Spare Tire Major League

v2 Chapter 2379 - On breaking

Xiao Meiyan’s curiosity was quickly explained by Yue Zhong: “Since then, I still can’t see any color of Xiaoyan, but even if I hear Xiaoyan, you don’t have a headache, and even less. The weird picture covers the horizon of Tianyan, so it has not much influence.”

“Just like this?” Xiao Meiyan was not too relieved, always felt that Yue Zhong was just comforting herself.

“Okay, it’s not that there is no impact at all, but it is already within the acceptable range.” Yue Zhong seems not to say much, “Xiaoyan, please take a rest, and I will explain to you slowly when you go out.”

With a full stomach of doubts, Xiao Meiyan had to stop for a while. Yue Zhong was already planning how to leave the danger when she and Qi Xiaomeng were struggling forward. Now it is the critical period of his planning, which has been disturbing. His words are bad for everyone.

Qi Xiaomeng has fallen asleep again since she sat down. Among all the skills she has honed since childhood, she lacked the item of wild life alone. Following Yue Zhong, they suffered a lot and they aggrieved her. After all, she came Gunma County’s desire to explore the truth is far less urgent than that of Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, and Qi Xiaomeng would not suffer such a crime unless they insisted.

After changing to a shelter, it was also changed to Yue Zhong to face the wind that whistled outside.

The cave can’t isolate the erosion of the mist, so Yue Zhong can only see the two beautiful faces that Xiao Meiyan and Qi Xiaomeng snuggled together. They are really tired and hungry, and they all entered after they stopped talking. Dreaming, that is, Xiao Meiyan’s hand is still holding the gun stiffly, and he is still preparing to wake up at any time in his sleep.

Yue Zhong’s reaction was much calmer than Xiao Meiyan’s, and along the way, the previous unknowns were also uncovered one by one, even if the fog was always around him, it could be attributed to Tianyan After the horizon, no matter how bad the weather is, it seems common.

If such a weather lasts forever, if it has always been the eternal night, perhaps Yue Zhong, who has no understanding of the magic power, will still have no clue, he will still fall into the magic power Xiao Meiyan said comes from her. Among the misunderstandings, it is difficult to consider the matter itself.

Only the presence of the attacker gave Yue Zhong a trace of suspicion, because it appeared only under the condition of Xiao Meiyan’s vigil, not against Yue Zhong or Qi Xiaomeng.

It seems that all these are unconnected, but it is just a logical deviation caused by the concept being split under the nervous and panic mood. If Yue Zhong has enough time and strength, he can also do this himself. .

The essence of Tianyan is the interpretation of the possibility that all thought changes in the human heart are formed in reality. In short, it is best at manipulating everyone’s inner emotions. Fear and panic are also one of them, and they are also the most direct and effective. Emotional reactions that destructively infect one’s thinking logic.

Yue Zhong’s coming to Gunma County, Country J, is a secret to others, but since Wang Yijie didn’t know when he already knew this, it means that it can be guessed or foreseen.

This has the premise of time, even including which part of Yue Zhong’s journey they will take and who they will encounter in the process.

What can be done on this basis can be prepared in advance, not because of the magical outbreak of Xiao Meiyan’s proximity to the prototype of Takihara City, the capital of Gunma Prefecture.

Xiao Meiyan, as an invisible presence in Tianyan’s horizons, she is hardly directly affected by her own mental changes, but after knowing her origin, personality and intention, it is feasible to guide her from the side to make ideological guidance. Unless Xiao Meiyan does not interact with anyone at all.

Others are controllable, even including Yue Zhong and Qi Xiaomeng, all the thoughts they received after they were more easily contacted by people who were left and right were finally in Xiao Meiyan in the form they thought they thought It was revealed that he could control Xiao Meiyan’s thinking direction indirectly.

It is certainly not easy for contradictory thoughts to be forcibly implanted into Yue Zhong, but if they are to deepen their original thoughts, then even Yue Zhong could not be aware before.

What is his biggest thought or obsession? Naturally, I am not willing to leave Xiao Meiyan, but that is not the case. The key lies in the things that Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan experienced before they went to Gunma County.

In the end, the other party did not cause any substantial harm to Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan. The direct effect was to promote the two people to trust and depend on each other, and they were even more reluctant to separate.

No one knows why Xiao Meiyan has such a high acceptance, but it does exist, then it can be used as a chess piece.

It seems that Yue Zhong jumped out of the whirlpool of Zhou Yunqian and achieved a victory that was not public but beautiful enough, but he failed to meet all the things before it may be just for the foreshadowing of the moment.

And at this moment, even if he successfully escaped this mist with Xiao Meiyan and Qi Xiaomeng, who can make it clear whether this incident will be the foreshadowing of something later?

Interlocking, never ending.

Turning to the words, when Xiao Meiyan’s status and proportion in Yue Meiyan’s heart continued to increase, her thoughts of returning to the magical girl world by herself would become more and more unsteady. The journey from her home to the airport, including to Yue These trivial matters of heavy krypton gold drawing revealed Xiao Meiyan’s reluctance.

Therefore, when she encounters a strange misty dilemma, she will unconsciously want to go back to think about it in the deep heart, and finally blame all her responsibilities on herself, and even find out a sufficient reason. Tell Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong was also convinced of this at until the attacker who broke into the farm appeared.

The magic power contained in the magic girl and even the witch is a kind of entropy representing the energy of the universe. The former is an ordered low entropy state and the latter is an disordered high entropy state. No matter how they change, they can continue to be consumed until they are no longer. If it does not exist, it cannot destroy itself instantaneously.

If the mist is composed of Xiao Meiyan’s magic power, then the monsters in the mist cannot attack Xiao Meiyan, not to mention that she appeared during her vigil.

Furthermore, it is doubtful that the monster could be burned to death easily by Yue Zhong. The witch’s enchantment in the enchantment of the witch is not weak to this extent, not to mention that it is an elite that appears alone rather than in groups. Miscellaneous fish.

If the possibility of enchantment and witch enchantment is ruled out, the monster is based on the world itself, and everything seems to be reasonably inferred.

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