Special Years

Chapter 25 - The special thinking logic of the troops

The days are getting worse and worse.

Zhuang Yan suddenly discovered that the army and the place belonged to two completely different worlds.

Not only the living conditions of the soldiers, but also the logic and thinking patterns are completely different.

Just as Niu Dali had unreasonably fined himself for an hour in the military posture that day, and solemnly out of breath, after the morning exercise, he put on the courage to go to Dadehan.

He felt that the truth was on his side.

That is Niu Dali being unreasonable.

One has to be reasonable.

His hat was blown away by the north wind. It wasn’t because of his relaxed military posture that he fell, so Niu Dali shouldn’t give him extra time.

What depresses him the most is that Niu Dali didn’t even listen to the explanation and didn’t give himself a chance.

When he opened his mouth to explain, he added five minutes to the time.

It is simply unreasonable!

“Report to the platoon leader!”

After breakfast, before the others came back, he solemnly found Dedeham who was brushing his teeth by the ditch.

With his mouth full of toothpaste bubbles, Dedeham looked up at Majestic, lowered his head to brush his teeth, and asked vaguely, “What’s the matter with me?”

Zhuang Yan brewed his emotions for a while, and then gathered up the courage to tell himself how Niu Dali, the leader of the fifth squad, gave himself overtime indiscriminately on the training ground this morning.

Dedeham buried his head and listened to the solemn and indignant narration. He rinsed his mouth with the last sip of water in the jar with resistance, and spit it into the gutter. Only then did he stand up.

“Are you full for breakfast?”


Dedeham pointed to the row room and said, “Go.”

Zhuang Yan said in surprise, “Where are you going?”

“Go to the row house, pack your backpack, and carry it on your back,” said Deadham, “and give me a run along the five-kilometer route in the morning!”

Having said that, he placed the jar heavily on the stone beside him.


The enamel vat made a crisp sound, and the solemn heart almost popped out of his throat.

“I think you’re just too full! You’re full! Now pack me a backpack and run a five-kilometer run!”

Zhuang Yan was immediately frightened by Dai Dehan. He knew that Lao Dai was very powerful, how dare he talk more, he ran into the row room, packed his backpack, and started running along the usual five-kilometer cross-country dirt road.

“Platoon leader, solemnly…”

When Yin Xiancong returned to the row house, he happened to see the solemn figure disappearing into the distance.

Dedeham said: “He complained to me just now, saying that Niu Dali punished him for no reason when he stood in the military posture in the morning, so he wanted to come to me to find justice. I first asked him to run five kilometers to sober up.”

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Yin Xiancong: “The fourth squad leader, it’s not me who told you that you should go to the military academy and review it quickly, but the management of your own class should not be neglected. These recruits have just entered the army from the local area, and many things will happen. If you don’t adapt, if something goes wrong, you and I are both responsible.”

Yin Xiancong blushed and nodded: “Yes, platoon leader, I see.”

Dai Dehan reached out and patted Yin Xiancong’s shoulder and said, “This batch of soldiers is the first batch with the largest number over the years. Our division is competing with the 3rd division for the formation of the quick reaction force, so the training level of the soldiers this year is particularly important.”

“It’s not just that our division is competing with the 3rd division, but now all regiments, battalions, companies and even platoons are competing. Whoever leads this group of soldiers and has outstanding achievements will be rewarded for meritorious deeds.”

“I’m a straight person, so I won’t go around the corner. I’m new here, I need grades, you need to go to a military academy, and you also need materials for meritorious awards in the file. I’ve figured it out. With our level, there is no reason to lose to other platoons. ,right?”

Yin Xiancong nodded vigorously and said, “Yes!”

Dedham added, “I heard that this kid Zhuang Yan’s foot is hurt?”

Yin Xiancong said, “Yes, I took it to the battalion headquarters a few days ago, but it doesn’t seem to have much effect.”

Dedeham thought for a while and said, “If it’s really hurt, you, the squad leader, need to be careful…”

Having said that, he stopped talking and looked in the direction of solemn departure.

“Although Zhuang Yan is a little squeamish, he has a stubborn temper, which I like.”

Yin Xiancong smiled: “Platoon leader, you didn’t say that because he was your hometown, did you?”

Dai Dehan rolled his eyes and snorted: “Who is Cheng Hao? He is also my fellow countryman, what do you think about him? We are soldiers, we are talking about people from all over the world, and on the battlefield, our comrades can help you. Do the people who stop bullets rely only on fellow villagers?”


When Zhuang Yan ran back to the barracks door panting with his backpack on his back, everyone else went to the training ground, only Deadham was standing there.

“Time is too slow!”

Dedeham looked at the stopwatch in his hand and shook his head several times.

“It’s been 31 minutes, solemn, believe it or not, I can jump five kilometers on one foot faster than you?”

Zhuang Yan was at a loss for words, a warm current rushed to his throat, he turned his head, and spit it out.

Dedeham looked at Zhuang Yan and spit a few mouthfuls, and then said, “Don’t stand still, walk around, move around, you will feel more uncomfortable if you stop all of a sudden.”

Majestic straightened up, threw away the backpack~www.mtlnovel.com~ and circled in place.

Dedeham asked: “Are you not convinced again? Think I’m partial to the fifth squad leader?”

This time, Zhuang Yan has behaved well, so he doesn’t dare to talk much, so he just doesn’t say anything.

In my heart, I was thinking, anyway, it’s all of you who have the final say, there are many mistakes, why should I say it?

Dedham seemed to have guessed the solemn thought and said, “You can speak freely, and I promise not to punish you again.”

Zhuang Yan stopped and looked at Dadeham with suspicion.

Dedeham said, “Don’t be so dawdling, just say what you say. Soldiers don’t tell lies!”

Only then did Zhuang Yan feel relieved, and said, “You are partial to him. You have to be reasonable, don’t you? No matter how good I stand, I can’t control the wind. Why did you punish me for the hat that was blown off by the wind?!”

“That’s your logic. If you are in the local area, your words make sense, but here is the army!” Deadham said solemnly: “You may still use the local thinking logic to look at the army, let me come I tell you, this is a big mistake!”

Zhuang Yan refused to accept: “My mother said that nothing in the world can escape a word of reason! Reason goes all over the world!”

Deadham smiled coldly and said: “The army is a very special place, this is not a court, there is no debate, there are only orders, even if the order is wrong, you have the right to reserve your opinion, but you must implement it instead of Go and contradict your superior! He is your squad leader and your superior! There is no reason to speak here, and there is no humane to speak of, the army is for training combat personnel, not for training lawyers! Understand?”

Zhuang Yan was stunned, his lips moved habitually, but he found in his heart that what Dedeham said seemed to be right, and he couldn’t refute it at all.

Oh shit!

This unit is not a place for reason!

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