Special Years

Chapter 1253 - who spent who

On the pirate ship, there is no chance to get down.

For Lin Ling, it was impossible to go back to the base.

What’s more, she didn’t want to let the black charcoal-headed deputy company commander look down on her.

From Niu Shilin’s point of view, he didn’t have much effort to deal with Lin Ling.

But as long as Lin Ling asked anything, he answered truthfully.

Just asking to go back, there is no room for negotiation.

It’s fine at night. The sun rises during the day, and the car becomes sultry, just like a steamer.

Lin Ling could only find a random place in the reconnaissance car to lie down, curl up into a ball and sleep.

It’s too stuffy in the car, and you can’t keep the engine running, as there will be too much infrared spillage, leading to exposure.

Niu Shilin kindly opened the door for Lin Ling to let the wind in.

It was a lot cooler at night.

But doing so brings up another problem.

That’s mosquitoes.

The mosquitoes on the grassland are very large, some even the length of a slap, and they fly loudly and buzz like a bomber.


Lin Ling quickly screamed and sat up, her hands on her neck and face, as if there was some devil attached to it.


Niu Shilin made a silent gesture towards her.

“Reporter Lin, can you be quiet, we are in the desolate prairie, you are a ghost, if there is a scout from the 1st battalion nearby, they will definitely find you!”


Lin Ling’s hands were still beating.

Niu Shilin said, “Aren’t mosquitoes normal? Where are there no mosquitoes in the prairie?”

Lin Ling said, “Too many!”

Niu Shilin was very annoyed.

It was a chore to have a female reporter around.

No wonder the battalion commander Zhuang Yan would rather fly away with a powered parafoil than stay here, perhaps he had foreseen all of this long ago.

Niu Shilin thought for a while, then took off the field scarf around his neck and handed it to Lin Ling.

“Here, take this one.”

“What’s this?”

“Field scarves, also known as survival scarves, you can call them whatever you like. Just like a scarf, it is worn around your neck. You can use it to cover your face and then go to sleep.”

Lin Ling took it over suspiciously, and under the guidance of Niu Shilin, put the scarf around her neck, then covered her face with the upper part, and then lay down.

Niu Shilin turned his head and continued to stare at the screen of the military computer.

It was still dead silent, and there was no bright spot.

Lin Ling suddenly sat up again.

Niu Shilin turned his head and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Lin Ling took off the field scarf and said reluctantly, “This thing really stinks!”

Niu Shilin smiled.

Lin Ling asked, “How long has it been since you washed your silk scarf?”

Niu Shilin thought about it seriously, but found that he had forgotten too.

This thing is used to camouflage and prevent mosquitoes during field training. It is usually not used on the training ground in the camp, so it is kept in the locker.

I used it during the last field training, but the last time…

It seems to be used too.

When to use it, there’s no telling.

Seeing that Niu Shilin hadn’t given an answer for so long, Lin Ling was surprised: “How long has it been since you’ve washed it, you don’t even know?”

Niu Shilin grinned and had to admit: “Yes, the dirtier this thing is, the better the camouflage effect, and the more humane it is, the better the mosquito repellent effect… The veterans all know that, so everyone doesn’t wash much, just watch it occasionally. When I get to the water, I wash it along the way, it’s all used in the wild, who cares so much.”

He didn’t lie.

It is true that the more smelly it is, the better it will prevent mosquitoes.

The more pungent the smell, the better the effect.

Lin Ling said, “What kind of human smell, it’s obviously the smell of sweat!”

Niu Shilin said, “That’s the taste of a man!”

Lin Ling threw the silk scarf back to Niu Shilin: “No.”

Niu Shilin glanced at the silk scarf and put it back on his neck: “Don’t pull it down.”

After that, he went to guard the radio and reconnaissance equipment.

Lin Ling had no choice but to stand up the collar of her camouflage uniform and lie down again.

After a few minutes, the man sat up again.

Then he stared at Niu Shilin for a while, then lay down again.

Just tossed back and forth several times.

Lin Ling’s bowels were full of regrets.

When I came out, I didn’t bring anything like mosquito repellant, which was a big loss.

Colleagues from the newspaper office also reminded before that the mosquitoes on the grassland are large and many, so please bring protective equipment.

As a result, when I left, I was in a hurry and forgot.

Camouflage clothes alone can’t resist.

Because it’s just the whole face.

Niu Shilin laughed inwardly, and deliberately didn’t turn his head to look at Lin Ling.

