Special effects review of the contrast knight, Dawn Gochard!

Chapter 10

In the picture, a young man with long flowing red hair and wearing a blue jacket and shirt with a Band-Aid on his face looked forward with a determined look.

Next to him, a line of subtitles appeared:

【Ten thousand feet of dragon】

【The knight from the world of Chuangqi. 】

He slowly took out the driver, looked at the joystick on it, and thought about the movements when using it.

It was clearly the squeeze driver mentioned by the light curtain, right? ?

“To defeat this guy…”

“This is the only way to go!!”

As he spoke, he unscrewed an energy bottle!

It seems…There is an incredible power in it.

The audience couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Although the bottle was only the size of a hand, the gelatinous substance condensed in it clearly exuded a terrifying aura!!



【Transformation!! 】

Ryuga then pressed his hand on the joystick!!

Everyone was shocked by the terrifying power.

But seeing the funny look, everyone in front of the screen couldn’t help but laugh out loud!!

This…It’s squeeze…Eh??

So…There are two more? ?

In each world at this time, deafening laughter rang out at the same time!!

But in a corner, three guys who felt a little bit of hand, hugged each other for warmth.

They just felt the deep malice of this light curtain at this time.

But not only that, the next scene also made them completely stunned!!

I saw that there was clearly this inexplicable power emanating from Longwo’s body in the previous second, and the next second, countless lightning burst out from the driver!! And Longwo was also directly electrocuted by this faulty driver!! Looking at the lightning that popped and Longwo’s painful screams resounding throughout the sky, the light curtain became lively again!!

World Zero One….

After a short silence, everyone in the office couldn’t hold back any longer!!

“Holy shit!! Is this guy serious!!”

“Worthy of being called the Three Idiots…”

“This is really too much!!”

Oren gasped heavily, and it seemed that he was having trouble breathing because he laughed too wildly!

Fuwa Jian also laughed so hard that his tears and snot were running down his face.

“Please…Don’t do this, in broad daylight.”

“Still working?…”

“It’s so intense right from the start..”

“Who can stand this?!”

Ren Wei’a looked at the light screen, covering her mouth and trembling as she spoke intermittently:

“this…besides…two…Where is the guy?…no…Over…want…Dead!!”

It seems that in order to maintain the image of a girl,

Blade Via is also very hard……

Tiga World.

Lina looked at the screen and smiled brilliantly!!

Looking at her crescent-shaped eyes, you can tell how happy she is at this moment!!

“Hahaha…These so-called Masked Riders…”

“It’s really interesting!!”

“I thought that their world was also filled with endless battles!!”

“I didn’t expect that there would be such a funny scene!!”

Da Gu looked at Lina who was bending down, and smiled perfunctorily.

He was very nervous at the moment, because as a human body of Tiga, he might have some forgotten dark history that would be played on the screen!!

At this moment, Da Gu’s mind was like the Big Bang, and he carefully searched all his past actions.

He just exhaled lightly.

Fortunately, there was nothing particularly out of the ordinary….Bar??……

The Creation World.

Zhantu looked at Ryuga in the light screen, but he couldn’t laugh at all.

He remembered the title clearly!!

The so-called squeeze three idiots, probably include himself? ?

After all, this thing was made by him himself…

Thinking of the scene he was about to face, he could only silently wait for the judgment to come, just like a prisoner!! At this moment, Long Wo’s face turned green!! His face flushed, and his chest rose and fell violently!! His breathing became heavier and heavier!! It seemed that he was about to explode , just like the calm before the storm!!


“I’m going to kill you!!”

“Who is it?!”

“Such a sneak attack!!”

Long Wo was already mad at this time.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he knew who was behind this, he would hunt him down to death!!

He only hated that he could not punch through the light curtain, and could only accept it all helplessly!!

You know, this is not just social death in this world, but in countless other worlds, his name, Long Wo, is so famous all over the world!!

He angrily hammered the wall in front of him, and probably because of his high emotions, he actually punched through the entire wall!!

It was as if…He put a lot of anger into this punch!!

Then, as if he had used up all his strength, he fell to the ground helplessly, with a look of despair on his face.

Huande was silently observing Longwo’s reaction.

This interesting scene was also seen by him completely!!

And the devilish laughter that resounded through the sky also burst out at this time!!

Longwo still looked like a dead man.

It seemed that he had lost the confidence to live….

But the cheerful laughter was only halfway through, and like a rooster stuck in a chute,

Huande started coughing violently!!……

The scene on the screen paused at the scene of Long Wo falling to the ground.

As the camera turned, the guy who appeared in the light screen this time was…

Himuro Gentoku!!

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