Special Years

Chapter 145 - a long day

“22 minutes and 48 seconds!”

When he crossed the finish line, Luo Xiaoming glanced at the stopwatch and said coldly, “Take a five-minute break, then do it again, this time I’ll give you 22 minutes and 30 seconds, if you can’t run, you will continue to be punished!”

Majestic bent down, put the gun on the ground, sweat seeped from the edge of the camouflage cap, slid along the edge of the cheek to the chin, and then dripped on the ground.

“Big mouth, you are the sinner of the third district team…”

“I don’t have the strength to eat for you, Big Mouth, what are you…”

Everyone was complaining about Wang Datong in a low voice.

Wang Datong looked wronged and said in a low voice, “I also want to make everyone feel better.”

Time is over.

Luo Xiaoming did not break his promise.

After five minutes passed, he immediately pointed in the direction of the master’s gate, “For the second trip, the time limit is relaxed to 22 minutes and 30 seconds. Remember, if you don’t reach the time, you will have to run back.”


Involuntarily, he blew his whistle.

There is a solemn desire to die.

But there’s no way, you still have to run, right?

Grab the gun, put it on the shoulder, and everyone repeats the previous path again.

This time, no one dared to continue to opportunistically.

All 12 people ran honestly along the established route of five kilometers.

It’s a pity that the physical exertion is too great. This time, they still did not meet the standard.

“You guys run a ball! It’s been more than 25 minutes!”

Luo Xiaoming stood by the gate of the teaching team, and saw a few soldiers approaching in the distance, his face was annoyed.

Obviously, this speed made him very disappointed.

With a wave of his hand, he pointed to Feiyun Mountain, “Don’t stop, rush to the top of the mountain! The target is a big pine tree at a height of 500 meters! This time I will give you 18 minutes, and you will be fined if you exceed it!”

This was an expected result, and the 12 students had already given up hope for themselves.

From the morning until now, their rest time adds up to less than half an hour.

Just from 10:30 to now, they have run the 400-meter obstacle once and two 5-kilometer runs, which is an armed off-road distance of 10 kilometers.

People, after all, are not made of iron.

However, soldiers are hard-hitting.

Everyone was powerless to refute or argue. The soldiers whose obedience had been deeply rooted once again wandered through the squadron’s dormitory, bypassed the cooking class, and entered the path behind the dining hall.

This small road is an ideal route for “appetizer activities” before meals on weekdays. There are two in total. One is the turn-back point of the crooked-neck tree on the mountain with a height of nearly 200 meters. The coaching team experience is down within 9 minutes.

One is the huge straight pine tree more than 300 meters high on the mountainside that is estimated to have grown for decades as the turning point, and the daily prescribed time is 16 minutes to complete.

The mountain road is the most difficult to run. Not to mention the steepness, there are gravel and weeds, and once you run, the skin will be cut open in every exposed area.

Zhuang Yan felt that he had now entered a state of numbness.

What is love!

Anyway, if I don’t die, I’m not afraid of you!

The 12 trainees ran towards the mountain behind the squadron with guns in hand, looking like dead pigs were not afraid of boiling water.

Chongshantou is a special training of Army field troops. Every field army soldier has to go through this kind of training. As long as there are mountains next to the troops, then Chongshantou is a reserved program in their training.

Climbing to the top of the mountain tests physical strength, perseverance and physical coordination. The mountain is steep and the road is narrow. It takes a lot of energy to go up. When you go down, you have to be as nimble as a rabbit, almost like flying on grass. Your feet are on those bumpy stones, and you can throw a person into a mess if you are not careful. Eight elements, broken hands and feet will also occur.

Regardless of the danger, this method of training continues to this day in the field army.

After finally ascending the mountainside, the huge trees blocked the sun and brought a rare shade of shade.

According to the established route, the next step is to pass through this dense forest with a width of about tens of meters. There is a small road next to the big tree, from which you can turn back and start going down the mountain.

