Special Years

Chapter 1303 - 1 thought

The good news from 1e city is finally getting more and more.

The main Red Army brigade and soldiers fought hard because they were fighting against the odds.

In various building searches and street battles, although the soldiers of the Red Army Brigade paid the price, they still attacked one of the most critical target points representing 1e City, and it was also the frontline command center of the Blue Army Brigade in 1e City—the TV station building.


Fan Mingjun, who received the news, was overjoyed, and the excitement flooded his heart like a tide.


The communications platoon leader is here again.

“Sir, there may be a problem with the reconnaissance and communications team sent.”

He was referring to the team that was sent out earlier.

“Is something wrong?” Fan Mingjun asked, “Tell me.”

The communications platoon leader said, “It should have arrived a long time ago, and if it is a common problem, it can be repaired immediately and contact us, but so far, there is no news. Just now, the reconnaissance battalion sent a drone to reconnaissance and found that the group has been annihilated. “

“Destroyed?” Fan Mingjun’s previous excitement was instantly extinguished.

Guo Wei next to him said, “Brigade Commander, I have an idea.”

“What do you think?” Fan Mingjun turned his head to look at Guo Wei.

Guo Wei said, “I think we should withdraw.”

“Withdraw?” Fan Mingjun didn’t understand.

Guo Wei said, “Well, withdraw immediately.”

He turned around and waved, “The guards are lined up, prepare the car, and prepare to leave!”

“Old Guo, what are you doing?”

Just after taking 1e city, the blue army’s defense line is shrinking.

At this moment, it is time to chase down the poor bandits. As the leader of the brigade, Fan Mingjun really wanted to stay in the front finger and continue to watch his troops roll forward until he reaps the fruits of victory.

Let yourself withdraw now?

He really didn’t want to.

“I’m talking while walking, I’m afraid it’s too late.” Guo Wei took Fan Mingjun out and ordered the 2nd battalion commander, “You should send someone to do the defense of the front finger immediately. If I guess correctly, the reconnaissance of the Blue Army Brigade will be carried out. The troops have already discovered your location, and if I were the officer leading the team, I would definitely attack here.”

“It’s just time for them to come!” Fan Mingjun said, “We have so many people here, are we afraid they won’t succeed? They’ve been stabbing us in the back these days. I’m tired of these scouts, make up my pockets and bring them in. , bring them to a pot.”

Guo Wei said non-negotiable, “It’s not worth it to stay here.”

Fan Mingjun said, “Are you afraid of their team?”

Guo Wei said, “I’m not afraid, but I just don’t think it’s worth it. Think about it, you are the head of the Red Army, if you are beheaded, we will lose the whole exercise. In case… I mean in case, the whole risk to us Don’t take it!”

Fan Mingjun was still full of anger, but after reading Guo Wei’s words carefully, he felt that it made sense.

As a brigade commander, you must have an overall view, you must be calm, and you must not be angry with a scout detachment.

“Okay, let’s go.”

He didn’t say more, and said to the 2 battalion commander, “Since you know they’re coming, don’t let them go! Keep as many as you come! I want to see if the scouts of the Blue Army brigade have three heads and six arms! “

There are still 4 kilometers away from the front finger, Xu Er excitedly ran to Zhuang Yan.

“Captain, an important discovery!”

“What important discovery?” asked solemnly.

Xu Er pointed to the scouts of the Red Army brigade who had been “killed”, as well as a few signal soldiers.

“Find this on those scouts.”

He took out a map.

Zhuang Yan took a look and saw that there were a lot of codes and red circles on the map.

Look carefully.

It was interesting to find these red circles, and some also marked the path.

“This map is a patrol and search map.”

Zhuang Yan saw the clue.

Generally speaking, the scouts of the Red Army brigade will have the Beidou terminal system.

But that thing will be locked after the user is killed, so the content inside cannot be viewed.

However, generally speaking, in addition to the Beidou system, each team leader will definitely use a paper map for backup.

This is just in case.