I thought to myself, this girl is actually quite a stubborn person.

Even stubbornly cute.

After repeated “sit-ups”, Lin Ling finally stopped sleeping and sat pitifully on the seat, staring at the darkness in the car.

Niu Shilin couldn’t bear it anymore, he took off the field scarf and handed it to Lin Ling: “Use it, I won’t laugh at you, smells are more acceptable than mosquitoes, right?”

Lin Ling didn’t reach out to take it.

The silk scarf was held in Niu Shilin’s hand and held between the two of them.

There was a stalemate for a while.

Niu Shilin broke the silence, he pointed to the driver in the direction of the car, and said, “Tell you, it’s better if you use mine, but the driver Xiao Zhang’s is more stinky. I don’t think I’ve washed the boy a few times since he enlisted in the army until now. his scarf.”

Lin Ling didn’t know why, but suddenly burst out laughing, pulled Niu Shilin’s field silk scarf, put it around her neck, covered her face, and fell back to sleep.

night, quiet.

There are only insects humming around the forward contact point.

The hourly scheduled call continues.

Everything was dead silent.

1 Battalion disappeared.

Solemnly dispatched eight reconnaissance teams, casting nets, based on all possible locations of the 1st Battalion.

As long as the 1st Battalion is still in this area, as long as they move a little, they will be discovered immediately.

But why is it late at night and still no movement?

Niu Shilin started and looked at the pointer of the luminous watch, it was already 3:30 in the morning.

He yawned and cursed inwardly.

Dog Day’s 1st battalion, this time I can really hold my breath.

On a **** more than 20 kilometers away, the solemn and two soldiers in ghillie suits have been lying there for several hours.

The digital reconnaissance instrument has been set up, and the three people are on duty and observing in turn.

However, there has been no movement.

Zhuang Yan turned over, turned his back to the sky, and looked at the stars.

The sky on the prairie is clean and transparent, the night sky is spotless for thousands of miles, and the Milky Way is visible to the naked eye, which is extremely beautiful.

“Batch commander, I’m going to release the water.” A soldier reported to him in a low voice.

“Go, be careful, don’t let the snake bite the balls.” solemnly urged.

The soldier said: “Okay, battalion commander rest assured.”

After speaking, he slowly began to slide backwards, and when he reached the reverse **** of the slope, he stood up on his waist and disappeared on the **** like a thief.

“battalion commander.”

Another soldier took his eyes off the digital scout.

“You said, why is there no movement this time?”

In front of them are several passages.

After solemn research, the 1st Battalion is likely to be nearby, and these roads he has just seen, there are fresh ruts.

This means that someone passed by here not long ago.

Apart from the 1st Battalion, there were absolutely no other troops.

It’s just weird, it’s been hours and no one has seen anyone patrolling or passing by.

It is said that a fully formed battalion consists of an armored infantry company, a tank company, a support company, a support company, and the battalion straight.

This time, they didn’t send people to patrol the defense zone?

Maybe it was the previous confrontations that made the 1st battalion suffer.

Now it seems that Xu Yaning, commander of the 1st Battalion, is a smart man, and this time he plans to fight a protracted battle with himself.

Anyway, the enemy can’t move me.

Xu Yaning probably wanted to be more patient.

Using an armored synthesis battalion to search for a platoon-level commando with great fanfare, no matter how you look at it, it looks like hitting mosquitoes with cannons.

Solemnly estimated that this time Xu Yaning did not intend to dispatch a mechanized armored unit to counter the search. If he guessed correctly, he should have deployed several of his own companies in a scattered manner and concealed them on the spot, and then only dispatched the reconnaissance platoon of the battalion. Scout to Scout.

Solemnly guessed that there might be scouts from the 1st Battalion in ambush just around the corner, waiting to see each other appear.

It’s more than endurance.

After all, a reconnaissance team lurking in the wild sounds awesome, but it’s actually painful.

Mosquitoes and snakes aside, it’s good at night now, but during the day it’s just the sun basking.

There’s also the issue of water~www.mtlnovel.com~food.

It just depends on who can survive to the end, whoever can’t help but come out and get caught.

Xu Yaning probably felt that his reconnaissance platoon would definitely not be able to beat the special reconnaissance battalion assault platoon directly under the solemn brigade, so he simply chose the most stupid method – waiting for the rabbit.

You don’t move, I don’t move.

Everyone spends to the end to see who loses!


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