Seriously, panting heavily, he took out the watch in his camouflage uniform pocket. When he saw that he was deflated, it had been fifteen minutes, and the possibility of returning to the company by the stipulated time was almost zero.

“Solemnly, we have timed out again…”

He shouted at the solemn in front of him.

Standing solemnly, his face was already red with blood, he gasped and asked, “How much time has it been?”

“It’s been fifteen minutes…” He sat on the ground with a solemn despair, his face was the exact opposite of aphrodisiac, like a blank sheet of paper.

Hearing this time, most people are all hopeless.

In one minute, even if you jump from here and run back to the coaching team, you will not meet the standard.

Thinking of being punished, many people sat on the grass in the bushes and shouted, “Don’t run, don’t run, run to death, there is simply not enough time!”

Everyone stopped.

No one wants to keep running.

Persistence is in one breath.

Seeing the time on the watch, everyone was discouraged.

Everyone gave up the idea of ​​continuing to run, and one by one, they slumped down and fell into the bushes.

Majestic turned his back to the sky, looking at the blue sky through those leaves, and the sunlight passed through the gaps in the leaves and projected on his body.

The looming sunlight made him feel blurred and magical, as if the whole person was far away from this real world.

Time seemed to stand still.

All the tiredness, all the suffering, the squad leader’s orders, and the horns in the camp are all gone, as if they were never related to him.

He took off his camouflage hat, and sweat poured out from the taut brim of his hat. His eyes were marinated, and they stinged a little bit.

Wiping the sweat from his face with his hat, he solemnly turned his head to look around.

Lying beside him was full of comrades who were stumbling about.

Everyone’s camouflage uniform didn’t have an inch of dry space, even the 91-style tactical vest was soaked, and the hat was covered with white salt.

He asked Wang Datong, “Datong, how many kilometers did we run armed cross-country today?”

Wang Datong stretched out his finger, muttering in his mouth while calculating, and finally smiled bitterly, “In the morning, 5 kilometers and once 3 kilometers, and once in the daytime after exercising, 5 kilometers. I was fined twice for 5 kilometers just now. That’s about it…not including the 400-meter obstacle after the morning tactical training…”

Zhuang Yan wiped the sweat from his head with his hat, then sat up and said, “You know what? I can’t walk that much with my legs at home for three months…”

He sighed for a few seconds before saying, “This is probably the longest day I’ve run continuously in my life~www.mtlnovel.com~ It’s also the longest day…”

Everyone was silent for a while.

After lying down for five minutes, Wang Datong suddenly sighed and said, “Let’s go, I’m late anyway, so I can’t help but go back, go back and continue to be punished.”

Everyone slowly got up, put on their gear again, and prepared to go down the mountain to be punished.

Avoiding is not the solution at all.

When Zhuang Yan thought of returning to the team, Luo Xiaoming felt a little apprehensive as he didn’t know how he would make everyone mess up.

Five kilometers? To the top of the mountain? Or the 400-meter obstacle or some other physical training?

He shuddered, and after a second thought, he said to everyone, “Brothers, I have a solution, will you listen to me?”

Everyone stopped, and they all turned their eyes to the solemn body.

“What way?” Wang Datong asked.

Zhuang Yan gritted his teeth and said, “To be honest, it’s better for everyone to die. It’s better for one person to die. With my method, as long as one person suffers, everyone else will definitely be freed.”

Seriously asked, “You said solemnly, let’s try.”

Even the serious, who is usually able to endure hardships and has always been low-key and silent, sometimes collapses.

Now, the look in his eyes clearly told Zhuang Yan that he also wanted to find a way and did not want to continue being punished.

Everyone felt they had reached their limit.

Zhuang Yan licked his dry lips and said, “I’ll pretend to have heat stroke when I’m halfway up the mountain. You help me down, so I can see that the squad leader won’t punish us. I think he’s also afraid of training a soldier to death. right?”

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they couldn’t help but weigh the feasibility of the solemn idea.

This means, play dead!

In everyone’s mind, a huge question mark suddenly popped up – can this happen? !

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