Special Years

Chapter 1335 - fighter

The exercise continues.

The C Brigade reconnaissance battalion was almost wiped out, which was a heavy blow to the red side.

The battlefield situation seems to be a little bad for the C brigade.

The battle in the N1 channel lasted from night to dawn, but the C brigade still failed to break through the defense of the blue army brigade.

The battle was extremely brutal.

Both the Red and Blue Army lost at least one battalion of troops here, but neither side could do anything about the other and could only occupy half of the N1 channel.

During the period, Zhang Dabao planned to open up new channels on the left and right sides of the N1 channel, and organized the army aviation to carry out airborne in an attempt to open a new breakthrough point.

But unfortunately, the blue army brigade seemed to be well prepared, and the airborne detachment was defended as soon as it landed, and was finally wiped out in one fell swoop.

At the same time, the progress of the right-wing main attack direction is also very poor.

To attack, it is necessary to open up passages through the obstacle course pre-arranged by the Blues.

In the barrier-breaking link, the 3rd Battalion, which was the main attack on the right wing, paid a heavy price.

It was planned to open four passages, but as a result, because the number of passages opened was too many, the number of sappers was insufficient, and they could not be replenished after being killed in battle. Only the 3 battalions in charge of the main attack could use the attacking troops to open up passages and do the work of the sappers.

The artillery fire of 2 companies against the Blue Army did open two of the channels, but the remaining 3 people of the entire company survived to the end.

Because the loss was too great, the passage was opened, but the troops that entered were not strong enough, were bled too much, and lost their due combat effectiveness. Formed a time-consuming tug of war.

The left and right flanks cannot be effectively supplemented and supported.

Because the reserve team was all invested in the N1 direction, where the battle was the most intense.

Throughout the night, the troops of the C brigade advanced across the board, but were always firmly blocked on the defensive line, failing to achieve any impressive results.

At 9:50 in the morning, the “Red Army” brigade once again gathered its forces and began to launch a fierce attack on the blue army brigade in the N1 channel.

At the same time, Zhang Dabao organized some capable personnel of his guard force and logistics force, and set up a reserve team.

Because the exercise will end in about ten hours, if there is no breakthrough, the Red Army will be weak, and it will be even more difficult to advance half a point on the map after noon.

He did not continue to put the reserve team into the battle for the N1 channel this time, because there is a meat grinder.

Due to the terrain problem of N1, no matter how many troops the armored troops entered, they were stuck inside and could not get out.

At 10:20, the reserve team entered the tough battle on the left wing of the Blue Army.

The battle was extremely fierce. At 11 o’clock, the “Red Army” brigade finally achieved the first exciting progress since the opening of the exercise – the left flank of the Blue Army has been broken through the first line of defense, and the Red Army brigade has made great efforts to advance to the front of the second-line positions. .

The Blue Army’s brigade responded quickly.

The Red Army brigade was reinforced by reserves, and the attack was unusually violent.

At this time, the reserve team of the blue army brigade has been put into the N1 direction, and no one can be drawn to support. In order to reduce losses, the blue army on the left can only retreat and reduce casualties.

All of a sudden, the “Red Army” brigade finally gained a slightly favorable situation in the entire battlefield situation, giving the “Red Army” a chance to lead a continuous assault with vehicle skills.

But it is a pity that the Red Army brigade units attacking from the left did not seize this fleeting fighter and continue to make continuous breakthroughs, but they stopped at a critical moment!

That’s right!

They stopped!

“010, I’m 031! Please answer if you hear me!”

In the command vehicle of the 3rd Battalion, Zeng Qingguo, the battalion commander, had already repeated this sentence no less than twenty times with the radio microphone.

However, the microphone is full of rustling.


Another communication disturbance.

The Blues’ communications jamming continued from the very beginning of the exercise.

Although the Red Army’s electronic countermeasures units can always find a solution in the end, they are all passive.

Offense is the best defense.

But the Red Army’s electronic countermeasures units have been on the defensive.

Hit a punch, avoid a hundred punches.

Zeng Qingguo didn’t know why, but he always wanted to “enjoy” this kind of treatment that was suppressed by the electromagnetic force, and their Blue Army didn’t seem to have this problem?

He had to get approval from the brigade.

Because the last reserve team of the whole brigade has been put into the left flank, they are all assigned to their own command.

The Blues are clearly retreating.

It stands to reason that this situation should be pursued.

But Zeng Qingguo was not sure whether he should pursue or not.

He fears this is a Blues trap.

Now, he urgently needs intelligence to provide effective support for his next operational order.

The best way is to know whether the enemy has retreated from the attack of the friendly troops.

If it is a full retreat, it means that the Blues are shrinking the defensive circle.

If only the Blues on the opposite side retreat, and there is a risk of being ambushed in the withdrawn area, it is a trap.

Zeng Qingguo felt that he was going crazy with anxiety.

If it is really a trap, rushing in on your own will cause the entire battalion and the reserve team that joined the battle later to be surrounded and severely damaged.

Once this happens, the Red Army will definitely be powerless and can only wait for failure.

In the face of such a decision involving the victory or defeat of the entire battle, Zeng Qingguo hesitated.

Occupy the favorable terrain in place and wait for the order, or is it better to keep moving forward and chase the poor thieves?

Even a choice, like a fork in the road, Zeng Qingguo stood in the middle of the intersection.

to the left?

to the right?

Where is the palace leading to victory?

Where is the **** leading to failure?

“010, this is the 031 call! Please answer immediately!”

He continued to call Brigadier Finger weakly.

He hoped that the brigade commander would give him an order.

Then you can make up your mind.

“…This is 010, 031 please speak.”

Communication on the radio finally returned to normal.

It’s like the sound of heaven.

Zeng Qingguo looked at his watch, eighteen minutes had passed since the first call.

“010, the left flank has broken through the enemy’s first line of defense, and the enemy on the left flank is retreating, please ask whether to pursue.”

After waiting for a while, Zhang Chengyuan’s voice came from the radio.

“031, why don’t you chase!?”

“I…report 010, the situation of the enemy on my right is unknown, I need to get information on the activities of the enemy on my right to judge whether to continue the pursuit, because they look like they are retreating on purpose, I am worried that there are traps. “

“Trap shit! How many points are there now? If there is no major breakthrough, we will really fall into the trap~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is a failed trap!”

Zhang Cannon fired.

“031, I now order you to pursue it with all your strength! Continue to advance at all costs and disrupt their defenses!”

“Yes!” Zeng Qingguo quickly replied.

In the command post of the Red Army, Zhang Dapao put down the microphone heavily and cursed: “Idiot! This Zeng Qingguo is an idiot!”


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(End of this chapter)

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