Special Years

Chapter 1328 - Fight!

Fan Hongsong in the front line broke out in a cold sweat, and Zhang Dapao in the rear also realized that the situation was serious.

Suddenly, he lost contact with the two main battalions.

The Blues have activated communication jamming and electronic countermeasures.

Something must have happened.

“Initiate electronic communications emergency plan.”

However, he didn’t panic.

The C Brigade was established on the basis of the 1st Division. When Zhuang Yan was still in the 1st Division, the troops were transformed and upgraded, and a bunch of the best communication equipment and vehicles were distributed at that time.

However, the communication forces at that time did not study and thoroughly understand these equipment, which led to the interference with the other party during the simulation exercise with the electronic countermeasures group of the G military region, so that the local line was urgently requisitioned and a wired communication network was set up to ensure smooth communication.

Since then, the 1st Division has attached great importance to electronic countermeasures operations, and it has almost become the tradition of this unit.

Before the C brigade came, Zhang Dabao studied the previous two exercises and found that the blue army brigade was frequently using electronic interference methods, and sometimes even full-frequency suppression accompanied the exercise from the beginning to the end.

So this time I came here with a plan.

The method is very simple. Call the Beidou system and CDMA military mobile phones to form a network using the grid method. At the same time, the wired troops immediately start the wired network that has been arranged between the battalions and the brigade fingers.

These networks do not wait until the other party interferes and then lay them out, it is cramming.

Before the start of the exercise, the wired soldiers had already laid a wired network in the area controlled by the Red Party, and they were all exhausted.

It has to be said that the electronic countermeasures and communication units of the C brigade are first-class units.

Overnight, the network was laid, and when the Blue Army began to interfere electronically, the electronic countermeasures unit of the Red Army Brigade was not idle, and began to counter suppress and start frequency hopping to find new available radio channels and strive to maintain Live in a channel or two.

Communication was quickly restored.

“010, this is 001, please report your situation immediately.”

Hearing Lu Zhi’s voice, Fan Hongsong almost trembled with excitement.

“001, the N1 channel is a trap! All of their people are in the channel, relying on the high ground on both sides to attack us from a high position, and we are currently suffering heavy losses.”

After Zhang Dabao heard this, his brows were furrowed.

“010, how far are you from their front positions and their left and right positions?”

“One kilometer to the left and right, and 700 meters to the front.”

“Understood. You stick it up immediately, and the infantry get out of the car and charge the high ground on both sides. I will immediately order the air force and artillery unit to support you.”

Inside the Blue Army Command Post.

A staff officer came over and reported: “Brigade commander, now the two battalions of the Red Army Brigade have all entered N1. They are close to our troops and they are fighting together.”

“I see, that’s right.” Xia Chenglong said, “Turn the frontline pictures to the big screen.”

Soon, the battle situation ahead was put on the big screen.


Only two words can describe it.

The red-eyed soldiers of the Red Army rushed to the high ground and launched a confrontation with the Blue Army soldiers who had been occupying the high ground.

Anti-tank weapons, smoke bombs fired by various tanks, jamming bombs flying around.

In the air, the air forces of both sides also fought.

The Blue Army wanted to take out the accompanying air defense units of the Red Army Brigade, and the Blue Army Brigade wanted to tear open the exit on the east side of N1.

Once the defenses to the east are breached, the prairie area in front of 1279.7 Heights can be attacked.

There was no danger there, and it was very close to the Blues’ command post.

“Send the tank company reserve.”

The strength of the N1 channel is now logically dominated by the Red Army.

The Blues couldn’t take it anymore.

After all, the opponent’s troops are more than twice as strong as their own.

Xia Chenglong said: “Also, you can close the door and put the second camp.”

Close the door and put the second camp.

This means that a flanking attack plan can be implemented.

At present, the second battalion of the blue army brigade has been dormant nearby, and it has long been unable to sit still after hearing the sound of gunfire.

Suddenly, the Blue Army Brigade found that its communication had been counter-jammed.

The staff officer came over to report: “Brigade Commander, our communication has been temporarily interrupted and it will take some time to recover.”

Xia Chenglong nodded.

