Special Forces: Class Reunion, I Parachute In A Tank

Chapter 120: The Exercise Is Over! Ling Feng, You Are Awesome!

After a while, the commander of the Red Army said slowly: "Now, I finally know why our air force base is gone.

Several staff officers and the captain of the fangs looked at him one after another, "Why?"

The commander of the Red Army looked at Captain Fang Fang, "You just said that the one who killed your Fang Fang Command was only one person?"

"Judging from the traces left at the scene, yes."

Captain Fang nodded.

Suddenly, Captain Fang Fang and the other staff seemed to have thought of something.

"Could it be..."

The commander of the Red Army nodded slowly, "Looking at it now, he might really be alone."

"He can take down your fangs command alone and kill more than 20 special forces. Why can't he get into our air force base, drive our fighter planes away, and then use our own fighter planes to bomb the air force base, bomb the Our headquarters?"

Everyone was lost in thought.

To be honest, they couldn't believe that someone could actually do this.

One person took down a command post of a special forces.

You can also sneak into the air force base and steal the fighter plane!

The most important thing is that after he has such a strong individual combat strength, he will still be able to fly fighter jets!

Can anyone learn fighter jets?

"Don't think about it, when the exercise is over, everything will be clear."

After the commander of the Red Army finished speaking, several staff officers smiled wryly.

The headquarters was destroyed, the top commanders were all killed, and the air base was gone.

It can basically be declared a failure.

It just depends on how long the other units of the Red Army can resist.

And outside.

For those Red soldiers who were still outside, Ling Feng switched to large-caliber machine guns and fired wildly.

The rifles they held in their hands were not worth mentioning in front of the fighter planes.

Although it was a practice bomb, the bullets on the fighter plane were all large-caliber bullets, and it was not very pleasant for the bullets to hit people.

Fortunately, it is a long distance. If it is close, human life is possible.

Throughout the Red Army headquarters, wolves howled.

There are still a few missiles left on the fighter plane, Ling Feng wants to use them sparingly, and machine guns are enough to deal with these people.

After all, the mounted missiles are limited, and Ling Feng wants to use this limited missiles to the extreme.

In less than a minute, the entire headquarters of the Red Army was crushed, and only a few shrimp soldiers and crab generals ran out.

Naturally, Ling Feng didn't care about the people who ran out. He only had to be responsible for destroying most of the troops, and left the rest to them for the blue team's final general attack.

After the bombing was over, Ling Feng flew back towards the blue side.

Along the way, Ling Feng continuously turned on the radar skill to scan, as long as there are many enemy troops in the scan, Ling Feng will not hesitate to launch a missile to go there.

On the way back, Ling Feng did not know how many people were eliminated.

After all, it was their own fighter, and everyone had no worries. Every red soldier who was eliminated was ignorant. They would never have dreamed that they would be eliminated by their own fighter.

And the Blue Army Command here.

One after another, explosive messages were sent from the director department.

"What? The headquarters of the Red Army was bombed? The commander of the Red Army and all the senior staff were eliminated"?"

"The Armored Regiment of Division Y of the Red Army suffered heavy losses?"

"Two logistical supplies of the Red Army were destroyed?"

A piece of information, directly to them.

Mainly, none of them ordered an attack on these forces.

How could the Red Army have suffered such a heavy loss?

The commander of the blue army froze for a moment, then slammed the table hard, and shouted loudly: "Order all troops! According to the original plan, launch a full-scale attack on the Red Army troops!"


Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard the order for the general attack. How could they suddenly launch a general attack?

Huang Jianjun frowned slightly.

Zhang Qian also looked confused.

But this order was issued directly by the commander of the blue side, with absolute authority!

When he was about to return to the blue side, Ling Feng immediately picked up the communication device and reported to the headquarters.

Otherwise, if his red fighter plane reaches the range of the blue team and is directly intercepted by the anti-aircraft weapon, it will be over.

You can't just come back from the big kill and get accidentally injured by your own weapon, right?

"Call Blue Army HQ, call Blue Army HQ!"

"I'm Ling Feng, from the Green Arrow Tank Brigade, First Division, Army Group A of the Blue Army, please reply!"

Ling Feng picked up the communication device, jumped to the encrypted channel of the Blue Army headquarters, and immediately sent a message to the Blue Army headquarters.

Hearing Ling Feng's voice, the eyes of everyone in the blue headquarters brightened.

"Headquarters received!"

"Ling Feng? It's this kid!"

The blue army commander's eyes lit up, "Didn't I send this kid to the University of National Defense Science and Technology for further studies? Why did he appear in the exercise?"

As he said that, the commander of the blue army walked over in three steps and two steps, directly picked up the communication device, and talked to Ling Feng in person.

Everyone listened intently.

"I am the commander-in-chief of the Blue Army, Xiao Zhenguo!"

Immediately, Ling Feng's voice came from the communication device: "Report to the chief! I am about to arrive in our airspace!"

Hearing this, everyone was startled.

Ling Feng is about to arrive...the blue airspace?

Could it be that this kid is still on the plane?

Before everyone could react, Ling Feng's voice continued to be heard.

"The Red Army Air Base, the Red Army Command, has been destroyed!"

"I will be flying the Red Fighter back in ten minutes!"

The entire Blue Command was dumbfounded.

What and what is this kid talking about!

The blue commander asked in a very serious tone: "You said you were flying a red fighter? Ling Feng, you can't joke about things like this!"

Ling Feng smiled wryly in his heart.

But thinking about it, my soldiers suddenly said that they came back in an enemy fighter plane, who would believe that?

Ling Feng quickly explained again.

Everyone in the Blue Army Command was completely shocked.

Now, they finally understand why the Red Army headquarters was bombed, the air force base was eliminated, and the main forces of the Red Army were severely damaged!

It's all this kid's fault!

This guy was able to steal the Red Army fighter planes and use their fighter planes to completely defeat their defense line!

What the hell!

It is simply a person who kills the existence of a large army!

A few minutes later, Ling Feng landed directly and came to the blue team's headquarters.

When everyone saw Ling Feng again, the way they looked at Ling Feng had already changed.

They are not looking at a man, they are not looking at a soldier, they are looking at a monster!

When Ling Feng recounted the whole process.

Everyone in the Blue Command is about to get excited

"|||Good boy!"

"After this exercise, I must apply for a great merit for you!"

Ling Feng just smiled modestly.

Not surprisingly, after half a day of fierce fighting, the blue army once again fought the red army!

After the exercise, the Blue Army also explained to each group army the real reason why they were able to win this war!

As soon as the news came out, the leaders of all divisions were dumbfounded (Zhao's Zhao).

Zhang Qian's eyes almost popped out.

Ling Ling Feng?!

Could it be that their blue team has a second Ling Feng?

But this kind of thing... seems like only Ling Feng can do it?

How the hell does Ling Feng know how to fly a fighter jet!!

The soldiers of the blue army almost all set out in a state of ignorance, until the end of the exercise and when the blue army won a big victory, they were still ignorant!

Hearing Ling Feng's personal confession, Zhang Qian and the others finally believed in disbelief...

In the world, there are really people who are proficient in tanks and fighter jets at the same time!

An hour after the exercise.

Blue Army Headquarters here.

Ling Feng was called over directly.

In the conference room, the commander of the blue army, the commander of the red army, and all the leaders gathered in the warehouse.

They have learned the whole process of Ling Feng's battle!

Looking at Ling Feng who just finished saluting to them, finally, the commander of the Red Army could not bear to ask: "If I have the correct information, you should be a tank soldier, right?"

"But why are you so powerful in information technology, and you can also fly fighter jets???".

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