Special Years

Chapter 1257 - than patience!

Xu Yaning has his own perseverance.

In his view, solemnity is testing himself.

It is estimated that almost a day has passed, and Zhuang Yanwang himself feels a little impatient.

So I planned to expand the reconnaissance range, but I was worried about an ambush, so I sent a car to explore the way.

Bug carving tricks!

Xu Yaning was a little proud.

It is not because of seeing through the solemn means, but because he is very satisfied with his own deployment this time.

The entire 1st Battalion strictly abides by its own tactical principles, and implements the strictest concealment and protection in parts.

Zhuang Yan is of course not an idiot, and he must have used various detection tools such as unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and battlefield radar.

I didn’t find myself, which means my tactics were perfect.

Now, Xu Yaning feels that the initiative is completely in his own hands.

It’s like playing chess.

Zhuang Yan lost a son, and won a son himself.

However, there is no absolute advantage yet, Xu Yaning feels that it is better to be conservative and safe.

Various monitoring data have come in through various channels.

Sure enough, after 30 minutes, the armored reconnaissance vehicle of the reconnaissance battalion made a circle in the 023 defense area, and finally returned the same way.

“He’s going to run.” Chen Guang said.

Xu Yaning still stared at the radar screen without lifting his brows.

“Captain, why don’t you do him?”

023 also came to ask for instructions, whether to encircle and suppress the target.

And informed that there is enough ability to get rid of this reconnaissance vehicle in one shot.

“Batch commander, give him a shot! I can take it!”

Chen Guang stared at the trajectory of the reconnaissance vehicle, watching him move out of the defense zone little by little.

If you leave the entire 1st battalion defense area and then regret wanting to pursue it, it will be exposed, and the loss will outweigh the gain.

Now, those lurking posts swimming in the defense area can be mobilized immediately to guard key intersections, cut off the reconnaissance vehicle’s retreat, and can use anti-tank firearms to blast him away. No matter how bad it is, transfer an armored platoon, enough to destroy this light armored assault vehicle.

“No.” Xu Yaning finally shook his head: “Don’t touch him! Let him go!”

“Ah?” Chen Guang was stunned for a moment, but immediately picked up the microphone and called 023 to convey Xu Yaning’s order.

“023, this is 01, don’t attack this reconnaissance vehicle entering the defense area. Repeat, once, don’t attack, let him go.”

“This… well, 023 understands.”

Obviously, the following 1 even has doubts.

Why not let the attack?

This is the fragrant fat that is delivered to the mouth.

The officers and soldiers of the 1st battalion have obsessions with the people of the reconnaissance battalion.

After many defeats, the officers and soldiers of the 1st battalion have long been filled with ghosts in their hearts and vowed to regain their dignity in the exercise field.

However, it is the duty of a soldier to obey orders.

Since the battalion headquarters issued an order that no attack was allowed, it could only be let go.

In the data and pictures returned by various channels, the solitary reconnaissance vehicle slipped out of the 1st Battalion defense area leisurely.

“such a pity……”

Chen Guang touched his head and turned his attention to Xu Yaning, the battalion commander.

Xu Yaning snorted lightly and said, “What a pity? If you can’t bear it, you will make big plans. Remember, don’t let a big fish go for a small shrimp!”

Chen Guang said: “What if… what if they don’t come back? If you kill them now, at least it will be considered their battle damage. After all, we have already incurred battle damage now, and they don’t.”

He was talking about the reconnaissance team that had been sent to track Zhuang Yan and them, but now there has been no news, and all communications have been interrupted.

Thinking about it, it was already a lot of misfortune.

Xu Yaning’s eyes were firm and he said without hesitation: “Anyway, you strictly follow my orders, I think they will definitely come back.”

Since the battalion commander said so, Chen Guang had to obey.

Next, wait again.

“Car 1 calls the crow.”

“I am a crow, please speak.”

“Not attacked in any way.”

“Come back, find a place to hide, stand by.”


Niu Shilin ended the communication with the No. 1 car and connected with the solemn communication.

“The 1st battalion really didn’t make a move, everything was as you expected.”

A solemn voice came from the microphone: “How is the data collection? Is there enough analysis?”

Niu Shilin glanced at the screen and replied: “During the 30 minutes when car No. 1 was active, 5 wireless signals were detected, but there were few samples, so cross-comparison was impossible.”

“That’s good, don’t worry, let the No. 1 car rest for a while, and do it again in 10 minutes,” said solemnly.


After finishing the communication, Niu Shilin rubbed his eyes, leaned on his seat, picked up a bottle of mineral water and took a gulp.

It was too hot, and he was covered in sweat, already soaking wet.

Fortunately, the sun has started to set, and the temperature will drop soon.

“What are you doing?”

Lin Ling, who was sitting across from Niu Shilin, couldn’t help but ask.

Niu Shilin glanced at Lin Ling, thought about it, and felt that it would be okay to tell her, so he said, “Do you know why we reduce radio communications?”

“Prevent the other party from detecting the signal source.” Lin Ling said.

“Yes.” Niu Shilin said: “We all know where the 1st Battalion’s defense area is. Now we have teams in it, but we can’t confirm their exact positions. From a tactical point of view, without precise positioning, we can’t complete it. There is no way to provide reconnaissance data and intelligence to the superiors, so we have to lure them to communicate with each other.”

He pointed to the screen and continued: “There is a detection device on the No. 1 car that goes in. As long as there is radio signal activity within its monitoring range, it can capture it, but just capturing is like just now, there are a total of The six points where the radio signal overflowed indicate that there must be 1 battalion lurking in these six places, but which is their headquarters? This is impossible to judge.”

Lin Ling said, “You let car No. 1 in to collect signals?”

“That’s right.” Niu Shilin said, “Otherwise, do you think you have nothing to do when you are idle?”

Lin Ling thought of a key question and asked again: “Six points, how do you judge which is the headquarters? Do you want full coverage?”

“That won’t work, what if none of these six points are true? Once attacked, they will be frightened, and they will take precautions.” Niu Shilin said: “If we provide such rough data to higher-level command agencies, it will be irresponsible. .”

“What are you going to do?” Lin Ling asked ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Niu Shilin just opened his mouth to say, but suddenly he didn’t want to say: “I won’t tell you, the mountain man has his own plan!”

“Don’t say it, don’t say it, can you stop being so snarky?!” Lin Ling gave Niu Shilin a blank look: “You are really annoying!”


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