Special Years

Chapter 1279 - sneak attack

On the position, the rain fell frantically on the grassland.

The Blues were temporarily victorious.

For many scouts who went deep behind enemy lines, this head-to-head exhilaration did not belong to them.

Xu Er said to Zhuang Yan, “battalion commander, it’s a pity, we can’t be on the front line.”

Zhuang Yan glanced at Xu Er: “Aren’t we the front line now? We’ve all gone deep into the hinterland.”

Xu Er looked around, it was dead silence, it was dark everywhere, and he didn’t see anything.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning struck down.

Xu Er jumped.

“My day!” He said, “I wonder if the scouts from the Red Army brigade are also infiltrating our rear at this time?”

“It’s not surprising.” Zhuang Yan said, “If we can do it, others can do it, it depends on who does the job well.”

Xu Erdao: “We will not be discovered by them, right?”

“I don’t know.” Zhuang Yan said: “Everything that can be done is done, and the rest is left to Niu Shilin and the others.”

Niu Shilin led a commando team to be responsible for anti-search in the blue army defense zone. He belonged to the excited detachment and was also responsible for the task of reverse osmosis.

The single soldier radio suddenly flashed.

The voice of the commander of Team 3 came through the headset.

“Team 3 calls Lightning.”

“I’m Lightning, please speak.”

“Found a dressage unit crossing Bridge 2 southeast of Area 211, please instruct.”

“How many troops?”

“It’s not clear for the time being, there are quite a few, and it has not been finished yet. I estimate there are two companies.”

“Two outfits in a row?”

Zhuang Yan murmured in his heart.

This is meant to be roundabout and interspersed!

“Send information to the brigade, give the coordinates, and guide the firepower to strike. You lead the unit to continue monitoring, and don’t expose yourself.” said solemnly and calmly.


“I stress again, all reconnaissance detachments, without my order, are not allowed to reveal their positions, only reconnaissance and intelligence collection are allowed, no exposure, no fighting, and no contact with the Red Army officers and soldiers except in desperate situations.”


call ended.

Xu Er asked, “Captain, are you afraid that your brothers can’t hold back and sacrifice in vain?”

“Yes.” said solemnly: “We are scouts, not combat infantry, nor armored soldiers. It is not our turn to intervene and engage in combat unless there is a necessary mission. There are only a few people in a detachment. Do you think it is Rambo? If you can’t hold yourself back, you have to expose yourself. Once exposed, do you think there will be a way to survive under the group firepower of the Red Army armored troops?”

“Yes.” Xu Er said, “In my place, I’m not that stupid.”

“If you do this, I will withdraw your deputy company commander. You are not qualified.” Zhuang Yan said: “As long as the reconnaissance detachment can survive, the longer it stays behind the enemy, the more information will be sent back, even if the enemy is discovered. , just stare. Stare at what they are doing, and then direct the strike to let the artillery and missile units do them, why kill yourself.”

On the southeast side of Area 211, Bridge No. 2, at the passage.

The leader of the company commander is constantly mobilized through the individual radio station.

“Attention all vehicles, widen the gap, pass quickly…”

Before he could finish his words, suddenly, the chariot running at the front suddenly burst out with thick red smoke.

“what happened!?”

And then the second one…

The third car…

Armored vehicles huddled on the road.

A call came from the car on the radio: “Enemy artillery attack! The forward path is blocked! Request instructions, whether to pass.”


A terrible guess flashed in the head of the company commander.

Each chariot has an instrument linked to a digital countermeasure system, and the smoke proves that there is firepower to strike here.

In such bad weather, air force bombing is definitely impossible.

The only explanation is the opposing artillery.

If it was artillery, how did they find that they were taking a detour here to prepare for a sneak attack.

He suddenly remembered something and turned his head to look out the window.

It was pitch black everywhere.

The rain blocked most of the view.

There are a lot of grasses taller than people nearby, and there are two hills not far away.

The company commander is also an experienced commander, and he immediately noticed that something was wrong.

It shouldn’t be the aerial reconnaissance that found me, but there are “nails” nearby!

The so-called nails are the scouts and other detachments that the Blue Army troops placed here.

If they are there, they can only evacuate quickly, otherwise the scouts ambush here are like a pair of ruthless eyes, and the convoy is a living target in their eyes.

Excellent scouts can measure accurate coordinates only by visual observation and map compass, not to mention that there are advanced reconnaissance equipment such as digital reconnaissance instruments, so the positioning is not too accurate!

One more minute to stay here, one more minute of danger!

Can’t bet!

Not to be reckless!

“All vehicles, immediately drive off the dirt road and evacuate here.” He began to give instructions: “Leader group, pay attention to the hill on the right, I suspect that there are scouts from the Blue Army, immediately send a platoon to search, and all vehicles enter the roadside. Cover the ground and cover the hills with firepower!”

In his opinion, if he were a scout, the two grassy hills on the right were unintentionally the best place to hide.

Load the large-caliber machine gun on top of the armored infantry fighting vehicle and start firing.

All the gunshots can still be heard clearly even in the heavy rain sitting in the armored vehicle.

Various shouts began to appear in the channel of the convoy, all of which were looking for nearby scouts.

The search team of the leading group was divided into three groups and moved towards the hill to outflank.

The other armored vehicles in the convoy could turn around, but they couldn’t turn around and rushed down the dirt road, and drove into the weeds on the side of the road to hide.

The rain was pattering, and the wind was whistling.

The temperature of the grassland at night was very low, and the large-caliber machine gun on the roof was shooting white vapor.

The search platoon finally reached the hill, but found nothing.

The artillery coverage of the Blue Army is still in progress, and two more armored vehicles are smoking.

The leader of the company commander kept yelling on the radio.

“Get out of here! Hurry up! Get out of this ghost place!”

He knew that the plan to pass through the No. 2 bridge, detour to the back of the Blue Army, and wait for the main attack direction to launch an attack to cooperate and storm the Blue Army’s flank would be a complete failure.


Still owe 2 more.

Since I should have paid 9 updates today, only 7 updates were written (I went out to my wife and sister’s house for dinner, sorry), so the final debt is 2 updates.

Based on the character of the seven officials, it was originally supposed to be paid before 12 o’clock, but it was too much. I will add two more chapters tomorrow to show my sincerity.

This means that tomorrow will be guaranteed for two shifts, and then 4 shifts will be added, for a total of 6 shifts.

how? Be kind! ^_^

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