Special Years

Chapter 1363 - defeated like a mountain

The power of the “Dark Sword” plan soon became apparent.

This is the first time Chen Manzhi has used the newly formed network technology team.

He is engaged in command automation, and is a master student studying international strategy.

Cyber ​​warfare, information warfare, and psychological warfare will all become a means of winning high-tech warfare in the future.

Although over the years, the troops have been shouting that they should attach importance to information-based operations and electronic countermeasures. The ace troops in various regions are even more unwilling, and all of them have formed relevant electronic countermeasures teams within their own institutions.

But after so many years, there are not many exercises to test the achievements of this professional team.

In many cases, it is only part of the exercise, or the training is concentrated in the region and headquarters.

Since he came to the Blue Army Brigade to be the brigade commander, Chen Manzhi planned to make good use of his professional advantages to form a high-level electronic warfare team to beat the Red Army Brigade who came to participate in the exercise and confrontation.

For this technical team, Chen Manzhi has high hopes.

In the first two exercises, he never used the team led by Captain He because it was the most important trump card.

Used at critical moments, it can even play a role in turning the whole battle situation around.

In fact, it was in line with his estimate.

Although the Red Army brigade had a backup communication plan, it was disrupted at that moment.

The interruption of communication has thrown the Red Army brigade combat units in the front and rear into chaos.

In fact, Chen Manzhi has seized the weakness of the Red Army.

Over the years, they have been aware of their own shortcomings in modern warfare, so they have been building information-based combat platforms over the years.

Just like the C brigade, it is a pilot platform for synthesis and informatization at the end of the G military region, and it is also one of the earliest units to be converted into a brigade. Once it is put into operation, every information and order of the brigade will be immediately transmitted to every unit through the data link. Every tank, every IFV, every gunship, every artillery piece, even every soldier’s terminal receiver.

That is to say, every equipment of the entire C brigade, including every human combat unit, exerts its maximum combat effectiveness through the “brain” of the entire digital command platform through the brigade.

For example, if the artillery of an artillery battalion needs to launch fire coverage on an enemy target, first, the reference gun is first tested. After a test shot, after hitting the target, use this binding to unify the battalion artillery and fire a salvo after binding the battalion artillery together.

But now the information-based combat platform of the C brigade does not need to be manually revised after the test fire like the old-fashioned salvo, and it also needs to make corresponding corrections according to the different positions of the artillery positions.

Through the data link and the terminal equipment on the artillery, it is only necessary to input a set of data on the command platform of the data link, and each artillery will be automatically corrected, and it can even be fired at different times and at different positions, but the best way for the projectiles to land at the same time Overlay effect.

Although information warfare is very powerful, it is not without shortcomings.

All weapons and equipment rely too much on electronics, so if you don’t do well in electronic defense, it will be fatal.

The current C brigade is facing such a problem.

The units, tanks, and even battle groups on the front lines are already in complete chaos.

The soldiers below could not find the superiors above, and the battalion headquarters above could not find the brigade fingers.

The infantry could not find the tank, and the tank could not contact the infantry group nearby for cover.

As a result, the battle formation and the matching formation were messed up.

How could the Blue Army miss such a good opportunity?

Before the “Dark Sword” plan was launched, the commanders above the brigade battalion were ordered to launch a counterattack at 10:55, and be sure to defeat the Red Army brigade in front of their own positions.

Although for the sake of confidentiality, the brigade did not explain why.

But the military orders fell like a mountain.

Although the Blue Army troops on the left-wing Moon Mountain Heights may even be driven out of the Moon Mountain Heights at any time due to the disadvantage of being beaten.

But the Blue Army commander on the scene still gritted his teeth and executed the order.

At a critical moment, reinforcements from the Blues also arrived.

But the Red Army Brigade couldn’t wait for their reinforcements–of course they didn’t know that ten minutes ago, the 4th Battalion that came to reinforce them was killed by a precise round of battalions more than 20 kilometers away from the Moon Mountain Heights. Artillery hits and heavy losses.

The situation suddenly turned 180 degrees.

Now it has become the Blue Army counterattack, and the Red Army has thrown away its helmets and armors – without communication, it is deaf and blind.

Each unit and each battle group can only fight independently without tactical coordination.

The front-line commanders of the Red Army brigade are not without cleverness, and some have started to use lights, horns and flares to guide the troops into battle.

But this pattern soon attracted Blues snipers.

One of the semaphore soldiers went out to die, and the commander just shouted louder, and they were quickly collapsed by others.

That’s what war is like.

Victory and defeat are often instantaneous.

At first, the Red Army brigade, which was in good shape, lost the whole good situation just because of a “Dark Sword” plan.

“what happened?”

Xu Xingguo suddenly heard on the channel that it was “Only Mother Is Good in the World”, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

It has long been heard that the blue army brigade has extremely strong electronic countermeasures, especially in their electronic countermeasures unit, they have gathered some computer experts, which are specially used to simulate information warfare and network warfare in future wars.

Apparently, the Red Army brigade’s communications network was infiltrated by adversaries.

Only by accurately detecting the frequency of the encrypted channel and deciphering it, can the song be broadcast on the communication channel of the Red Army brigade.

In fact, is this not a kind of psychological warfare?

Not to mention other people, even when I heard that the whole channel was singing, I couldn’t help being shocked.

I’m afraid the front lines are now in chaos.

Heavy rain still.

Xu Xingguo’s heart cooled down a little.

“Batch commander, our channel is ‘Only mother is good in the world’!”

A platoon leader in another car ran over and made an oral report to Xu Xingguo.

“I see.” Xu Xingguo was not surprised, he already knew.

“Then what should we do? The blue army’s grandchildren are too bullying!”

The platoon leader looked angry.

Xu Xingguo suppressed the fire in his heart and said calmly, “I immediately notify everyone in our team orally to switch to confidential mobile communication~www.mtlnovel.com~ but now the satellite will take twenty minutes to be used again.” Said: “We can’t contact the brigade now.”

Xu Xingguo suddenly became angry: “You don’t know how to fight without your superiors?!”

In the darkness, his pupils seemed to beat a little bit of anger.

The platoon leader was startled and did not dare to say a word.

“Do it right away! Listen to me! Don’t panic! We are scouts anyway!”

“Yes!” The platoon leader was splashed with chicken blood, and he calmed down.


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