Special Years

Chapter 154 - chasing after

Teach Brigade Three Squadron, night.

At night in the mountains, in addition to the whizzing wind, there are some insects, mixed with some rustling sounds when the thatch shakes.

The eleven people from the seventh class of the three-district team were divided into three groups, and a pocket was placed in three directions.

Zhuang Yan, Luo Xiaoming, and two other students were near the wall of the teaching brigade behind the wall newspaper column about 20 meters in front of the clothes drying field. There were some tall grass, everyone dressed in camouflage uniforms, and crouched like leopards hunting for food. In the grass, hardly any traces can be seen.

The back of the teaching team is the mountain, the front is the empty training ground, the left is the pond, and the right is a road leading to the 271 regiment’s artillery battalion. If you walk along the mountain, the road on the right is the most hidden, where is the swimming post The focus of the patrol.

It’s past one o’clock, and the first shift is about to change.

Swimming whistle carried the gun back to the row, but no one came out for a long time.

Zhuang Yan stretched his waist lightly and said in a low voice, “Squad leader, it’s been a week, and the grandchildren of the Scout Company probably won’t dare to come.”

Luo Xiaoming didn’t move, as if he didn’t hear Zhuang Yan’s words.

Suddenly, he touched Zhuang Yan next to him with his hand, lowered his voice and said, “Pay attention to the back mountain on the right, maybe it’s coming.”

Zhuang Yan immediately became tense, and his palms felt a little wet.

The other group is behind the dining hall. As long as the soldiers from the reconnaissance company come from the first squadron on the right, they will find it first.

According to the pre-arrangement, the other groups had to look at the password of Luo Xiaoming’s group. As long as Luo Xiaoming started, the other groups would come to help.

Two shadows came out from the back of the dining hall, with very light footsteps. One squatted down on the side of the dining hall, hiding in the shadows, and the other ran to the edge of the drying room.

The clothes drying room is on the second floor, that is, on the roof of the bathroom and toilet on the first floor, and it is attached to the row room of the second area team on the second floor.

The shadow stopped at the corner below the clothes yard, as if listening to something.

Suddenly, like a lizard, he stepped on the sewage pipe beside the clothes drying yard and climbed up. After a while, the shadow jumped down from the five-meter-high clothes drying yard. , landed firmly on the turf in front of the dining hall behind the drying area.

The shadow rolled, squatted and stood firm, and made a gesture to the other person watching from the side of the dining hall—success!


Luo Xiaoming gave the order, Zhuang Yan rushed forward like an arrow, and the group behind the dining hall couldn’t hold back and jumped out from the hidden position.

The group in the dining hall met first with the scouts in the guard position.

Of course, the soldiers from the reconnaissance company were not vegetarians. They avoided the kick of one of the students, stepped forward and lunged forward.

Another student came over with a punch, but without thinking, the scout flicked sideways, grabbed his hand and pulled it, a punch fell on the lower back, and then fell to the ground with an “Ow”.

The scout who stole the clothes had already arrived and joined the scout in charge of vigilance. The three students soon fell down two. Fortunately, Luo Xiaoming’s group of four had already arrived.

“Dump one first! Catch it!” Luo Xiaoming yelled.

He knew that he had to concentrate his efforts to bring down one of them and break them down one by one. As soon as he came up, he made a whistle-blowing catching action. Taking advantage of the unpreparedness, he hugged the scout’s legs from behind and put his shoulders on his ass. In the middle, he made a forward lunge, his subordinates worked hard and lifted it up, and the scout lifted his feet off the ground and slammed onto the ground.

Another group also arrived, and when they saw the scout fell to the ground, they all jumped up immediately, grabbing the hands, grabbing the feet, grabbing the feet, and subduing him in one fell swoop.

Another scout kicked the solemn waist, kicked him more than a meter away, and turned a somersault on the ground.

Zhuang Yan gritted his teeth in pain and scolded, “Fuck it! It’s real!”

Luo Xiaoming took advantage of the scout’s solemn kick as soon as he landed, went up and hugged his waist from the front, threw it to the left, and stretched out his foot to trip him.

He didn’t stumble at once, the soldier flipped over in the air very nimbly, rolled on the ground and ran away.

“Run your mom!”

He was kicked and solemnly got up from the ground, jumped out, and chased the fleeing scout.

His heart was already ruthless, like a lit powder keg.

He was kicked so fiercely in the waist by this guy that he became a gourd on the ground. Not to mention shame or shame, there was already a fire in his stomach.

After all, he is also a preemptive monitor, how can he be so dumb? !

The scout who escaped was as nimble as a fox, and in the blink of an eye, he had already jumped over the wall next to the dining hall and crossed it.

Zhuang Yan did not hesitate and jumped over the wall.

“Solemnly! Come back!”

Luo Xiaoming shouted from behind, but Zhuang Yan was already chasing red eyes.

The solemn character is like this, once that terrifying stubborn temper rushes to the head, he will be welcome if the emperor is here!

Luo Xiaoming saw Zhuang Yan’s figure disappearing outside the fence, and immediately realized that he couldn’t stand Zhuang Yan, the stubborn bull.

“Leave three people, tie him up, and the others come with me!” He could only greet the others and chase after him.

“This kid!” He cursed in his heart, he was really crazy! Chasing into the mountains in the middle of the night like this is a life-threatening event? !

