Special Years

Chapter 1306 - Exercise review meeting

After the exercise is over, a review meeting must be held to review the exercise and find out the problem. This is the usual practice in the past.

I have to do the same this time, but it’s different.

Reviews are of a high standard.

All the senior leaders came, and the participants included all the guidance members of the base director group and 32 experts from 11 military academies, as well as the chief officers of the red and blue parties.

As soon as Fan Mingjun entered the venue, he felt that the atmosphere would be different from the previous comments.

His position is not on the podium, but below.

There is a huge TV screen wall in the middle, and there is a table in front of the host. On the left side of the screen is the chairman’s seat, and on the right side is an independent speaker’s seat. There is a small table.

The commanders above the battalion of the red and blue sides are arranged on both sides, facing each other at a distance of three meters, and the back is full of chairs, divided into two parts, one part is the commander and fighter above the company of the red army brigade, and the other part is the commander and fighter above the company of the blue army brigade .

The chiefs did not speak, and today they are here purely as spectators.

What they want to see is the effect and experience of the exercise.

Experience is summed up, winning or losing is determined by the director team.

Now, everyone pricked up their ears, waiting for the final result to be announced.

Shi Chao was the first to speak on stage. As the chief director, he originally wanted to ask the chief of his superiors to speak. After all, he was only a deputy division. Although he was the chief director in name, he was actually at the same level as the commanders of the Red and Blue Army. .

This matter was discussed with the chief executive before the meeting.

The chief laughed when he heard it, and said, Shi Chao, are you afraid too?

Shi Chao said, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold it down. Anyway, all of the following brigade commanders are tiger generals. I’m going to say it right, they can accept it? Since this is a big exercise organized by the headquarters, you should be the head of the opening speech. “

The chief said, “You are the chief director, and this is your duty and there is no shirk.”

Speaking of which, Shi Chao had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Shi Chao himself knew the exercises of the new mode, and what to say, he had already made a draft in his mind.

When I got to the stage, I looked down and saw a black piece of the officer’s head.

On those tanned and slightly tired faces, their eyes were full of endless anticipation – they were all waiting to announce the final outcome.

Although Shi Chao had seen the big scene, he still felt the pressure.

There is pressure, but I still have to say it.

“It’s not the first time I’ve participated in post-exercise reviews and reviews.”

He simply closed the manuscript he had prepared and did not read it.

He suddenly wanted to speak his mind.

There are exercises every year, and this exercise is not the same as before.

Where is it different?

Not only the mode of the exercise, not only the use of the latest digital engagement system, not only the combat environment under the fully simulated war mode, but not only the first attempt to combine various arms in a real-force exercise.

More importantly, the concept is the fundamental concept of the exercise in everyone’s heart.

If you can’t get out of this shackles yourself, what right do you have to ask the officers sitting below to accept this new exercise concept?

So, he decided to speak his mind.

“But this time is different from any review review I have ever experienced. What is a review? What is the purpose of the review? If I just ask this question, I believe the commanders in the audience can give it to me. A very perfect answer. But that’s just the perfect answer, not actually doing it, and it’s not an iron law and rule that is ingrained in your head.”

“You will definitely answer me, the review is a review, and the focus is on the review. It is through the review that you find out the problems in the command, tactics and even operations of your own troops during the exercise. Yes, this answer is indeed perfect. It was only before I believe you all know what the situation is. Therefore, this time I don’t plan to do the same for many post-exercise review reviews. When I talk about my results and my advantages, it’s like ‘the Yangtze River is rolling in endlessly’. Continuously; but when talking about mistakes and shortcomings, it is “still holding a pipa half-covered”, covering up and hiding.”

“Today’s review meeting, the keynote I asked for is — criticism should be heavy-handed and straight to the point; praise should be understated and stop at the point. Because we are looking for shortcomings through exercises, rather than looking for achievements to put money on our faces. “

After speaking, he took a deep breath.

Sitting down solemnly, he immediately realized that the main event was coming.

Sure enough, Shi Chao took out a piece of paper this time, opened it, and announced, “This exercise has been carefully judged by the director team and expert team, and combined with the battlefield data, the battle damage ratio of the red team is 52, and the blue team is 58. …”

When Shi Chao said this, the heart of the blue army officer below seemed to be grasped by a big hand, and it became difficult to breathe.



This battle damage ratio…

This means that the Red Army brigade is going to win?

At this moment, the officers of the Red Army brigade were all overjoyed, and many of them couldn’t help but smile.

“… After the final ruling of our director team and expert team, the Blue Army won the exercise by a small margin in this exercise No. 20xxxx.”

This car drives too fast, turns too fast, and the steering wheel flies…

The entire large conference room suddenly became as quiet as a grave.

Everyone wonders if there is a problem with their ears, or if they hear it wrong.


Blues victorious?

What the **** is this? !

Fan Mingjun couldn’t help raising his hand.


Shi Chao seemed to expect that Fan Mingjun would raise his hand, and without thinking, he said, “Go ahead, I know you have to ask.”

Fan Mingjun stood up and asked, “Director Shi, I want to ask who you just said won?”

Shi Chao’s face was indifferent, and he said in clear and standard Mandarin, “I said it was the Blue Army’s tragic victory.”

As soon as this remark came out, even though the chief was still in charge, there was still an uproar among the officers below.

“how could this be?”

“What’s the rule?”

“It’s ridiculous!”

“We captured 1e city and broke through the front line of defense!”


No wonder.

One side is 52 battle loss~www.mtlnovel.com~ one side is 58 battle loss rate.

According to the literal data, the Red Army won, but why did they lose the exercise?

Shi Chao looked at Fan Mingjun who was dumbfounded, “You sit down first. You must want to know why.”

He raised his head and looked at the other officers below.

“You must also wonder why the Blues won, right?”


I read a news today that three elephants went swimming and drowned. Anyway, I don’t believe this kind of news. There are more and more fakenes now. How could an elephant drown in the water as big as one? I think it must be suicide, only suicidal elephants will drown.


By the way, those loan sharks are asking me to add more money.

i hate them…

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