Special Years

Chapter 114 - Go to the coaching team and don\\\'t treat yourself as a human being!

Everyone picked up their backpacks and equipment and jumped out of the car, and a cadre immediately came next to them.

“You are students of the Eighth Company, aren’t you?”

When Zhuang Yan heard the name “student” for the first time, his head didn’t turn around and he didn’t respond at all.

It was serious and experienced, and answered directly: “Yes, we came here in eight consecutive years.”

The officer with the rank of second lieutenant with one bar and one star may be a platoon leader, and waved his hand: “Follow me!”

Having said that, he walked straight towards the camp headquarters.

Zhuang Yan and his party were speechless all the way, and silently followed the second lieutenant to the entrance of the camp.

Surrounded by familiar sights, the four of them all felt like they were revisiting their old places. They had gone through a training camp for recruits here. Four months later, when they came back again, they had already pre-reported their status as squad leaders. Produced a little homecoming glory.

The military vehicle has to pick up the pre-reported squad leader students from other companies, so everyone temporarily gathered at the entrance of the battalion department and boarded the vehicle uniformly.

Standing in the crowd, solemnly looking around, wanting to see what kind of elites will be training with in the next six months.

The people around include all the combat specialties of the infantry – mortars, machine gunners, recoilless artillery, as well as riflemen, snipers and so on.

Ten minutes later, all the advance squad leaders of the third battalion had arrived. Each company had three less and four more.

Everyone gathered on the basketball court, and a lieutenant walked up to the front of the team with a roster in his hand, flipping it over and over.

After turning over, he walked directly in front of a soldier, raised his right fist, and looked out.

“It’s all there, form two horizontal lines, and move closer to the middle!”

They were all trained for nearly half a year. They were no longer new recruits who had just enlisted in the army. The team quickly assembled, and quickly lined up in two rows.

“Look to the right!”

“Look at the money! Take a break!”

“Call name!”

Everyone brushed the ground to stand at attention.

“… Wang Haiou!”


“Xu Zhiyang!”


“Wang Ergou!”




There are not many people, only 18 people in total.

In less than five minutes, the roll call was over.

“Tell me about it!”

The team stood at attention again.

“Take a break.”

The lieutenant rolled up the roster, stuffed it into his trousers pocket, swept everyone and said, “From now on, you have a new title – student! I am a graduate of the 90th class of the division’s teaching brigade, you can call me I am Staff Officer Xu, you can also call me Lieutenant Xu. Our division coaching team is an excellent coaching team assessed by the General Staff. I can tell you that in the next six months, you will face unprecedentedly high-intensity training. Training is called hardship, so I’m sorry, compared to teaching the brigade, it’s just this—”

He caught the last part of his little finger with his thumb, raised it, and made a small gesture.


Zhuang Yan’s scalp was numb when Lieutenant Xu said it.

After all, he was still a recruit, and he was most easily frightened and felt a little cold sweat.

Xu Zhongwei continued: “So, the training team is called the purgatory of soldiers by many veterans. If you are afraid now, you can pick up your luggage and go back to your company to ask for a replacement. If you wait for the car, you can’t regret saying something ugly. Yes, let’s talk about the ugly ahead, when we get there, don’t treat yourself as a human being, but treat yourself as a dog! Also, be a wolf dog, obey the orders of your superiors like a dog; perform training tasks, be as ferocious as a wolf!”

At this point, the words stopped.

Lieutenant Xu glanced at the team once and asked, “Anyone going? It’s still too late to go, otherwise, if you go there and be kicked out of the team and sent back to the original unit, it will be even more ugly!”

No one answered.

“Anyone going!?”

Lieutenant Xu asked again.

Zhuang Yan began to scold his mother secretly in his heart, just leave, why is there so much nonsense, everyone has come here, and they will die in the training team, and now I ask people whether to leave or not?

They are all elites picked out by the company, can they leave now? If I go back, I might be kicked into the toilet by the company commander.

Lieutenant Xu showed a satisfied smile when he saw that no one answered.

He waved his hand and shouted, “Get in the car!”

There was a tragic atmosphere in the team boarding the car, and everyone was a little bloody, solemn and full of the revolutionary movie songs and plots they had seen before.

“Majestic, high-spirited, crossing the Yalu River…”

“Feng Xiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan, once the strong man is gone, he won’t return…”

When everyone got into the car, the military vehicle with the camouflage net hung on it hummed and hit the road again. This time, there were a lot of people and a lot of crowds.

Everyone put away their backpacks and the front bags with odds and ends in the carriage. Some people ran into fellow villagers and started to bullshit, and some started to smoke. Everyone guessed the training intensity of the coaching team.

Among these 18 people, there are 4 second-year soldiers.

The mouth of a veteran, the water of the sea.

These veterans showed their old qualifications and blew the teaching team into a state of wonder, as if they had been there long ago.

This time, the journey was much longer than the journey from the Eighth Company to the battalion headquarters. It took several hours for the military truck to set off at 10:00 in the morning, passing through City D, and it took more than three hours to enter the territory of City H.

After chatting for an hour or two, everyone lost interest in bragging and fell asleep with their knees in the car leaning against the car board.

The 273 regiment was only switched to S city in September last year, and the veterans of the second year stayed around the division headquarters for half a year.

Suddenly, some second-year soldiers who had been in the division for half a year suddenly shouted, “It’s here! It’s here!”

Zhuang Yan was dozing in a drowsy state, and when he saw others flock to the side of the carriage to look out, he couldn’t squeeze in, so he had to stand up and stretched his neck to look out.

Outside the road is already a mountainous area on both sides~www.mtlnovel.com~ There are some small rural houses and fields on the roadside, which are rare.

A two-lane oil cypress road pointed straight to a large mountain in the distance. The sky was a bit gloomy, and the top of the mountain was covered with a cloud of darkness. A desolate feeling came into my heart.

Although N Town is a small town, it is quite prosperous compared to this place.

The road is so long, but it doesn’t seem to be long. Zhuang Yan wants to finish it early, but also hopes to never finish it. The sky is a little gloomy, and the distance of the road is hazy, as if some unknown things are hidden in the distance, making people feel generate fear.

In such a moment after struggling to get the opportunity, he actually felt a trace of regret.

After walking for about half an hour, the car suddenly turned left, and a huge concrete gate appeared in sight. On both sides of the gate stood sentries with live ammunition, and officers led the shift.

On the concrete pillar on the right side of the gate, a line of black characters is written—the Chinese People’s Liberation Army XXXXX troops, directly above, a huge red military emblem hangs over the head, a solemn feeling like a mountain pressing over.

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