Special Years

Chapter 1260 - The trouble should end it

Won! we won! Ha ha ha ha! “

At the location of the contact point, next to the only reconnaissance vehicle that did not set out to enter the 1st Battalion defense area, Niu Shilin rushed out of the vehicle after seeing the confirmation of the winner issued by the guidance team on the screen, and the first one burst into cheers.

Xiao Zhang and Lin Ling also got out of the car.

This reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance drill was successfully completed.

The commandos of the reconnaissance battalion maintained their unbeaten record.

After all, solemn is still superior.

In fact, the approach just now was really risky.

If the last 4 vehicles are sent and the correct 1st Battalion headquarters cannot be obtained, it will make the reconnaissance mission of the entire commando extremely difficult.

After all, the four cars are almost all the belongings of the entire team.

If it is completely destroyed by the 1st Battalion, the loss is not only the mobility brought by the vehicle, but also the reconnaissance equipment and all the supplies on the vehicle.

In the absence of reconnaissance equipment and supplies, it is simply impossible to search and locate a large-scale defense area.

Under modern high-tech conditions, technical reconnaissance methods have accounted for a considerable proportion of the success or failure of reconnaissance missions. It is no longer like the past, which only relied on a pair of eyes and a telescope, and completely approached reconnaissance with human flesh.

Under high-tech conditions, the concealment capability of the reconnaissance unit without technical means will be greatly weakened, and it will become invisible under the means of drones, battlefield radar, satellite monitoring and so on.

When the 4 vehicles entered the 1st Battalion defense area, Niu Shilin’s heart was hanging in his throat.

Now, it can be seen from the news sent by the confrontation system that the command post of the 1st Battalion has been severely damaged, and the reconnaissance mission of the assault unit has been successfully completed.

The three of them were already excited in the reconnaissance car. Niu Shilin turned around excitedly, hugged Xiao Zhang, slapped each other on the back, and shouted loudly, “Xiao Zhang! We still won! Great!”

“Cough cough cough-“

“Xiao Zhang” coughed when he was filmed, and Niu Shilin felt that something was wrong. He felt the softness in his chest, and he suddenly wanted to bounce off like a cat with blown fur.

The real Xiao Zhang stood aside, looking at his deputy company commander with a half-smile, with an expression like “Deputy company commander, did you do this on purpose?”, looking at Niu Shilin meaningfully.

Niu Shilin was not hugging Xiao Zhang, but in excitement, he turned around and hugged the big reporter Lin Ling firmly in his arms, and slapped him hard.


This thing is a little embarrassing.

“Reporter Lin… I didn’t mean to…”

Apart from that, Niu Shilin really couldn’t find any other better reason.

Yes, of course it wasn’t intentional, is it still intentional?

“Look… I am…”

Niu Shilin gestured with both hands in front of him, not knowing where to put them.

Lin Ling’s face was flushed red, she stared at Niu Shilin, whose face was bloodless with fright.


After speaking, he turned his head and left.

Xiao Zhang looked at Niu Shilin, this time his expression changed to “Deputy company commander, you are dead”.

He covered his mouth, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

“What are you looking at! Hurry up and contact the battalion commander and others, and prepare to gather the troops. Let’s withdraw.”

Xiao Zhang took a deep breath, suppressed his surging smile, and replied strangely, “Yes!”

Turn around and get in the car.

The rest of the place is Niu Shilin.

He wanted to apologize to Lin Ling, but he didn’t have the courage.

This is really…

He is now looking forward to the solemn return of the battalion commander. The battalion commander’s eloquence is good, let him talk about it, apologize for himself or something, after all, he didn’t mean it.

He remembered the “rogue” that Lin Ling scolded before turning his head to leave, and suddenly felt a burning sensation on his face, wishing he could slap himself a few times.

The sky has completely darkened.

In the sky, several flashing green lights suddenly appeared.

It looks like fireflies are slowly flying in the air.

Xiao Zhang held a bundle of military fluorescent indicator sticks in his hand. After breaking them off, they remained in an open space and threw them in roughly circular shapes.

Then take out the tactical flashlight and turn it on and off three times in a row in the air, then turn on the long light and draw a circle in the air.

The green dot in the air gradually approached, slowly getting lower and lower, and finally landed.

“The battalion commander!” Xiao Zhang ran over excitedly: “We won again this time!”

Zhuang Yan took off the powered parafoil and patted Xiao Zhang on the shoulder with a smile: “Where’s your deputy company commander?”

“Deputy Commander”

Speaking of Niu Shilin, Xiao Zhang couldn’t help laughing.

“What are you laughing at?”

“That…” Xiao Zhang pointed to the direction of the reconnaissance vehicle, as if he was about to talk.

“What happened?” Zhuang Yan frowned slightly.

“Deputy commander…”

Xiao Zhang leaned forward and told Zhuang Yan in a low voice the embarrassing scene just now, vividly and vividly.

Zhuang Yan’s originally tense face gradually loosened, and finally he couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“You tidy up the parafoil, and I’ll take a look.”

He left the landing field solemnly, went to the parking lot, and saw Niu Shilin squatting beside the wheel.

“What’s wrong? I heard you’re a first-rate hooligan?”

Niu Shilin quickly stood up.

Looking at the solemn, he was even more embarrassed, and said embarrassingly: “It’s just a misunderstanding…”

“Misunderstanding?” Zhuang Yan deliberately frightened Niu Shilin: “You are so courageous. They are reporters from the military region. If you want to hug him, you will hug him. This matter will make a fuss, and you will be finished…”

Niu Shilin was already a little uneasy, but after listening to the solemn words, he even raised his heart and heart: “battalion commander, what should I do, or else, tell me your love and tell the reporter Lin that I am also unintentional. lose……”

Zhuang Yan said, “You have to be a bell guy to untie the bell. Your boss is a deputy company cadre. What are you afraid of? Just ask someone to make it clear? Lesbians are human beings, not tigers.”

Niu Shilin wanted to say something when suddenly, a convoy appeared in the distance, driving towards here with the lights on.

“They are back.” Niu Shilin said.

Zhuang Yan glanced at it and asked with some doubts: “Why are there six cars?”

Niu Shilin took another look and was surprised: “Yes, why did you change six cars?”

He stepped forward solemnly and stood on the **** waiting.

The team quickly reached the bottom of the **** and stopped.

Looking at it solemnly, in addition to the four vehicles that belonged to his commando team, the other two vehicles appeared to be synthetic battalion vehicles.

Niu Shilin said: “It can’t be that Xu Yaning of the 1st battalion is not convinced, come to the door to find bad luck.”

He solemnly waved his hand: “Hurry up and solve your own problems. You still have time to think about others here? Go and go, you are not needed here.”

Niu Shilin had no choice but to turn around and leave.

The doors of the two cars at the back of the team opened, and Zhuang Yan used the headlights to recognize at a glance that the leader was Xu Yaning, the 1st Battalion Commander~www.mtlnovel.com~ Is it really here to look for bad luck?

Shouldn’t it be…


did not expect……

In just one day, there were more than 1,600 votes…

You let me tell you what’s good about you…

I’m usually lazy, and I haven’t seen any votes. I said that I want to add more, and this vote will grow like crazy…

I think I’m even more amazing, don’t you think…

(End of this chapter)

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