Special Years

Chapter 1287 - drill suspended

“Stop arguing!”

The adjuster’s fire also came up.

“Look at you, what are you talking about!”

While speaking, the conditioner went up and tugged on the sleeve of a company captain.

“Captain, company commander, what are you kidding!”

He went over and talked about the platoon leader of the Blue Army.

“Still an officer! Don’t you know how to obey discipline?!”

The officers and soldiers on both sides bowed their heads immediately.

It was on fire just now.

This time, everyone seemed to calm down after being yelled at by the adjuster.

This thought is really not right.

Just pulled and pulled, almost started.

Like what words!

Soldiers have to obey discipline.

So, no one said a word.

When the adjuster saw the big guy’s anger, he seemed to have calmed down, and the scene was finally suppressed.

But the reason for this still needs to be investigated.

It is said that the excavator can’t be beaten, and it seems that it is also true.

Having watched the Blue Army’s defensive attacks so many times just now, they have indeed attacked several excavators in turn.

But it seems to have no effect at all.

What to do or what to do with the excavator, strolling in the courtyard, leisurely and leisurely, it is simply free to come and go.

The adjuster had doubts in his heart before, but now the two sides are arguing, and it is time to solve it.

“You, that bazooka come here.”

He pointed to a soldier of the Blue Army brigade.

The Blue Army soldier hurried to get a bazooka and handed it to the adjuster.

The adjuster checked it in his hand and confirmed that it was an unlocked weapon.

In other words, this thing has an attack effect in the exercise.

“You guys, get off the excavator!”

He pointed to a few sappers who were still sitting in the excavator and shouted, “Come down.”

Several engineer operators got off the excavator and walked aside.

The conditioner looked at the excavator in front of him and the bazooka in his hand.

Then open the safety and pull the trigger at the excavator.

Laser beam fired.

But the excavator did not respond.

No smoking.


The moderator was also stunned.

The officers and soldiers of the Blue Army Brigade were immediately excited.

“Look! It’s cheating!”

“Conditioner, they said that their excavators are indestructible, do you believe it?”

The adjuster glared at the blue officers and soldiers, who immediately fell silent.

He turned to the officers and soldiers of the Red Army brigade, and finally his eyes fell on the company commander: “You said, what’s going on?”

The Red Army brigade commander was also confused, shook his head and said, “This… I don’t know either.”

The conditioner reloaded and fired another shot at the excavator.

The excavator is still intact.

“Hey! It’s evil!”

He looked at the launcher in his hand.

Looking at it, I can’t see anything wrong.

So he picked up the military walkie-talkie and started calling: “Director’s Department, this is the No. 32 coordinator. The current position is the left-wing position of the Blue Army. There is something wrong here, and a technician needs to come to check.”

“What happened?” the director’s department asked.

“There seems to be a bug in the equipment.” The adjuster said: “All the weapons seem to have no effect on the excavators of several engineering units of the Red Army. There is a dispute between the two sides, and a technician is needed to find out the reason. I personally suggest that the exercise be suspended.”

The director’s side fell silent.

After a while, the reply came.

“Agreed to the suspension. The Blue Army, who had just received the main attack direction, was protesting. There was also a dispute there, and they also asked to suspend the exercise.”

“No way! Is there something wrong over there?”

“Yes. You announce the suspension of the exercise, keep it as it is, and wait for the technician to come over.”

The main attack direction, the exercise has also stopped.

The battalion commanders of both red and blue are standing on the front line, you stare at me, I stare at you, big eyes staring at small eyes.

Again, the conditioner stands in the middle.

Wu Xiaodong said: “You can’t do this! When you win, you don’t say anything, and when you lose, you call pause! You don’t fight like you on the battlefield. If you can’t beat the enemy, you still have to tell the enemy to pause. You think you’re playing a game! If you say stop, stop!”

“You are breaking the rules! You are breaking the rules of the exercise! Why can’t we give opinions!”

