Special Years

Chapter 1317 - Disappearing \\\"Red Army\\\" Brigade

The trainer’s car entered the station, and it didn’t take long for a high-pitched anti-aircraft siren to sound in the station.

The security forces outside the station immediately hid on the spot and responded to air strikes.

ten minutes later.

“Old Chen! Old Chen!”

Captain Li ran all the way and ran towards Major Chen from one end of the train platform.

“What happened?” Major Chen asked.

Major Chen said: “Their tanks… are fake!”

“Ah?” Major Chen frowned suddenly, and he subconsciously glanced at the battalion commander of the C Brigade support battalion next to him.

The other party’s expression was calm, and under the light, there was even a slight smile.

It dawned on him.

This time, instead of tossing others, I was tossed by others.

He put away his notebook and hurried toward the train’s flatbed, jumped on the deck, and tugged at the camouflage net with his hands.

Pulled a few times, too reliable, the car does not rely on.

He walked around the tank and found that the entire tank was tightly wrapped.


Major Chen pointed at the tank and shouted to a soldier in Brigade C next to him, “Take off these camouflage nets!”

The soldier did not move, but turned his attention to the battalion commander of the support battalion.

The battalion commander said, “Open it.”

Several soldiers came up and took off the camouflage net and canvas.

“Tank” finally revealed the true colors of Mount Lu.

Don’t look too hard, this thing looks fake.

But you can see it at a glance from the side, in the air, after wrapping the camouflage net, let alone the shape, it is no different from an ordinary tank.

Major Chen couldn’t help but stepped forward and pinched it, and found that it was made of rubber.

This thing is one of the troops’ camouflage equipment.

“This one, open it too!”

He pointed to a tank behind and ordered the soldiers.

Several soldiers still looked at the battalion commander of the support battalion.

The battalion commander also said: “Open it.”

In this way, the four vehicles were checked with one face.

Not a single tank is real, it’s all fake.

Major Chen felt that his old face was hot. In fact, when the camouflage net of the second “tank” was uncovered, he had no hope for the latter.

This must have been a well-prepared tactic.

With the lessons of the first two brigades, the C brigade also learned from the past.

No one wants to die in vain on the railroad.

Trees move to death, people move to live.

You can’t be a single person, let alone fighting a war.

be cheated!

Major Chen jumped out of the flatbed carriage, standing on the platform with his psoas on his shoulders, his eyes swept from the rear of the train to the locomotive.

From the very beginning, the C brigade was digging holes and waiting for the lead group to jump.

The soldiers at the gate stopped them, of course it was intentional.

Of course, those tanks that are now missing were also deliberately shown to them.

It was to make the three of them feel that the armored troops of the C brigade wanted to quickly evacuate the station, so as to make themselves anxious, and immediately order an air strike after entering.

it’s good now.

Except for the ones seen at the gate, the tanks on this train are estimated to be fakes.

The battalion commander of the support battalion asked rather proudly: “Coordinator Chen, how much do you judge our battle losses?”

How much was the battle damage?

This question is provocative enough.

How much was the battle damage?

Du Te Niang’s is a fake tank, why is it damaged in battle?

It’s not that there is none. It is possible to determine the casualties of soldiers carrying out air defense and security missions with the vehicle, but how many people are there?

What’s more, I checked just now that the air defense unit’s operating standards are close to actual combat, and I really can’t deduct a few points.

It seems that the C brigade has done enough homework this time and came prepared.

“0 losses in armored units.”

After speaking, he turned away.

The voice of the support battalion commander came from behind: “Several superiors, why don’t you stay for a drink? Why are you in a hurry?”

The director’s team’s warrior car disappeared at the gate of the station. The battalion commander showed a triumphant smile and waved to the signal soldier next to him.

“Help me get in touch with the brigade fingers and tell them that the Jinchan escape plan was very successful, and the armored troops lost zero.”

“Yes!” The correspondent happily walked aside to contact the brigade.

Brigade C’s cowardly operation was something that the director’s team did not expect at all.

As far as the participating troops are concerned, they used to be very good, and the director’s department asked them to come as they wished.

Generally speaking, there is nothing more affordable and simple than taking the train to transport the large-scale equipment of this armored force. No problem.

But this time, the “Red Army” brigade didn’t play cards according to common sense. A bunch of large plastic model toys were installed on the train, and you directed the team to blow it up.


Afraid of you blowing up?

You blow up plastic!

This time, it was the director’s turn to be a little stunned.

The experts and team members who were in charge of directing the exercise were all talking about it.

Some people think that this is a violation of the rules of the exercise, and many people think that this is no problem. After a war, who will play cards according to common sense? What age is it, is it still a dignified array of linear arrays like the flintlock era in the eighteenth century?

After the debate, the final decision on the issue returned to Shi Chao.

“Director Shi, on the issue of the C brigade’s troop transport model, can you draw a conclusion for everyone?”

Deputy director Zhang Chen handed the hot potato to Shi Chao.

Shi Chao was calm, with a calm expression on his face: “No violation, our rules don’t actually stipulate which way the equipment must be transported, we just give the time, as long as they arrive within the stipulated time, even if they arrive in the C brigade. The tanks are carried over by people, no problem. Don’t we emphasize practical combat? The requirement of practical combat is that tactics should not be rigid but flexible. This kind of operation is very flexible. Just an observer and referee of the play, but not a conductor.”

The final word.

The C Brigade’s troop transport for thousands of miles won the first battle and won the top prize.

Not only the transportation on the railway line was not affected by the bombing, but even the motorized troops of the C Brigade were not attacked in any way.

The main troops of the C brigade were divided into three groups and took different routes.

As for how to go, each detachment commander decides by himself, just submit the plan, and then the brigade headquarters will coordinate and command.

Since the troops on the motorized march also made various camouflages~www.mtlnovel.com~ and the national road is long and has many roads, the base director team could not monitor every road at all.

What’s more, the operation method of finding various troops was only discovered after the fact of the transportation at the train station was exposed. At this time, the C brigade had actually arrived in Prairie Town, and it was meaningless to follow it.

In this way, in this exercise, the C brigade took the initiative from the very beginning and won the game.


Is it Father’s Day today? Later, the leader of my family invited me to dinner and said, since today is my holiday, everyone will give me some monthly tickets.

Ask for a monthly pass!

Ask for a monthly pass!

Ask for a monthly pass!

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