Special Years

Chapter 142 - The opponent is a veteran!

Luo Xiaoming and the captain of District 1 walked aside to discuss the rules, and finally settled on a schedule – the two of them will work together to check the schedule, and then check whether there is any discrepancy in time to ensure that they can distinguish between the top and bottom when the results are the closest. As for the two players in the game, if the gap is large, it will be simple, just look at the winner or loser.

The two district teams each occupied an obstacle starting point. Luo Xiaoming and the captain of the first district called one by one, sending the soldiers up just like playing poker.

Before the roll call to Zhuang Yan, a total of eight groups ran in front.

Things seem to be a little off for the third division.

Lost five times, only won three times.

The captain of District 1 was very proud. He chatted and laughed with several of his squad leaders, and even gave Luo Xiaoming a meaningful glance.

Luo Xiaoming’s face was gloomy.

The competition was proposed by myself, and now it seems that I am looking for a slap in the face.

After finishing the eighth group, Luo Xiaoming pointed at Zhuang Yan: “You, come out.”

Zhuang Yan was stunned for a moment, and pointed to the tip of his nose: “Squad leader, are you calling me?”

“Who do I call you?” Luo Xiao said obviously angrily.

He walked to the starting line solemnly and uneasily, constantly moving his hands, feet and joints, and kept peeking in the direction of the first district team.

He wanted to see who would be his opponent.

As a result, the captain of the first district pointed out a student in his own district team.

The student was about the same size as Zhuang Yan, with a half-pounded appearance.

However, his solemn eyes swept to the other’s rank, and his heart suddenly jumped – this is a first-class soldier!

In other words, I have to compete with a guy who is one year older than me!

“I am the sun!”

He cursed to himself inwardly.

It’s a blessing, not a disaster, it’s a disaster that can’t be avoided.

Up to now, it is impossible to retire, and the word retire has never been mentioned in the dictionary of soldiers.

MMP, fight!

“Old Zhuang! Come on!” Serenity shouted in the team.

He started, and the recruits from the other three-district teams also cheered solemnly.

“Fuck him! You can do it!”

“Solemn, **** him!”

“Don’t be afraid! Veterans count as **!”

Lie solemnly on the starting line and took a look at the No. 1 runway.

He suddenly found that the senior soldier was not much easier than himself, and his face was nervous.

“Don’t look at others! Run on your own!” Luo Xiaoming walked to Zhuang Yan, kicked his **** lightly, and reminded: “If you are distracted, if you make mistakes, you will be finished, work hard for me and win , otherwise you will be beautiful when you come back!”

Zhuang Yan immediately calmed down and stopped peeking in the direction of his opponent.

When I was in the company assessment before, I was too concerned about Xu Xingguo who ran together. I always wanted to see where others were running. As a result, I messed up the rhythm, and finally fell into the crater and almost couldn’t get up.

“Don’t look at him, don’t look at him…”

He murmured silently in his heart.

Nearly a month of commando training has given him a little experience in controlling the rhythm of the full name more or less.

This time, it is indeed a good opportunity to test my training results.


With the sound of the whistle, Zhuang Yan and the first-class soldier from the first district team rushed out almost at the same time.

His solemn eyes only stared at each obstacle in front of him, passing one and another.

He only heard the wind and the sound of a little tinnitus in his ears. The cheers of his comrades in his district team seemed to come from a distant world.

At this moment, it seemed that only himself was left on the runway.

In the last hundred meters, Zhuang Yan felt that his chest was about to explode.

But there is one thing to be happy about, all the obstacles went right today, it went smoothly!

This means that your time will not be dragged out by accidents.

He still didn’t dare to glance at the runway next to him, for fear that distraction would affect his speed.


To win!

Must win!

It’s over if you lose!

He kept cheering himself up in his heart, exerting the greatest strength to maintain the highest speed.


When he crossed the finish line, the entire figure lost its strength in an instant, staggered and took a few steps forward, bent over and crossed his knees, gasped for breath with a wide mouth, and saliva dripped on the ground.

“1 minute 50 seconds!”

Luo Xiaoming raised the stopwatch, turned his face to look at the captain of District 1, and announced the solemn achievement.

