Special Years

Chapter 1245 - My name is Lin Ling

“My name is Lin Ling.”

After getting into the car, the female reporter sat down in the not-so-soft seat and extended her hand to Niu Shilin next to her.

She felt that in order to conduct an in-depth interview, she had to mingle with all the soldiers.

Because I am a woman, I always feel that those soldiers keep a distance from me, which is not conducive to excavating interview materials.

Before coming, Lin Ling also did her homework.

This blue army brigade is somewhat different from ordinary troops.

Especially those officers inside, most of them have drunk foreign ink.

From Brigade Commander Xia to the battalion commanders below, many of them have experience studying abroad.

Lin Ling originally wanted to do an exclusive interview with Brigade Commander Xia, but Comrade Brigade Commander’s schedule was too tight and he couldn’t find time.

Of course Lin Ling didn’t believe Brigadier Xia’s excuse.

With a woman’s intuition, she felt that Brigadier Xia should not like others to interview him too much.

However, Brigadier Xia did not keep her out of the way. After a brief chat, he directly recommended an interviewee to Lin Ling.

According to Brigadier Xia, this person’s experience is rather legendary.

In the early years, he was a well-known figure in the special forces. He went to the military newspaper and the military newspaper, and went to a foreign special forces school to study. Then he came back and suddenly went to a newly upgraded Class A unit to be the reconnaissance battalion commander. For a few years, he was stunned. He made an inconspicuous amphibious reconnaissance battalion prosperous, and also led the team to participate in the international scout competition of E country, and turned the tide on the field and won the first place.

As a military newspaper reporter, Lin Ling keenly felt that the reconnaissance battalion commander had “something”, so she thought that the brigade commander had made a request. Since the brigade commander did not have time to be interviewed, she must give herself enough support to interview others. unit.

Perhaps in a hurry to get rid of Lin Ling, Brigadier Xia agreed without thinking, and threw the hot potato directly to Zhuang Yan.

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Yan and Brigadier Xia have the same attitude towards themselves. They don’t seem to like being interviewed by themselves, and they don’t even give themselves the opportunity to take a car.

This made Lin Ling feel a little angry.

But it’s good to look back.

It is better to dig material from the mouths of his soldiers to interview Zhuang Yan directly.

“My name is Niu Shilin. I’m the deputy company commander of the 1st Company and the captain of the commando team. Nice to meet you, big reporter.”

Niu Shilin gritted his teeth in the darkness for the second time. He stretched out his hand, suddenly retracted, took off his tactical gloves, and then reached out to shake Lin Ling’s hand.

This small move made Lin Ling feel a little better.

Wearing gloves and shaking hands with people is rude in itself.

Often no one pays attention in the army, but if he can notice this detail, it is obvious that the deputy company commander in front of him is a careful person.

“Are you originally from the tank division reconnaissance battalion?” Lin Ling asked.

Niu Shilin hadn’t answered yet, but in the darkness on the opposite side, several soldiers laughed.

Niu Shilin shook his head: “No, I came from the 4th Division with our battalion commander. I used to be in the 4th Division’s reconnaissance battalion and served as a soldier in his hands.”

Lin Ling’s eyes lit up: “Did you ask to come here?”

Niu Shilin said: “Well, I like to work with the battalion commander, I am energetic!”

Lin Ling felt that if Zhuang Yan was transferred from Division 4, there would still be people willing to follow him from a place like the sea in the south. Obviously, Zhuang Yan is very charming to some extent.

Although Linhai is not a big first-tier city, the small towns along the southern coast are also very wealthy. At least it is much more comfortable than staying here on the prairie. It will bring more convenience to personal development and family life in the future.

“I have a question, I want to ask it clearly, I hope you don’t mind.” Lin Ling said.

Niu Shilin said: “You ask, Reporter Lin, I know everything I can say.”

Lin Ling asked: “You came from a prosperous southern coastal city like Linhai to be stationed here… Does your lover agree?”

When I was doing pre-interview data collection, Lin Ling heard that the family members of many officers were unacceptable when they switched from T City to here to reorganize the Blue Army.

This time, like last time, before Niu Shilin could answer, a soldier in the darkness on the opposite side shouted, “Our deputy company commander is a bachelor! Not married!”

Niu Shilin blushed slightly, and scolded the soldier on the opposite side: “Zhang Changgong, your feet are itchy, right?”

The soldier named Zhang Changgong stuck out his tongue in the darkness and stopped talking.

Lin Ling looked at Niu Shilin: “You’re already a lieutenant, and you’re not married yet?”

Niu Shilin said: “I talked about it, I blew it, I heard that I was serving in this place in Prairie Town, and people can’t find this ghost place when they open the map. Who wants to?”

Lin Ling felt embarrassed by the question, so she apologized: “I’m sorry, I didn’t ask this on purpose.”

Niu Shilin laughed: “It’s okay, Reporter Lin, to be honest, we are stationed here, it’s really like watching soldiers during the day and counting the stars at night, you are a big reporter, and you haven’t had the air to chat with us, we’re too happy. “

Lin Ling couldn’t help laughing, and after laughing, she said, “Deputy company commander Niu, I think you are quite good at coaxing people.”

Niu Shilin said: “If so, what do I say, I’ll go straight and I won’t lie.”

Lin Ling said: “I think your battalion commander doesn’t seem to welcome me, and so do you. Don’t deny it, I am a reporter, and a reporter is the best at excavating news materials and has the most sensitive sense of touch. Do you welcome me or not? I know clearly in my heart, from the moment I arrived at your Blue Army Brigade to the present, from top to bottom, from your brigade commander to the battalion commander, seeing me, it was like stepping on a chewing gum on the ground, desperately trying to rub it off.”

Niu Shilin blushed again.

Indeed, even he himself did not like this kind of female reporter coming to the barracks to interview.

What a fun interview!

I have to go on a long-distance reconnaissance with me. Isn’t this sick?

Not to mention anything else, the male soldiers had three urgency in the middle, find a leeward place and open the crotch button, and Zizi will let out the water.

A female reporter, it is estimated that he has to find a hidden place, and it is estimated that he will have to stand guard to prevent someone from accidentally breaking in…

Isn’t this asking for trouble? !

“What? Did I say it right?” Lin Ling’s temperament is a bit hot, and she will not let go when she bites the question.

Niu Shilin was cornered, and he simply admitted: “Okay, I’ll be honest, yes, we don’t like lesbians mixed into our training. This long-distance reconnaissance is against the 1st Battalion. A training, no one knows how many days it will last. I remember the longest confrontation in the past took a full four days to return to the camp. If you think about you, a lesbian, we all have to be careful not to be discovered by others. After all, we There is only one platoon of troops, and the opponent is a battalion. Basically, being discovered is equivalent to courting death. You follow us, in case something goes wrong…”

Lin Ling was obviously not happy to be seen as a burden by Niu Shilin, UU reading www.uukanshu.com said coldly: “Deputy company commander Niu, I am an adult and a soldier, I can take care of myself, don’t bother you! I am also absolutely I won’t drag you down, I only do interviews.”

Niu Shilin was choked up by this.

If a woman is unreasonable, that is when a scholar meets a soldier, and the reason is unclear.

In order to ease the embarrassment between them, Niu Shilin had to change the subject: “Okay, Reporter Lin, I shouldn’t underestimate lesbians, then, let’s get back to the topic, find what material you want, before we enter. Scout the area, hurry up and ask.”


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