Special Years

Chapter 108 - dark horse

Zhang Jianxing had already returned to his office. He already had a candidate to teach the brigade in his mind. Now he must exchange opinions with the instructor.

Although the company commander is in charge of the military of the entire company, the instructor is in charge of the political and ideological education of the company. To a certain extent, the preliminary squad leader who teaches the team must have both political integrity and ability. The instructor must nod to pass.

The two were chatting when there was a sudden commotion outside, and there seemed to be a lot of calls coming from the direction of the playground.

The two of them didn’t pay much attention to this small situation at first. Later, the voice became louder and louder. Zhang Jianxing finally couldn’t help it. He put down the list and asked Cai Chaolin, “I said Cai Zhi, did you hear anything?”

Cai Chaolin listened carefully, nodded and said, “Yes, it’s very noisy. It seems to be coming from the direction of the equipment yard. Is there something wrong?”

Speaking of this, his cheeks flushed again.

Cai Chaolin is a more sensitive person. Every time he hears about something, he always seems a little nervous. As a political instructor, he is most worried about what problems will happen to the soldiers under him.

It is now the late 1990s. The local economic waves are coming one after another. The whole country is in a state of rapid development. Even the army is inevitably affected by some fashionable thoughts in the society. It is no longer the ivory of the past. Tower, so simple.

As a chief officer with strong political sensitivity, Cai Chaolin expressed his emotions to company commander Zhang Jianxing more than once, saying that now people’s hearts have changed, and this team is getting harder and harder every year.

Zhang Jianxing couldn’t help but put down the piece of paper that had the list of squad leaders pre-reported by the teaching team, stood up from his chair, walked to the door, looked from a distance, and looked for the source of the sound.

Looking from the door of the office of the company to the other side of the playground, less than 100 meters away is the equipment yard.

At this time, the equipment yard was crowded with people, and the shouts were louder and louder. The soldiers were applauding and screaming. Even a few platoon leaders and all squad leaders crowded there, facing the equipment yard. Middle finger pointing.

Cai Chaolin stood by the door, stared at the distance for a moment, and asked, “What happened?”

Zhang Jianxing said: “It’s not like, let’s go and have a look.”

The two did not discuss any candidates for the time being. They were curious not only for soldiers but also for cadres.

The solemn feeling is super cool at this time.

He was spinning constantly on the horizontal bar.

The legendary horizontal bar eight practice – the big loop.

The moment he hit the bar, he remembered what Zhu Dekang said to himself.

“If you’re going to beat the platoons, the only chance you have is that you have to be at the top in any common subject, and if you want to make up for your shortcomings, you have to come up with something that will make everyone’s jaw drop! “

This is Zhu Dekang’s secret arrangement for the solemn.

As a five-year veteran, he already knew everything in the grassroots company.

Less than a month of assault training is impossible to fundamentally surpass the training level of the combat squad, especially in professional training, the cooking squad does not even have the basic conditions.

For Zhuang Yan to teach the brigade, he must come up with something amazing, especially in front of the invigilators sent by the brigade.

There are not many veterans who can do the horizontal bar eight practice loop, not to mention the recruits who have just joined the company for less than half a year. Except for those who have practiced gymnastics at home, very few people can do it in such a short time. this action.

This is the perfect combination of strength, skill, and guts. Although some people think that the seventh exercise on the horizontal bar is more difficult, no one can deny that the eighth exercise is the crown jewel.




Majestic is like a blade on a pinwheel, the thin horizontal bar is like a bearing, the body is completely thrown away, and it starts to rotate around the horizontal bar.

It is undeniably a visually striking move.

Under the horizontal bar, many people look silly.

Chen Qingming, who had been stunned before, was completely petrified at this time. He stood on the spot like a sculpture, his face was expressionless, his eyes were fixed on the solemn figure on the bar, and he didn’t make a sound.

Niu Dali is a person with no twists and turns in his intestines. When he saw Zhuang Yan’s amazing eight exercises, he kept yelling “Fuck me” in his mouth, and his palms were smashed. The little brother of the star.

The staff officers of the two regiments were whispering to each other, as if they were discussing something.

Li Ding’s expression was the most complicated, both surprised and happy.

Surprisingly, he was actually shown that a soldier who had just left the company could do eight exercises, which was simply incredible.

The happy thing is that at the beginning, I insisted on bringing Zhuang Yan to Eighth Lian. In fact, even Li Ding had no confidence in Zhuang Yan at first, but there was something incomprehensible about Zhuang Yan, which made Li Ding feel that this seemed unreasonable. Raji’s soldiers have a vaguely huge plasticity.

Perhaps, only the word “eye edge” can explain this personal and emotional choice.

The people in the cooking class had gone crazy, everyone was jumping up and down with joy, applauding and applauding, if there were fireworks, these guys could instantly light up the sky.

Lost all day.

Every subject was treated like a monkey show.

The faces of the soldiers in each cooking class had already been shaved, so they almost buried themselves in a hole.

This time, I finally realized what it means to be proud.

Isn’t your battle squad arrogant?

Can any of you do the eight exercises?

Isn’t your battle squad a cow?

Are you looking for a recruit who does eight exercises?

After turning ten times on the bar, Zhuang Yan just swung forward, his body drew a graceful parabola in the air, and he steadily landed on the bar.

Li Ding finally reacted, walked over to Zhuang Yan, glanced at the green cocoon on his palm, and nodded: “Well, it’s hard work, don’t worry, what I Li Ding said, it counts!”

This veteran who has fought in wars and has exceeded his career change period seems a little excited, and has a kind of happiness in his heart that he has “successors”. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

He looked around and said loudly: “Apparatus gymnastics, solemn and absolute perfect score, first in the whole company, I think anyone has an opinion?”


Most of the people around answered loudly.

Li Ding added: “I hope there is not only one subject, nor more than one solemn soldier. One day, the recruits of our eighth company will be like this. We are the infantry company with the loudest voice of the whole division!”

After speaking, he and the two regiment staff turned around and left.

Zhang Jianxing and Cai Chaolin stood not far from the equipment yard and looked at each other.

At the same time, the two of them had a hunch that when they went to teach the team, there might be another storm on the ground.

When Li Dinggang left, the soldiers of the cooking class rushed up, lifted Zhuang Yan up, grabbed his hands, raised his feet, and ran him into the air fiercely…

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