Special Years

Chapter 1224 - Prairie Night Talk

Solemn certainly believes in the power of solemnity.

What’s more, judging from the situation of the grassland town base, this is probably a professional blue army unit built by the headquarters.

He was moved.

The fire in the chest that was about to be extinguished was once again poured with oil, ignited, and burned.

In the evening, Serenity did not eat in the dining hall.

He ordered food in the cafeteria, called Zhang Heping and Zhuang Yan, and the three opened a marching table in his small single room, spread out newspapers, and chatted while eating.

They are all old comrades-in-arms for many years. It is of course full of emotion to meet on this vast prairie.

“Zhang Yan, we haven’t seen each other for many years. If we eat in the dining hall, it’s hard to talk about some things, and the chat is endless, so I called you and Director Zhang over. Tonight, the three of us have a good chat. “

After setting up the last pair of tableware, he turned around and opened the drawer next to him, and took out a kumiss from it.

“I don’t usually dare to drink this wine. It was last time when I helped a herdsman to find his lost sheep. He gave it to me. Today we have a drink. It’s cool on the grassland at night to warm up.”

After speaking, pour the three people one by one.

“Even if I took the lead in violating the discipline today, I don’t drink a lot of three cups per person.”

Zhuang Yan and Zhang Heping couldn’t help laughing.

Zhuang Yan said: “Seriously, I haven’t asked you how you did in the Beijing Military Region for so many years. I didn’t expect to know that you became the Blue Army in the end.”

Seriously raised the cup: “Come on, touch it first.”

The three clink glasses and take a sip.

The strong kumiss slid down the throat into the stomach, warm and comfortable.

“Actually, I’m not so conscious. Before I came, I was quite hesitant.”

Zhang Heping put a mouthful of vegetables in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and said, “You can guess, the deputy regiment of the ace division, what is the blue army here, why not stay in the original army? It is a city of people all year round. None of them said that the wind blows the grass to see the cattle and sheep, and now I know that the textbooks lied to me.”

Seriously laughed.

After laughing, he said with emotion: “Yeah, the unit I was in originally was a first-level unit that trained three times in a row, and I myself am an excellent cadre. When I was mobilized, I thought it would be on rotation as before.”

He looked up solemnly.

“Oh, you don’t understand, it’s like this. In the past, the Blue Army also had a part-time job. It was rotated every year. This year you will be the one, and I will be the next year. But this time the chief talked to me and said that we should change our division to One armored brigade and one machine infantry brigade, and they have to be fully synthesized within three years to fully simulate the military standards of the most advanced countries in the world. Only then did I know that this is not a temporary, but a long-term appointment.”

For an officer to stay in the Beijing Military Region, the conditions are of course better than here.

Including the environment, children’s schooling, family arrangements, etc.

The solemn understands the difficulty.

“Then why are you still here?”

Seriously picked up the wine glass, took another sip, and said, “Tell you two stories. Actually, I haven’t told Director Zhang about these things before.”

Zhang Heping was eating the vegetables, but his eyes fell on his serious face: “You say, I am all ears.”

Seriously said: “The year I just graduated from the military academy, I was assigned to a certain headquarters for an internship, and then there was an external exercise. The location was right here. I followed the chief as an entourage. At that time, there were many foreign military attaches and visiting groups. After the whole exercise, a brigade commander of Yingjiang’s family said to our division commander, “Did you know that there is a training base similar to this one called Fort Irwin in our country. I’d rather lose to my opponent in my own base?” I don’t want to die at the hands of the enemy on the battlefield.”

“Our chief asked him, how do you think our place compares to your Fort Irwin? Do you know what that Eagle Sauce brigade commander said?”

Zhuang Yan has studied abroad and knows about the habits of Westerners.

Especially soldiers.

“Definitely say you can’t.”

Seriously pursing his lips, he nodded vigorously: “After all, it’s a diplomatic occasion, so it’s not so explicit. The brigade commander said, almost.”

Zhang Heping asked, “Just one sentence?”

Seriously said: “Yes, just one sentence. I don’t say much. But our chief’s face is ugly. In the eyes of others, a well-organized exercise actually only gave one sentence at the end, almost. I was right at the time. I was very interested in Fort Irwin, so I went back and started to collect all the information about this place. Finally, I found that this is a very professional base. To what extent is it professional? All the Eagle Sauce Army units have to carry out at least one red-hot there. Blue confrontation, and was considered by the referee to have the actual combat level before it can be deployed globally. In addition, in order to train the soldiers to fight in the street fighting ability in the Middle East, they even built a large piece of Middle Eastern architectural style there like a movie scene. building, and even hired some people of Middle Eastern descent to play extras in it…”

Zhang Heping nodded silently: “I also know about Fort Irwin, and it’s true that he changed his career.”

Seriously asked solemnly: “Do you know that place?”

Nodding solemnly: “I have also studied it.”

Seriously asked: “How different do you think their training mode is from our current red-blue confrontation?”

Zhuang Yan laughed: “If you want me to tell the truth, I can only say that it’s not even a little bit worse. Of course, this is also a question of financial security. Yingjiang is rich and powerful, and spends money without blinking an eye. The annual military expenditure ratio ranks in the top There are so many countries in the top 2-10 in the world combined, there is no comparison.”

Seriously: “What would you think if I told you that now the chiefs decided to build a Chinese Fort Irwin here and spend a lot of money? Are you interested in participating in this magnificent project?”

The solemn eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, this was better than he expected.

“Okay, but I have to go back and persuade me. After all, I also have to consider the family’s issues.”

Seriously said: “It’s very simple. It has to do with the Beijing Military Region. My younger siblings already have Beijing household registrations, and everything is arranged in the capital. Of course, I don’t think she needs any arrangements from the army.”

Zhuang Yan said: “I think my wife is okay to discuss, but this time my uncle knows about my career change. What I worry about is my uncle, who has been waiting for me to change careers for many years~www.mtlnovel .com~ More urgent than my wife. If I suddenly change my mind, I’m afraid he will come to my door with a knife and come to me desperately.”

Serenity and Zhang Heping laughed.

Seriously said: “Don’t be afraid, you are a dignified special forces officer, are you still afraid that he will bring a knife to you?”

After finishing speaking, Zhang Hepinghe laughed loudly again.

Solemnly and embarrassingly changed the subject: “Come on, don’t laugh at me, tell me your second story.”


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