Special Years

Chapter 172 - Have you ever heard of troops with special characters on their camouflage uniforms?

In the first year of working as a part-time worker, Lao Mumu used to live frugally. Except for some necessary living expenses, he went to the post office to remit it to his hometown.

At the end of the year, Lao Fu, who was working in the south, got a New Year’s bonus. He sewed him into the lining of his clothes and planned to take him back directly. After all, the remittance time was too long. Without this money during the Chinese New Year, it will not be so moisturizing.

When he arrived at the train station, the old man was confused and looked at the crowded heads in the square, and his hair was standing on end.

I finally got a train ticket after queuing all day and night, but I had to wait 36 ​​hours before I could get on the train.

In order to save money, he could only find a place in the corner of the train station and deal with it with the bread and water he brought.

When the night came, the old confused suddenly felt like a pair of snakes sliding on his body.

He woke up with a start, but saw a few vicious hooligans.

“Hand over the money! Or I’ll bleed you!”

Looking at the ugly faces in front of him, he was confused and wanted to cry without tears. He understood that he had been robbed.

Looking around, the few stranded passengers who were sleeping on the side just now slipped away early, and no one wanted to provoke such a desperado, and no one dared to stand up for justice.

“Don’t think about shouting! Tell you, when the police arrive, I will have opened a few skylights on you!”

One of the gangsters in the lead spat on the ground and shook the gang of bright switchblade knives in his hand.

After all, the old confused is only sixteen years old, and he was so frightened that he was sifted with chaff on the spot.

He fell into despair.

It’s really called the sky should not be, and the earth is not working.

Nobody can help themselves.

This gang of robbers is probably an old hand, and they are already familiar with the road. After flipping through the old confused and simple luggage a few times, they know that the money is not there. Evil smile.

“You take it out, or shall I take it out for you?” he said.

“Please, this is my New Year’s money…” The old man was reluctant to get the bonus that he usually saved and gave out during the New Year.

“You are so long-winded!”

The bandit leader pushed him down, reached out to get the money, and found that he couldn’t get it out, so he cut it open with a knife.


The crisp sound of the fabric splitting made the old confused suddenly sober up.

He didn’t know where the courage came from, and he charged with super force and slammed into the bandit leader.

The bandit leader was caught off guard and was hit with all fours in the sky.

When people are poor, money is life.

The old confused rushed out, shouting, help! Robbery!

“Stop him! Fuck this kid!”

Under the order of the bandit leader, a gangster who was chasing after Lao Dian kicked him on the buttocks and shoveled him directly to the ground.

He turned over, saw four or five gangsters with knives rushing towards him, and closed his eyes in despair…

Just as the old man was blindly closing his eyes and waiting to die, suddenly a loud shout came from not far away: “Stop! Damn it! What do you want to do!?”

Several gangsters stopped, at first thought it was a policeman, but at first glance, it was a soldier in a camouflage uniform.

Old confused and struggling, turned his head and saw the soldier.

In his words to Zhuang Yan, he remembered that stalwart and tall figure all his life. For the first time, he felt that a camouflage uniform could look so good when worn on a human body, as majestic as a god!

Seeing that the gangsters were soldiers, they relaxed.

The bandit leader said: “It’s none of your business, you stinky soldier, go away! Otherwise, you will be stabbed together!”

The soldier did not speak, and walked slowly.

Step by step……

Step by step……

Several gangsters suddenly found that they were being shocked by a huge pressure, like a huge wave of more than ten meters was slowly pressing towards them.

The bandit leader and several of his subordinates were sweating coldly.

It was the first time they saw a person who was so calm in the face of their desperadoes. Ordinary people, seeing those switchblade knives, would have been frightened to the ground, or they would have fled.

The soldier in front of them, however, walked towards them step by step, with firm footsteps and sharp eyes like knives, as if they were not holding a murder weapon, but a plastic toy that cost a dollar a pair at the toy stall around the school. .


The bandit leader swallowed.

“Fuck him!”

He has already been riding a tiger, and he can’t be cowardly in front of his own hands.

