Spare Tire Major League

v2 Chapter 2386 - Central Park

“Is it really okay to let Xiaomeng go alone?” Xiao Meiyan raised her doubts first. She did not question Yue Zhong’s decision, but just wanted Yue Zhong to explain it, so as not to follow Not in his fog.

Yue Zhong still has to shook his head helplessly and said: “It must be so now. Although it is not a big mistake, it is difficult to achieve greater results. Nowadays, this is even more true. The multidirectional action is only possible. Breakthrough, if you can’t do anything by yourself because you are worried, let’s say Xiaomeng is not as simple as we thought, you have to have a little confidence in her, Homura.”

“I don’t know why I am not simple.” Qi Xiaomeng said amusedly. After experiencing the horror that was unimaginable before, Qi Xiaomeng’s confidence was greatly affected. In the past, she felt that she only needed to Doing something seriously will always do well. By now she realizes that she has no effect in many fields, but since Yue Zhong thinks that she is not simple, Qi Xiaomeng is also curious about what he deserves. Value it?

Naturally, no one would question Yue Zhong’s ability. One of the two has stepped out of the misty environment. Although Yue Zhong hasn’t bragged about how capable he is, it’s hard to erase his achievements and extraordinary achievements.

He can guess a lot about the introduction of this incident. He still remembers that he and Xiaoyan had walked out of the cave with his eyes closed. That should not be a surprise but a practical necessity.

They did not see the scene of the misty environment at that time, but Yue Zhong must have seen it with his own eyes. Whether it is the illusion of cognitive deviation, or the enchantment formed by magic, seeing what it takes to deny it is negating the extraordinary wisdom of self-knowledge, and being able to break through its reality is to reshape the extremely firm belief. With courage.

Qi Xiaomeng noticed that until now, Yue Zhong did not say that he would use Tianyan Vision to do something, so that Xiao Meiyan had to use these civilian devices in the Internet cafe to query so much information that was not open to the public, which is probably not the case. He didn’t want to be that simple, but he couldn’t.

As for why not…

After leaving the temporarily settled internet cafe, the air quality outside is much better. After all, the internet cafe is a very closed environment. Normal people usually do not choose this place to rest, because there are still many homeless or Otakus who like to stay away from the world alone, or those who run away from home and do not have much money to stay in hotels, have long-term life and difficult to clean up, so that the environment is not much better.

The heavy industry in Gunma County is not well-developed, and the pollution caused by it is also very small. The livestock and planting industries have maintained a large degree of the original ecological environment in this area. The intensive manufacturing and processing industries and advanced industries are very developed.

According to the hot summer, the temperature is lower than that of Yue Zhong and they will not feel the hot and irresistible heat as long as they do not stand under the sun for a long time.

The three replaced the thick clothes added to the outside and put them in the paper handbag provided by the Internet cafe. They walked along the street eaves and the shadow of the trees.

Fang Cai had already filled the three people’s mobile phones in the Internet cafe, and Xiao Meiyan also paid Yue Zhong’s phone bill through the Internet.

Yue Zhong immediately contacted the delegation that had already arrived in Maebashi, Gunma County. He did not personally lead the team, so the delegation was led by Director Sun Yuming of the Finance Office.

“Comrade Yuming, I have arrived in Gunma County. Now you send a car to the supermarket next to the Central Park to pick up Secretary Qi. I have already ordered her to do the work you need to investigate next. You will meet. Before that, I will personally contact Director Mu with local companies to learn more about the network information market and technology scale here…”

After arranging the work through the phone, Yue Zhong had no plans to meet with them. The employees on the development zone had gotten along with each other for a month and gradually got used to the new leader’s style of work. Surprisingly, there is nothing to doubt or to doubt.

Even if Yue Zhong really just intends to take his young girlfriend named Mu Huang to take the opportunity to visit the mountains and play with water, everyone will not say anything, and will even look forward to this kind of thing. Because it means that they don’t have to investigate anything. It’s like working in a unit. The other deputies will not have to sit in either position, and they will learn something. When they leave the office, they will soon disperse. Ordinary employees who will be hit for time and attendance will have to wait to punch in after work.

It would be better if Yue Zhong never contacted them, so that everyone can go to the bustling Tokyo, go sightseeing and see the charm of this exotic capital, instead of staying in this little-known Gunma prefecture Or else, take some photos and take them back to your relatives and friends. You don’t know what this place is, what else to show off.

But now when Yue Zhong’s phone came, the travel plan they were thinking about was gone. At first, his secretary Qi felt that everyone was just a beautiful vase, but now no one thinks so. She said Very gentle and kind, and not at all sloppy in work. Although I don’t scold others, I can always pick out the problems and make others self-confident, and then encourage them to be like teaching a group of students, which is a little funny and No rebuttal.

I only hope that Yue Zhong can be kind and let them go to Tokyo to play after the work is over.

After the order was over, Qi Xiaomeng was waiting for someone to pick her up at the same place, and then they were separated from Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan area of ​​Maebashi City in Gunma County is not large. The park located in the central area can be reached in a short walk, and Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan soon came here.

Along the way, the urban style of Maebashi did not give Xiao Meiyan too intuitive and intimate feelings, that is, to the central park, this only one that can be seen in the animation and Takihara and Xiao Meiyan’s memory The overlap of the parks finally made Xiao Meiyan feel that she didn’t run in vain.

“I have specifically compared the geographic locations of Takihara and Maebashi. Although the latitude and longitude are roughly the same, there are still some deviations in the specifics. It is true that Takihara is actually located here on a vast ranch and farmland. “Xiaomei Yan looked at the Central Park that was getting closer and closer, wiped the sweat on her head, and said, “Yue Zhong, can we really find useful clues?”

Xiao Meiyan has asked similar questions more than once. Her wordy reveals her expectations and uneasiness. Yue Zhong can fully understand Xiao Meiyan’s mood now.

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