Special Years

Chapter 118 - elimination system

The solemn can only fight!

He was horrified to find that as long as he was a little bit slack, a sweaty figure would suddenly appear behind him.

This is an assessment, an elimination, a competition, and a head-to-head confrontation of military quality!

A familiar senior soldier surpassed Zhuang Zhuang at the bend of a dirt road. He was half a head shorter than Zhuang Zhuang, with a round waist and broad shoulders, and his skin was as dark as an African bison.

Zhuang Yan couldn’t remember where he was in the entire squadron? Is the first group running in the team? Or the second group? Or bottom out?

Anyway, I don’t know anything, so let’s just use this high-ranking soldier as a reference!

If you can run across the finish line with the top soldiers, you shouldn’t be eliminated, right?

He was ruthless, and he rushed up with afterburner on his feet.

For a moment when the two were side by side, Zhuang Yan turned his head and glanced at the senior soldier. The latter’s gaze happened to meet him, and when they caught up, a fighting spark flashed in their hearts.

Then, the two of you chased after each other, and no one wanted to fall behind, even if they fell behind.

The blood of soldiers is hot and absolutely competitive!

In this way, the two became each other’s companions.

If you surpass me, I will catch up; if I surpass you, you will immediately catch up.


The solemn physical strength has begun to be exhausted, and his eyes are black and the tip of his tongue is sweet;

Both felt that this was the longest road in the world.

No one knew where the finish line was, and only occasionally saw a coach and squad leader appear on the side of the road and yell at them.

In the distance, the barracks of the teaching brigade finally reappeared.

“See the steps! The end is there! Climb up and calculate the time to cross the steps at the end! Run! You still have a chance!”

Luo Xiaoming appeared on the side of the big playground, pointed to the steps in the distance, and shouted to Zhuang Yan and the first class soldier: “You two hold on, it’s just a little bit!”

If possible, Zhuang Yan really wants to stop.

He felt like he was going to fall apart.

But the high-ranking soldier got a bloodbath at this time, and suddenly surpassed Zhuang Yan, rushing out more than ten meters.

Fuck you!

Solemn, broken and frightened.

They have been running for so long, how can they lose in the last two or three hundred meters?

He poured the last bit of energy into his feet and let out a loud roar.


Then he actually caught up with the first class soldier!

The two went head to head again.

At the end of the stairs, there are more than 20 steps in total, with a drop of more than eight meters.

Zhuang Yan almost rushed up with rolling, crawling hands and feet, and the senior soldier was not much better. His burly figure lay on the ground and used his hands and feet together, like a porcupine fleeing for his life.

The two of them reached the finish line almost at the same time. As soon as they crossed the line, Zhuang Yan couldn’t hold it any longer. He ran to the ditch by the lawn, his knees went weak, he knelt on the ground, and spit out yellow bile water.

When he finished vomiting, he turned his head to look, and was happy.

The senior soldier was also lying in front of the ditch, his tongue stretched out like a dog, and there was a lot of saliva dripping from it, and it was also spitting.

After vomiting, he was relieved.

The senior soldier looked at the solemn, smiled, and stretched out his hand: “My name is Wang Datong, the second battalion, the fourth company, the machine gunner, the third division team’s eighth squad.”

Zhuang Yan also stretched out his hand: “Zhuang Yan is also the third district team, but in the seventh shift, the original unit is the three battalions and eight companies…”

He wanted to tell Wang Datong that he was in a row, but he really wasn’t.

“My cooking class…”

“Cooking class?” Wang Datong looked like a monster.

“Well, from the cooking class.”

Wang Datong was Zhuang Yan’s first friend in the teaching team, a second-year veteran.

There were more and more people at the end.

The captain of the first district took the stopwatch, walked to Zhou Huping, the captain of the third squadron, and showed him the time on the watch.

“Captain, it’s over 23 points.”

Zhou Huping asked, “Is there anyone who hasn’t come back?”

The captain of the duty area said: “There is more.”

Finished pointing to the distance.

Everyone’s eyes followed the district captain’s hand.

Sure enough, a soldier in the distance was staggering toward him, and a coach, squad leader Gao, urged him beside him.

“Ma Le is a jerk.” Zhou Huping scolded a foul language, “It’s over, there’s no need to time it.”

“What do you mean?” asked Wang Datong, who was standing beside him, solemnly.

Wang Datong shrugged and shook his head: “It’s over, this guy is over.”

“You mean…” said solemnly

Wang Datong said, “Are you joking when you are the coaching team? They really quit.”

Veterans are veterans, and what Wang Datong said was right.

“You can go back and pack your backpack!”

When the overtime student just ran across the finish line, the squadron leader Zhou Huping looked at the time and waved to him.

A squad leader with the rank of sergeant walked over, patted the student who was still vomiting on the shoulder, sighed, and said, “You are overtime, let’s go, go back and pack your backpacks, there will be a car to take you back at night. original unit.”

The student was still out of breath, his face was pale, and the sweat was dripping down his cheeks and under his chin. He couldn’t accept this fact, and while taking two sharp breaths of air, he begged the sergeant: “Squad leader, I am today. If my condition is not good, please tell the captain to give me a chance, I will definitely be good in other subjects, or else, you will take me another five-kilometer cross-country test tomorrow, and I will pass!”

The Sergeant Squad Leader was silent…

“Squad leader, I beg you, I don’t know where to put my face when I go back now, I’m a second-year veteran, this is my last chance to teach, I beg you…” the soldier said. He choked up.

“Private soldier, I order you to execute the order immediately, the army is not a vegetable market, and there is no price to talk about!” Zhou Huping’s iron-like tone completely shattered the hope of the senior soldier~www.mtlnovel.com~ No one will tell you when you are in a war. Well, do you have a fever and let the enemy give you a few days to rest before attacking? “

The senior soldier was stunned.

After a long time, he picked up the gun and slowly walked into the row room under the eyes of other soldiers in the squadron.

Zhuang Yan’s heart tightened, then he sank again, and Wang Datong and Wang Datong looked at each other silently for a while, both of them nodded and encouraged each other.

On the first day, it was basically a thorough examination.

The teaching team seems to be uneasy about the people sent by the grass-roots company.

After the assessment on this day, there is also a member of the third district team who wants to pack a backpack and go back to the company.

It was a soldier from the second battalion. When he left, he looked very uncomfortable. His eyes were red and it turned into ripe peaches. Seeing all the students in a row of houses, he couldn’t hold back his tears, but when the car arrived to pick him up , finally couldn’t bear it anymore, and got into the car while wiping away tears, no different from the prisoners who were taken away.

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