The battalion commander of the Blue Army brigade was not to be outdone.

“You didn’t do it like this, you dare to say that the smoke screen launcher used is standard equipment?”

“Why isn’t it standard equipment? Oh, you said it wasn’t? Didn’t you see that it was fired from our tanks? Why isn’t it standard equipment?!”

Wu Xiaodong’s defeat last night was so frustrating, and now he’s being unreasonable.

“We violated the rules? You don’t even think that your **** Type 59 tanks are not against the rules? What kind of armor do you have? Huh? Obviously it’s a bare plate, our Type 99 two shells can’t hit you a Type 59? You’re my first Soldier for a day?!”

“That’s a simulation! Do you understand? Do you know what a simulation is? Our division blue army is a force that simulates the most advanced military power. The armor is simulated by the system, not us cheating. If you have any questions, you can ask the director team. !”

“Alright, alright!”

Seeing that the two sides were arguing, the moderator spoke.

First say to the battalion commander of the Blue Army: “Can’t you say a few words?”

The blue battalion commander shut up.

He turned to Wu Xiaodong again.

“There’s something wrong with your smoke emitters.”

Wu Xiaodong also knew what was going on, and felt like Mingjing in his heart.

But he didn’t think it was wrong.

“Conditioner, our smoke bombs are fired from tanks, so why aren’t they standard equipment?”

The adjuster said, “You’re also my first day in the army, right?”

Wu Xiaodong smiled and said, “No.”

The adjuster said: “Come on, I can recite the parameters of the Type 99 tank by heart. I am also a graduate of the armored major. By the way, why does your smoke bomb have such a long range?”

Wu Xiaodong looked a little embarrassed and said with a smile: “This… Actually, you should ask our brigade commander about this. I don’t think we violated the rules.”

“The range of a normal smoke screen launcher is **** meters. I saw your position just now, and it is 1.3 kilometers, but your range has exceeded this. How can you explain it?” The adjuster said: “I have never seen such a Smoke Launcher.”

Wu Xiaodong said: “Conditioner, you can see for yourself whether we fired smoke bombs through our own tanks.”

The conditioner said: “Don’t go around the corner with me, I saw it, it was fired by your tank, I just ask, is there something wrong with your launcher?”

Wu Xiaodong did not speak this time.

The adjuster walked directly under a tank of the Red Army, then climbed up, crouched at the position of the smoke screen launcher and observed it carefully for a while.

After that, he turned his head to look at Wu Xiaodong.

“This thing is not original, it is modified equipment. Is it right?”

Seeing that Wu Xiaodong couldn’t hide it, he could only say: “Yes, this is the secret weapon of our brigade. It was improved by our brigade commander himself and a few technical backbones, and it was approved by the head of the group army. This is not a private change. .”

The conditioner finally realized that it turned out to be a modified smoke screen launcher, no wonder the range is so amazing.

“How much has changed, tell me.”

“How old is what?” Wu Xiaodong pretended to be confused.

The adjuster said: “Let’s not speak secretly, tell me, how much has the range of your smoke launcher changed?”

“This…” Wu Xiaodong licked his lips and hesitated.

The adjuster said: “There is no need to falter. It is estimated that an investigation will be required later, and your brigade commander must confess when he comes.”

Wu Xiaodong knew that he couldn’t hide it, so he said, “It increased 10 times…”


“My God!”


The surrounding blue officers and soldiers suddenly boiled~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ordinary smoke screen launcher only has a range of **** meters, and it is enhanced by 10 times, that is xxxx meters!

No wonder this thing was so far apart just now that it was so perverted that it directly hit the warning line behind the buffer belt.

This thing is against the sky!


Second more.

Eat first, come back later for the third update.

Please pay attention!

ps: The things described in this chapter are true. The Red Army also had unique skills back then, but it shocked the Blue Army a lot. This matter really ended up suspending the exercise. After discussion, it was decided whether to continue.

The next chapter will reveal the mystery.

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