“Is it using other contact methods?” the staff officer asked.

The Blues also have a wired communications network.

It can be started at any time.

Xia Chenglong looked at the picture on the big screen and did not answer immediately.

He saw a soldier of the Red Army went crazy, strapped on his body with grenades, and rushed towards the tank of the Blue Army like crazy…

Fortunately, it was an exercise, and it was stopped by the conditioner next to it and pulled away.

“The combat effectiveness of the C brigade is very tenacious… I am a little worried now, should I change the brigade commander?”

After he finished speaking, he glanced solemnly.

Zhuang Yan was smiling, but did not speak.

He suddenly remembered something.

“By the way, what are you still doing here?”

“Wait for your order,” said solemnly.

Xia Chenglong said, “Okay, let’s implement your plan.”

“I’ve left a company here for you,” said solemnly.

“Okay, don’t worry about me, you can do your business.” Xia Chenglong said: “If the 1st and 2nd battalions can’t keep N1, I deserve to be arrested…”

“That can’t be hit hard,” said Zhuang Yan.

Xia Chenglong said with a smile: “Don’t be serious, I promise that before they break through, I’ll rub oil on the soles of my feet and slip away. It’s not that easy to be caught by them. Now, the frontal battle between us is in full swing, I don’t know how long it will take to fight. , it is estimated that it will be in a stalemate, whether you can end the exercise early is up to you.”


He saluted solemnly, then quickly went out, jumped into a command car, and with a few of his own soldiers, quickly disappeared into the distance.

Blue Zone, Area 2.

A bush moved slightly.

A head covered by Geely moved slightly.

Then he said that a pair of piercing eyes appeared in the night light, and soon, a handheld digital reconnaissance instrument covered the eyes.

This is a scout from the C brigade.

He was also part of the only reconnaissance team in this blue zone.

Area 2.

This is the area where battalion commander Xu Xingguo insisted that they must camp and conduct detailed reconnaissance.

In this group, the leader is a platoon leader, a second lieutenant.

The second lieutenant didn’t understand, why did the battalion commander decide that the blue army’s brigade must be in Area 2?

Before the previous exercise started, he had already become a bird in shock.

Several other groups with whom he had contact were arrested one after another.

The Blues’ search team was simply terrifying.

They don’t know how they are so powerful, but they can accurately catch their accomplices.

This made him suspicious.

Later, he finally discovered a secret.

There are surveillance cameras on many dirt roads or on high ground.

These cameras are connected to the Internet. Although the defense area is very large, these blue army brigade people are too familiar with this area and know that as scouts, they will appear in some places, and in those places, all such things are installed.

After seeing through, the second lieutenant tried his best to pay attention to the surrounding environment, and chose some routes that violated the principles of reconnaissance for reconnaissance.

No, they were the only ones who persevered and didn’t get caught.

Now it’s getting dark.

At least it’s better than during the day.

It’s just that the task given by the battalion commander has not been completed.

From the map, this place in front of you is very suitable for hiding travel fingers.

What made the second lieutenant even more excited was that he actually found that the surrounding area was actually heavily guarded, with many blue army sentries and various lurking sentries.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

If there are no important facilities here, how can there be so many sentries?

He suddenly got a little excited.

It’s a pity that, for so long, apart from the sentry, he didn’t find any other signs of the brigade finger.

He wanted to sneak on, but found that the density of those sentries was too high, and it was impossible for him to scout in the big grass under the high ground.

Suddenly, two beams of car lights appeared in the darkness in the distance and drove towards this side.

The second lieutenant lowered himself carefully to avoid the light.

Even if they are far apart, it is a good thing to be at a high place and condescending to scout, but on a clear moonlit night, if you are not careful, you can easily be reflected on the ridgeline of the highland and be discovered.

Like a foraging crocodile, he slowly crouched down into the grass again, leaving the two cameras of the digital reconnaissance instrument exposed.

“Platoon commander~www.mtlnovel.com~ seems to be the command car?”

The tone of the first-level non-commissioned officer next to him was also full of excitement.

Found again!

The emperor pays off!

Patience will always pay off!


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