Outside the wall on the west side of the canteen is a fish pond about two acres of land, with bushes about two meters wide beside the fish pond.

After landing solemnly, he was suddenly surprised to find that his speed over the wall was far beyond his imagination.

This is the result of training.

One of the main obstacles in the 400-meter obstacle is a two-meter high wall. The wall of the teaching team is only about this height, and it is easy to get over it.

Under the bright moonlight, the black shadow in front fled desperately in the direction of Feiyun Mountain.

Entering the jungle was his best option.

But the scout seemed to have forgotten that his opponent was not an ordinary company soldier, but a squad leader selected in advance from the whole division.

Ordinary soldiers may not be able to catch up with him, but the squad leader is advanced…

Not necessarily.

Zhuang Yan kept rushing forward, biting the shadow firmly, the branches of the bushes and the tall thatch drew blood on his face, he didn’t care.

Anyway, to catch the guy in front.

At this moment, what Zhuang Yan was thinking about was nothing like teaching the team’s honor, he just thought—you **** kicked me and wanted to run? Ask me if I agree! ?

It has been rushing out for more than 200 meters, and soon turned into the foot of Feiyun Mountain.

Here, the jungle is already dense, and Zhuang Yan suddenly felt that he had to lower his head to move forward, otherwise the branches that appeared in disorder in front of him would poke his eyes out.

He didn’t even have time to stare at the scout in front of him to see where he was going.

However, this has another benefit.

The previous reconnaissance also encountered the same problem as the solemn.

He had to use his hands and feet to push away the bushes and branches that were hanging over his head and under his feet in order to move on.

The sound of the crisp branches breaking and the rustling of camouflage shoes stepping on the ground pointed out the right direction for Zhuang Yan to pursue.

The scout ran a full fifty or sixty meters in the bushes toward the top of the mountain, and found that he couldn’t get rid of the mad dog-like solemnity behind him.

Suddenly, the sound in front stopped abruptly.

Zhuang Yan rushed to the approximate location where the scout appeared last.

There is no one there.

Suddenly, Zhuang Yan suddenly heard a soft sound behind him, and secretly screamed badly in his heart.

A pair of big hands hugged his legs from behind.

A typical post-capture action.

As long as he is hugged, Zhuang Yan will definitely lose his center of gravity forward. In order to avoid falling, he must do a forward jump to protect himself.

But in this way, the people behind can control themselves, and even punch themselves in the head to escape when they are dizzy.

But solemn life should not be terminated.

This is the jungle, full of shrubs and branches everywhere.

Zhuang Yan, who was in a hurry, couldn’t care so much. He grabbed with both hands, grabbed a horizontal branch above his head, and held onto it tightly and refused to let go.

In this way, the situation became a little embarrassing – the scout’s safety of capturing and capturing prisoners from the rear lost its expected effect, and he put more force on his hands, and the solemn grasp became even more dead.

Now, the solemnity is like a sandbag hanging from a tree, and there is nothing the scout can do.


The other party cursed in a low voice and turned to run.

After all, there was Luo Xiaoming and a few students in the back, and they came over while shouting.

“Here! The **** is here!”

Zhuang Yan opened his throat and roared.

The scout finally gave up and immediately let go and continued to flee.

Zhuang Yan loosened his branches and continued to chase.

He suddenly discovered that Luo Xiaoming and Zhou Huping usually let them rush to the top of the mountain when they had something to do, but this time it had an unexpected effect.

The rugged mountain road and the cluttered bushes couldn’t stop the solemnity at all, and even the scout now found that ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the pre-predicted squad leader student who was biting himself behind him was really not easy to mess with.

The scout was finally annoyed by the relentless pursuit of a solemn mad dog. Running, he really couldn’t get rid of these lunatics who were good at mountain and jungle combat from the teaching team.

Mare Gobi!

He cursed secretly, turned his head, and rushed forward to meet Zhuang Yan.

In the darkness, the two were caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Climbing up from the ground, the two of them simply played with fists and feet.

These are all silent and deadly no-frills moves in the military.

If you only talk about fists and feet, Zhuang Yan is definitely not the opponent of the scouts.

But in terms of physical strength, solemnity is absolutely no less.

There is no unit in the whole division that trains like the coaching team, and those who can survive the first month of elimination are the best.

In addition, the sound of Luo Xiaoming chasing after him is getting closer and closer, and it is not far from here.

The scout was already a little panicked. He probably didn’t expect to encounter such a deadly opponent. He had to use all his strengths, kicked the solemn to the ground, turned around and started to run away.

Zhuang Yan Naken just gave up like this, although he received a few punches on his body, the muscles and fighting ability he had developed were definitely not an embroidered pillow.

As soon as he got up, he jumped out and rushed forward. A hungry tiger captured the sheep and threw the scout forward.

The two immediately rolled into a ball, and the scout had a pair of scissor legs, trying to cut Zhuang Yan’s neck to control him. I didn’t expect Zhuang Yan to be not a fool, knowing that once he was cut, it would be okay?

In a hurry, Zhuang Yan ignored it, opened his mouth and bit down on the scout’s thigh.

“I draft the uncle!”

The scout wailed, and the scream resounded through the quiet foot of Feiyun Mountain.

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