Special Years

Chapter 1262 - The blade is going to be unsheathed

Seriously said: “In fact, it’s not a big event, but a happy event.”

Zhuang Yan felt serious and didn’t finish his sentence, and asked again, “Do you think you are deceiving your comrades in arms.”

After he finished speaking, he got up and poured him a glass of water.

Seriously took the glass of water, took a sip, diluted the salty taste in his mouth, and said, “I didn’t lie to you. It’s a good thing for you. Over the past year, you haven’t been asking me, when will we really be real? Do you want to work with the Red Army instead of having small drills with your own brigade brethren?”

Zhuang Yan was pouring water for himself, when he heard this, his hand shook, and the water spilled a little and fell on the table.

He took a serious look at the solemn: “Look, the battalion commander is already, why are you excited?”

Zhuang Yan hurriedly put down the kettle, and asked seriously: “What do you mean, our whetstone is going to come in handy?”

As he spoke, his eyes lit up.

He waited too long.

It is said that soldiers are raised for a thousand days.

He hasn’t been here for a thousand days, not much less.

Two years and five months.

It’s been too long.

What’s more, why did you give up the position of the 4th Division reconnaissance battalion commander and travel all the way to this ghostly place?

Isn’t it for those little things called ideals and pursuits?

“If it’s true, you have to tell me quickly.” Zhuang Yan was a little excited: “You don’t know, for more than two years, I sent away the veterans, and when I left, I asked, “Aren’t we the battalion commander of the Blue Army?” Aren’t we whetstones? But after two years of being a soldier, the Red Army has not seen a single shadow, so he was discharged like this… Tell me, how can I answer?”

With a serious smile, he said, “Don’t worry, don’t you leave behind a lot of backbones? I’m afraid no one will be there?”

Zhuang Yan said: “It has nothing to do with the backbone. You told me that you came here to really be the Blue Army and teach the Red Army. I waited until my neck grew long.”

Seriously said: “Don’t worry, this time you will be satisfied.”

“Which troop?” Zhuang Yan hurriedly asked: “Which ace troop is it? If it’s not the ace troop, I’m really not interested. After practicing for so long, what I want to play is the ace.”

Serenity suddenly raised his finger and made a number gesture.

“7?” Zhuang Yan frowned: “7th division?”

Seriously shaking his head: “Of course not, I’m talking about 7 military regions.”

“Seven military regions?!” Zhuang Yan suddenly felt dumbfounded: “Let’s go together? Is this pot of vegetables too hard?”

Seriously happy: “Are you afraid? Are there things you are solemnly afraid of?”

Zhuang Yan said in disapproval: “Grandson is afraid, I’m not afraid. But seven districts are going together, how to deal with this confrontation?”

Seriously said: “No, come one by one. Seven regions, seven ace troops with the highest training level at present, by the way, there are our old troops and your old troops.”

Zhuang Yan’s head buzzed: “Division 1? Division 4?”

Nodding solemnly: “Yes, the 4th Division has developed well in the past two years, and now it has been changed to a brigade. The C Army attaches great importance to them, and they are trained as the front line. This time they are sent here, it is estimated that they will be tested.”

He added: “And our old troop, which has also been changed to a brigade, this time we sent a brigade based on our previous regiment. Xu Xingguo was also there as the reconnaissance battalion commander, and Zhang Dapao is now the brigade commander. “

Speaking of this, he suddenly smiled.

“It’s really a narrow road for enemies,” he said.

Serious means solemn and clear.

He thought of Zhang Dabao and Xu Xingguo.

“I’m going to have a hard face-to-face fight with Lao Xu again.” Zhuang Yan suddenly became happy: “You said, if I get him down again this time, will this kid really bring a gun to me to settle the account? “

Seriously said: “Do you underestimate Lao Xu too? The 1st Brigade was the first to be converted into a brigade in the G military region. It was called the Lion Brigade. The elites are the trump cards, but they are not so easy to deal with.”

He laughed solemnly.

“Come on.” He said, “Who are we talking to? Mingren don’t talk secretly. Do you think I don’t know how the digital system works? Let alone a brigade, even if a complete division-level unit comes over, I don’t think so. You have to get out of here. Look at that tank battalion, is it a serious tank battalion? I think it’s very serious. What do our soldiers call it? M1A59!”

Seriously couldn’t help but laugh.

Of course he was aware of the perverted system.

“However, I see that you still look preoccupied.” said solemnly: “Are you worried that you will lose the battle?”

“No, I’m not worried about that.” Seriously said: “For a whetstone army, it should be an honorable thing if they try their best and still lose.”

solemnly asked: “then what are you worried about?”

“Win,” said solemnly, “Actually, I’m worried about winning too much.”

Solemnly said: “Is it good to win?”

Serenity shook his head slightly: “You don’t know the pressure of our brigade leaders. Think about it, from the Red Army’s thinking and war perspective, try to imagine that they enter our base to fight against red and blue, and eventually they have to face What? From tactics, tactics, strategic thinking, to the test of various equipment, to the postgraduate entrance examination for people, all kinds of factors are mixed, what will they be like?”

Zhuang Yan picked up a piece of salted duck and chewed it lightly.

In his mind, a simulation of serious questions began.

In the end, he also shook his head: “I don’t think the Red Army troops have any chance of winning.”

Seriously said: “Yes, it’s not terrible to lose, the most fearful thing is that you can’t accept it. You don’t know what their chief officials will think if we abuse them in the future? Will someone scold their mother? Don’t say anything else, The first to participate in the confrontation exercise this time is the ace brigade of our current military region, and it is also the most powerful machine-infantry brigade. The equipment is top-notch. I am familiar with that unit. When it was first assigned, I stayed there for a while. It’s not a short time. Now we have to meet on the battlefield and beat them to the death. I’m afraid that when I see them, I won’t be able to say hello. “

Zhuang Yan said: “Just scold, scold on the training ground, it’s better than losing your life on the real battlefield. Is it like before, follow the script and act according to the plan? Interesting? Why am I here? ? You still don’t understand?”

With a serious wry smile, he nodded and said, “Yes, that’s why I asked you to talk to you, to vent my emotions, and I also remind you to prepare for the future, ahhhhh, we’re going to turn against the seven major districts. “

Zhuang Yan said: “I don’t care, anyway, I have been a soldier for so many years, and I am always scolded by people. You see, when I was in the coaching team, I was kept by the captain of the team. Didn’t our company commander also scolded my mother? The coaching team, the peaches that bloom and bear fruit are picked by people.”

The two of them suddenly returned to the days of the year~www.mtlnovel.com~ Recalling the youthful and passionate years of wearing old-fashioned military uniforms, they couldn’t help but smile at each other.

“Come on, use water instead of wine, and wish us victory in two months!” Seriously raised the water glass.

Zhuang Yan also raised the water glass.

“Fuck you!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”


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