’t just walk away.” Yue Zhong said.

Xiao Meiyan and Qi Xiaomeng nodded together, groped up to the back of the pickup by the side of the car, rummaging through thick clothes and other emergency props.

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