On the rivers and lakes, what is said is ruthlessness.

Be ruthless, and the people below will obey!

When the soldier saw the bandit leader, he was actually holding the knife straight, and his movements were ridiculous. It was a typical way of holding a knife for a local ruffian. He even stabbed him directly in the chest. He couldn’t help but laugh.

Isn’t this just sending it to the door to let you use your bare hands?

The soldier leaned over to pass the knife, grabbed his wrist with his left hand and twisted it, and knocked out the knife with the palm of his right hand.

The bandit leader turned pale with fright. He felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and he couldn’t lift it up. He felt dislocated.

He tried to withdraw his hand, but was firmly grasped by both hands of the soldier, and then moved to his right in one step, turning the bandit leader’s hand over his shoulder, pressing his shoulder against his elbow, and then using both hands to force Fold down –


The bandit leader made a scream like killing a pig—his hand was actually broken from the joint!

Maybe he doesn’t even know how capable the soldier in front of him is, and he doesn’t even know that this is a typical troop fighting technique–death or injury!

The soldier twisted his hand back and hit his ribs with his knees!

click –

This time, the bandit leader rolled his eyes in pain.

The soldier released his hand, and the bandit leader collapsed to the ground like a dead dog.

The whole process didn’t take three seconds…

The old confused whole person was stunned!

Of course, it wasn’t just him who was shocked, there were also a few gangsters with knives next to him.

They have never seen such a ruthless person!

I have never seen such a crazy person!

one move!

The boss is down!

“Fuck off!” the soldier said lightly.

A few gangsters leaned over tremblingly, helped the boss who had fainted, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

That night, the old confused followed the soldier all night. He even gritted his teeth and took part of his money to buy a cigarette to give to the soldier.

However, no one wants it.

Until the next day, the soldiers had to get on the bus. Before leaving, Lao Dian kept pestering others for the troop number and address, but the other party always smiled and didn’t say anything.

In the end, just tell him one sentence: “If you want to see me, then go to the army, maybe you can see me if you have the ability to join the special forces.”

After all, he left with a smile.

The old confused has never figured out what special forces are.

But there was one thing he remembered very well.

Although the soldier’s camouflage uniform had no markings on it, and had a four-bar sergeant rank, there was a white mimeograph on the small pocket on the right arm of his camouflage uniform, but it may be the reason for wear, see It looks very blurry.

“Solemnly, do you know if there is any unit’s camouflage uniform with a white ‘special’ on the right arm pocket?”

Shaking his head solemnly, he pouted and said, “Ghost knows, this is my first time serving as a soldier.”

The old confused said: “After enlisting in the army, I have been asking others. Later, a veteran told me that it was a soldier in the special brigade of the military region, and their daily training was marked with this kind of mark.”

Solemnly said: “Ah? Do you still want to go to the special team?”

The old confused said: “Why not? Let me tell you, I have already inquired about it. The special brigade occasionally recruits people in our unit. Of course, it is usually in the reconnaissance company, but for the annual competition of the army, they will also pay attention to the competition field. For the top players, generally the second and first year soldiers have a chance, and the third year soldiers have no chance…”

Zhuang Yan suddenly remembered something, stared wide-eyed and asked, “You tie sandbags to practice obstacles, and this is what you want to compete for?”

“Yeah! That’s what it means~www.mtlnovel.com~ Of course…” The old confused look dimmed a little and said, “The chance of this kind of thing is very slim, I also know that when the seventh soldier was a soldier, he was a special recruit when he was a recruit. The brigade came to us to recruit people, but they haven’t been here since, it’s been two years…”

Zhuang Yan suddenly felt that the old confused man was really ideal, not to mention that he was a little confused about shooting, but he still had a goal in his heart.

What about yourself?


It’s a bum!

He felt a little hot on his face, and his face was red.

Compared with the old confused, he seems too rotten.

“Old confused!” He patted the old confused shoulder heavily, “You will definitely succeed!”

The old man grinned, showing his white teeth, and even his smile was as simple as a stone, “Okay! On the day when it’s done, I’ll invite you to the old oil store for a good rub!”

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