The captain of District 1 also looked at his stopwatch and nodded, as he recognized this achievement.

Wang Datong and the serious people walked to Zhuang Yan, Zhuang Yan raised his head half-deadly and looked at the people.

“Did I… win?”

Several people said: “Win!”

Wang Datong said: “Zhuang Yan, you are very lucky to meet a veteran who is more parallel than you! Damn! Why am I not so lucky!”

Hearing that he had won, no matter how long he ran anyway, Zhuang Yan suddenly softened, and the man lay on his back in the grass.

Looking up at the dazzling sun in the sky, Zhuang Yan felt that the whole world became relaxed.

If you win, that means you don’t have to be punished.

After the confrontation between the solemn group, the three-district team became a sturdy man like suddenly taking the wrong medicine.

The next confrontation game can be described as a sweep. Among the remaining students in the first district team, only 5 groups won, and the rest all lost.

As a result, the total score between the two district teams became 28:8, and the third district team won by an overwhelming advantage.

This time, it was the turn of the leader of the first district, and he shouted to several squad leaders: “From today onwards, everyone will stop resting at noon every day, and run obstacles for me!”

After finishing speaking, they gathered the team and took it away shyly.

Zhuang Yan was triumphant in the team, and he has only been in the coaching team for three weeks, and his score has improved by eight seconds. If it weren’t for the excessive physical exertion during this time, if there was a recovery period, Zhuang Yan felt that he could not only run to 1 minute and 50 seconds, It is estimated that running to 1 minute and 45 seconds is still very promising. Thinking of this, I couldn’t help grinning and grinning.

“It’s still very early, and there’s still an hour to eat, but today we won the competition. I’m happy. During this hour, everyone will rest under the shade of the tree. When the exercise is over, they will go to eat!”

Luo Xiaoming was in a good mood, and he was granted a break for an hour.

“Oh! Long live the squad leader!”

All cheered.

An hour’s rest time is already precious to the coaching team.

“Wait!” Luo Xiaoming interrupted everyone’s cheers, “Don’t be too happy! As I said just now, those who lose will be punished, and the 8 people who lost just now, get out of the queue!”

The cheers in the team suddenly fell silent.

Wang Datong gritted his teeth and scolded his mother in a low voice: “Damn it! I almost…”

Wang Dazui lost the battle just now~www.mtlnovel.com~ He encountered a soldier of the same age as himself and lost, although the time reached 1 minute and 46 seconds, but if he lost, he lost, and he had nothing to say.

There were also Liu Ruiyong and Serenity who were also underperforming, and they all walked out of the queue with their heads lowered.

He patted Wang Datong and Serenity’s shoulders solemnly and sympathetically, and said sympathetically, “Brother, take care!”

Everyone knows that the old seven punishes people, it will definitely not be easy.

It is estimated that it is at least a five-kilometer trip fully armed to exercise endurance.

“Also, those who didn’t run for 1 minute and 45 seconds just now are also out of the queue!” Luo Xiaoming ordered from the front of the queue.

what! ?

The solemn head exploded with a bang.

Before running to 1 minute and 45 seconds, you will be out of the queue?

The remaining students in the team looked at each other, and then walked out one after another with their heads down, and Zhuang Yan was of course among them.

Luo Xiaoming said, “The four of you, plus the eight of you, pack your gear and prepare to run five kilometers.”

“Squad leader, why!?” Zhuang Yan asked in dissatisfaction, “I won just now! You said that only the loser will be punished.”

“Did you guys get excellent grades?” Luo Xiaoming shook the stopwatch in his hand and said, “Tell you, the graduation result of the coaching team is a pass within one minute and forty-five seconds, and a pass within one minute and forty seconds. Excellent! Passing only ensures that you can stay here for the sequel to participate in the training, but if you don’t reach the excellent graduation test, you will not be able to get the student appraisal for graduation, and you will not be able to become the monitor when you go back!”


Zhuang Yan could no longer find a reason to appeal.

Skills are not as good as people, not up to the standard.

To be punished is of course.

To blame?

Blame yourself!

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