Unexpectedly, Xu Er was searched away.

After thinking about it solemnly, he took the map and walked to the second lieutenant of the Red Army brigade who was leading the team.


The second lieutenant’s chin was tilted to the side, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

“I am a corpse and will not answer your words.”

The second lieutenant’s bones are quite hard, and he doesn’t seem to like solemnity.

As soon as he led the team through here, he was attacked by the solemn detachment.

To be honest, this kind of ambush battle was easy for Zhuang Yan, and the battle was settled in less than five minutes.

But the lieutenant was not convinced.

He also saw that there were battlefield reconnaissance radar vehicles in the solemn convoy, which could detect moving targets, and the search vehicles were first-class.

So he felt unlucky, not inferior to others.

When he came out, one of the squads he led only drove an armored vehicle and a warrior, but no radar vehicle.

He felt that he was at a disadvantage here, lost the first move, and was ambushed.

Zhuang Yan had long guessed that he would not say anything.

He showed him the map to prove one thing, whether the map was important or not.

Although it looks like a map for patrolling and searching, isn’t it? Still need to do some verification.

Zhuang Yan said, “Actually, I can see it even if you don’t say it. Everyone is walking together. Your front finger is here, and your brigade commander Fan Mingjun is also there.”

Saying that, his finger points to a red circle on the map.

The second lieutenant’s face changed slightly, and it looked especially pale under the light of the headlights.

He wanted to ask Zhuang Yan, how did he know that the circle was marking the front finger?

However, he just said that he is a “corpse”, how can he open his mouth now?

What’s more, asking the officers of the Blue Army for advice is really not enough.

For Zhuang Yan, the second lieutenant’s expression changes were enough to give the answer.

He smiled and put away the map, turned to Xu Er and said, “Their front fingers are here, and Fan Mingjun is there. I immediately set the coordinates, and sent them to the Beidou terminals of each team. Drive here, hurry up, I’m afraid of them. After this group is ambushed by us, the people in the front fingers will feel dangerous, if it is me, I will let Fan Mingjun withdraw first.”


Xu Er took the map and ran away in a hurry.

Zhuang Yan raised his hand and shouted, “Get in the car and follow the lead car!”

Blue Army Headquarters.

Xia Chenglong was a little irritable, he sat down, picked up the big cup and took a sip of the thick tea in it.

This battle is exhausting.

I have to admit that Brigade A is an extremely strong opponent.

In fact, not only the Red Army Brigade has been tempered in the exercise, but the Blue Army Brigade is also the first time a big girl has been on the sedan chair. Why hasn’t it been tempered and sublimated?

Now that the 1e city has been lost, it is obvious that his own buffer warning zone and annular defense circle, and the battle group mode of breaking into pieces have not been able to stop the Red Army.

Fortunately, the Red Army also paid a very heavy price.

After discussing with Serenity, Xia Chenglong decided to shrink the front line and retreat to Area B for defense.

This is a long-established plan.

If 1e city is lost, the defense line of the entire blue army brigade will be torn apart by Fan Mingjun.

If you don’t shrink the front and retreat to Area B to organize defense, it will easily be divided and surrounded.

You can’t be mad about this.

Can’t be strong.

In wars, you can’t just look at the loss of one city and one place, but the overall situation.

After the contraction, if the Red Army brigade does not attack, UU reading www.uukanshu. com turns to defense in place, then organizes an attack by itself.

When the Red Army brigade is not stable, it will be attacked.

It would be even better if Fan Mingjun continued to pursue. After all, it was already at the end of the battle. Xia Chenglong felt that he was sure that the Red Army would stop its advance completely, and then turned the defense to counterattack and regained lost ground.

Looking at the watch on my wrist, there are 40 minutes left.

Now waiting for the Red Army to follow.

Of course, he didn’t know that at this moment, the rear of the Red Army brigade had already begun to mess up.

The solemn detachment was like a sharp knife stabbed into the back of the Red Army, making a big noise.


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