Special Years

Chapter 136 - 3 Squadron Leader Zhou Huping

The first good news is that in the third week after joining the teaching team, Zhuang Yan achieved a good score of 55 meters in the routine inspection and assessment.

This means that he can leave the “bombing commando” with a slap on the butt, without having to see the captain of the bombing commando at noon the next day, and without continuously throwing grenades on the hillside for nearly two hours at noon every day, so that My hands tremble when I eat with chopsticks.

He suddenly discovered that the training methods he had previously disdained seemed silly, but they were useful.

Military skills and qualities are really hard-trained, and there is absolutely no way to cheat and play tricks.

Of course, there is another item that he is the most deadly, and that is his 400-meter obstacle.

This project has not yet reached the top level. If it still fails to reach the top level at the end of the month, Zhuang Yan may face withdrawal from training.

The second good news is that in recent years, there have been blows everywhere, saying that new equipment will be distributed.

What the new equipment is exactly, no one knows.

This news was finally confirmed by Zhou Huping, the captain of the Third Squadron, in his speech before dinner one day.

“Comrades, I have good news. Starting from tomorrow, our troops will start distributing Type 91 carrying equipment. What is Type 91 carrying equipment? Grenades, water bottles, etc. are packed up, so you don’t have to carry them from left to right anymore!”

Zhou Huping’s words made the students present as excited as frying.

Such a novelty? !

No need to carry a 56-type bullet belt, and then tie a variety of water bottles, satchels, gas masks, etc. on your body like a five-flower tie, and you don’t need to press the backpack three horizontally and two vertically, and then bundle raincoats and shoes on it?


There is something more gratifying than this.

“Quiet Please!”

Zhou Huping raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

Everyone quiet down.

“The distribution should be initiated by our teaching team first. Deputy Master Cai said, let the students of our teaching team try it first and show everyone the effect. The next step is to equip the whole division!”

When he said this, Zhou Huping’s face was filled with pride.

The squadron leader of the teaching brigade, of course, is proud of it, the precious unit in the eyes of the division chief.

Just as he was delivering his enthusiastic speech, suddenly, a soldier walked out from the door of the dining room of the cooking class.

The soldier walked to the water tank at the door, probed into the water tank, then took a peek at the squadron leader Zhou Huping, who had his back turned to him, reached out and pulled out a black object and threw it on the ground.

All the students are not short-sighted and have excellent eyesight. They can see at a glance what the thing thrown on the turf is.

“Wow! It’s a mouse…”

“Yeah yeah, there’s dead mice in that sink…”

“Damn it! Don’t use the water there to wash the dishes later…”

The team was boiling again.

Everyone was in a mess for half a minute, some disgusted, some surprised, and some curious, talking to each other to analyze the cause of the mouse’s death and whether they recently used the mouse’s bath water to wash their rice dishes.

Zhou Huping stopped talking with an unhappy face, looked at the more than 100 students in front of him, and seemed to realize something.

Looking back, there was a dead mouse lying on the ground.

As the squadron captain, Zhou Huping was absolutely calm, and he wrote lightly: “Isn’t that a dead mouse?”

So he said to the cooking soldier who was still standing by the sink: “Go, come and change the water here, what are you thinking!? Where did the mice come from?”

The soldier was startled and hurriedly explained: “Captain, it wasn’t when the water was poured just now. Maybe it fell through the sink and drowned after the water was poured…”

The cook’s answer made everyone hilarious and burst into laughter.

“You can be more bizarre? Drowned? How long will it take to drown? What are you doing in the cooking class? Don’t check hygiene?” Zhou Huping may feel that he can’t hang on his face, although these students are from the grassroots combat company , but the catering relationship has been mobilized to the like, it is considered that the real money and silver have paid for the food.

The hygiene is not good, and it seems to be a shame for the teaching team.

Just now I was bragging about how the coaching team was doing, and I was slapped in the face in a flash…

The cooking soldier quickly nodded and said yes, then ran to call a few people from the cooking class and came out to change the water.

Zhou Huping turned his head and faced all the students again.

“I said enough, don’t look at it anymore… Isn’t it just a dead mouse? What’s there to see? Haven’t seen a mouse in your last life?”

Everyone quiet down.

Zhou Huping continued to speak.

After a while, someone else was whispering about the rat below, and some soldiers craned their necks to see what to do with the corpse of the rat that caused the commotion.

“Don’t read it again, I’ve reminded it for the second time, don’t let me say it for the third time!”

Zhou Huping stopped talking, and suddenly his face sank.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

This time, Zhuang Yan immediately retracted his neck and did not dare to look in the direction of the mouse.

Because he knew very well what kind of person Zhou Huping was.

In stark contrast to Instructor Wang of the brigade, Zhou Huping, Lieutenant and Squadron Leader of No. 3 Middle School, is a weirdo.

The reason why he is a weirdo is that there is such a casual officer in such a rigorous place in the army.

For a long time, the officers with solemn contact are more than rigorous and lacking in humor, especially the cadres at the company level and above, who are sullen and unsmiling all day long.

Zhou Huping is an exception. This person speaks neatly and does things neatly, and under his majesty, it makes people laugh and cry.

All the soldiers were afraid of him, but they obeyed him.

In Zhuang Yandu’s impression, Zhou Huping was an officer who absolutely did what he said and made frequent strange moves.

A certain time, the No. 3 Squadron took on another task to perform a 400-meter obstacle course and an infantry 500-meter comprehensive tactical drill for the visitors of the brothers.

In order to ensure the effect, the 400-meter obstacle training and the 500-meter tactical comprehensive exercise are carried out every day.

When the exercise was closed this morning, Zhou Huping, who usually does not comment easily, walked to the front of the queue and announced that the performance team stayed behind to run two obstacles, and the other students could go back to the row to rest, wash their faces and brush their teeth, and prepare for dinner.

As soon as the order was announced, the team immediately split into two factions.

One is from the performance team, and they are dejected; the other is from the non-performance team, and it is gratifying to be able to close the gym early.

So the non-performance team started teasing the performance team, look, let’s train, ace, you deserve to run more obstacles. Some even laughed and gave each other high fives to celebrate.

Zhou Huping, who had already turned around and walked away, heard the cheers of the non-performing students, turned around and saw this scene, frowned slightly, turned around and immediately whistled, ordering to regroup.

Then, he announced a new order, the performance team went back to rest early, and the non-performance team stayed behind, armed with a five-kilometer cross-country.

The situation suddenly turned 180 degrees. The performance team held back their laughter, proudly packed their things and returned to the row room; the non-performance team fell from the happy peak to the depressed canyon, and everyone’s faces turned into bitter gourds.

The non-performing team members who ran on the five-kilometer route complained to each other, and some people cursed, “Damn, what a **** just laughed and killed someone…”

On that day, Zhuang Yan was one of the trainees of the non-performance team and one of those who were fined five kilometers for armed cross-country.

From that day on, Zhuang Yan knew that Lao Zhou could not be provoked.

He really can think of anything, and he will do it.

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